A. Jamshidbeik; M. Kalantari; F. Shakebai
Volume 21, Issue 1 , June 2014, , Pages 175-186
The purpose of this study was to investigation the efficacy of group cognitive-behavioral therapy with TADS method and its comparison with pharmacotherapy in the treatment of 14-17 year-old girl adolescents depression in Isfahan. Accordingly, in an empirical study with a control group and the evaluation ...
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The purpose of this study was to investigation the efficacy of group cognitive-behavioral therapy with TADS method and its comparison with pharmacotherapy in the treatment of 14-17 year-old girl adolescents depression in Isfahan. Accordingly, in an empirical study with a control group and the evaluation as a pre-test, post-test and follow-up of 27 girl adolescents with diagnosis of depression were selected and they were divided into three groups in random method: TADS, pharmacotherapy and control group. The subjects of TADS experimental group have received a TADS cognitive-behavioral therapy in a period of twelve sessions in partnership with parents. The subjects of pharmacotherapy groups have received depression treatment (fluoxetine) in the course of 2 months. While the control group have not received the intervention and were put in the waiting list and after two month all three groups were followed up. The subjects of three groups were evaluated with the use of the Structured Clinical Interview for Disorders of Axis I (SCID-I) and revised Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II). Data were analyzed with the use of one-way analysis of variance with statistical software SPSS20. Results indicated that TADS cognitive therapy program decrease depression more effective than pharmacotherapy significantly (P<0.01). On the basis of the results of the post hoc Tukey test, experimental action effect was stable. (P<0.01). Finally, it is suggested that the group cognitive therapy used in a TADS method as one of the effective intervention methods to reduce depression in adolescents.