Hemmat nourali; Alireza Hajiyakhchali; Manizheh shehniyailagh; Gholamhosien Maktabi
Introduction Teaching the skills and strategies of emotional regulation can be influential in individuals' adjustment and can function as a preventive factor in the relationship between background factors and adjustment. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of teaching the cognitive regulation ...
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Introduction Teaching the skills and strategies of emotional regulation can be influential in individuals' adjustment and can function as a preventive factor in the relationship between background factors and adjustment. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of teaching the cognitive regulation of emotion strategies on social adjustment and well being of male students in gifted junior high schools in Ahvaz. Method The study employed a quasi-experimental with a pretest-posttest design including a two-month interval follow-up. The research population included all male students from gifted junior high schools in Ahvaz, in the academic year of 2016-2017 (n = 538). Data was collected through multi-stage cluster sampling. From a list, 30 students who possessed the criterion to enter the study were selected and randomly assigned to experimental or control group. The research instruments included theSinha and Singh's Adjustment Inventory for High School Students Questionnaire, Granefski and Kraaij Emotion Regulation Questionnaire and Kaplan and Maher's School Well-Being Questionnaire. Both groups underwent a pretest, posttest and a two- month follow-up. In implementing the treatment, the experimental group received instruction on the skills of cognitive regulation of emotion for 20 hours in 10 sessions, while the control group received no instruction. Results The results of mixed ANOVA indicated that teaching the cognitive regulation of emotion strategies had affected the academic, emotional and social adjustment, as well as school wellbeing of the students from gifted junior high schools in Ahvaz. In addition, results indicated that in the posttest and the follow up, there were significant differences between the experimental and control groups in the degree of academic, emotional and social adjustments, as well as school wellbeing. Discussion Based on the findings, it can be concluded that teaching the skills of cognitive regulation of emotion can be employed as a useful intervention method to enhance adjustment (emotional, social and academic) and also school wellbeing, leading to a higher efficacy of students with adjustment and behavioral problems.
A. R. Mottahedi; N. Behroozi; M. Shehni Yailagh; S. Hashemi Sheykhshabani
Volume 20, Issue 2 , December 2013, , Pages 39-68
The present study was conducted with the purpose of predicting group membership of academic giftedness and ordinariness in first grade high school students, using variables such as academic motivation, goal orientation, emotional intelligence, metacognition, direction strategies, deep approach to study, ...
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The present study was conducted with the purpose of predicting group membership of academic giftedness and ordinariness in first grade high school students, using variables such as academic motivation, goal orientation, emotional intelligence, metacognition, direction strategies, deep approach to study, self-efficacy, academic adjustment and personality traits. Nine questionnaires used in this study were: 1- Inventory of School Motivation (ISM) 2- Academic Goal Orientation (AGOR) 3- Schutte Emotional Intelligence (SSEIT) 4- Metacognition Awareness Inventory (MAI) 5- Inventory of Learning Style (ILS) 6- The Approaches to Study Inventory (ASI) 7- The Patterns of Adaptive Learning Study (PALS) 8- Adjustment Inventory for School Students (AISS) 9- NEO-FFI. To carry out the study, two samples consisting of 178 ordinary male and female high school students together with 135 gifted male and female high school students were randomly selected. To test the hypotheses and predict groups’ membership, discriminant analysis was used. Using the Enter method, the result showed that the difference between the two groups of gifted and ordinary students was significant. Using Stepwise method, effective variables were: 1- external direction 2- metacognitive regulation 3- appraisal and expression of emotion 4- deep approach to study 5- performance goal orientation 6- academic adjustment 7- intrinsic motivation 8- conscientiousness 9- neuroticism 10- avoidance performance goal orientation. Besides, when the variables were separately used to predict groups membership, variables such as performance goal orientation, avoidance performance goal orientation, appraisal and expression of emotion, metacognitive regulation, external direction, deep approach to study, academic adjustment, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness to experience remained significant.
S. Zafari; A. Hajiyakhchali; M. Shehniyailagh
Volume 20, Issue 1 , June 2013, , Pages 19-38
The present study investigated the relationship of some of the important antecedents (social status, social responsibility goal, feeling of school belonging, social efficacy with peer and social efficacy with teacher) with social goal orientation components of female 4th grade high school students in ...
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The present study investigated the relationship of some of the important antecedents (social status, social responsibility goal, feeling of school belonging, social efficacy with peer and social efficacy with teacher) with social goal orientation components of female 4th grade high school students in Ahwaz. The population of this study consisted of female high school students (1390-91) in Ahwaz. The sample of this study comprised of 300 female four-grade students who were selected randomly by multi-stage random sampling method. The instruments for collecting data consisted of Social Achievement Goals, Social Responsibility Goal, Social Status Goal, School Belonging, Social Efficacy with Peers, and Social Efficacy with Teacher Scales. Results of Canonical Analysis showed that linear combination of predictive variables (social status, social responsibility goal, sense of school belonging, social efficacy with teacher and social efficacy with peer) with a linear combination of social goal orientation components (mastery, performance-approach and performance-avoidance) is associated. The regression analysis also revealed that social status, social efficacy with peer and social responsibility goal have important roles in predicting social mastery goal. The Results also revealed that social status, social efficacy with teacher and social responsibility goal have important roles in predicting social performance-approach goal. Also, social status and social efficacy with peer have important roles in predicting social performance-avoidance goal.
A. Talebpour; A. Nassi; M. Mehrabizadeh Honarmand; M. Shehni Yailagh; S. Bassaknejad
Volume 20, Issue 1 , June 2013, , Pages 61-78
This study evaluated the efficacy of group parent-child- interaction therapy with mother – alone and mother-child particpants, in reducing symptoms of separation anxiety disorder. The statistical population was male students from 7 to 9 year-old with separation anxiety disorder studing in primary ...
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This study evaluated the efficacy of group parent-child- interaction therapy with mother – alone and mother-child particpants, in reducing symptoms of separation anxiety disorder. The statistical population was male students from 7 to 9 year-old with separation anxiety disorder studing in primary schools of Isfahan. They were diagnosed as having separation anxiety disorder at the epidemiological study stage. Therefore, among all of them 45 cases were randomly selected and divided into 3 groups (two experimental and one control group). The experimental method with pretest-posttest and followed up with a control group design was used. Espada et al Separation Anxiety Inventory and clinical interview for assessment of children were used. Experimental groups (including mothers with their children's and mothers alone) were treated in 10 sessions based on parent-child interaction therapy. After the intervention, separation anxiety was measured in three groups (experimental and control group). After 8 weeks, the follow-up tests were administered. The Results of covariance analysis and follow up Bonferni test indicates a significant difference was between separation anxiety in experimental groups and control group. The effect of treatment was maintaines 8 weeks later.
Z. Morovati; M. Shehni Yailagh; M. Mehrabizadeh Honarmand; F. Kianpoor Ghahfarokhi
Volume 20, Issue 1 , June 2013, , Pages 91-122
The purpose of the present study was to examine the casual relationship between perceived constructive learning environment and mathematics performance with mediating role of intrinsic goal orientation, task value, attitude toward mathematics and mathematics self-efficacy of male junior high school students ...
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The purpose of the present study was to examine the casual relationship between perceived constructive learning environment and mathematics performance with mediating role of intrinsic goal orientation, task value, attitude toward mathematics and mathematics self-efficacy of male junior high school students in Ahvaz. The population in this study was all of the students who are studying in 1388-89 academic year. From this population 300 students were selected using multi-stage random sampling method. The research instruments were Constructivist Learning Environment Survey (CLES), Mathematics Self-Efficacy Survey, Attitude toward Mathematics Inventory (ATMI), and Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). The proposed model of the relationships between variables was tested using structural equation modeling. According to the results, the proposed model had an acceptable fitness regarding the fitness indices. Other results revealed that perceived constructive learning environment had direct relationship with mathematics performance, and was indirectly related, through intrinsic goal orientation, task value, attitude toward mathematics and mathematics self efficacy, to mathematics performance. There was no direct relationship between attitude toward mathematics and mathematics self-efficacy.
S. Heidari; Gh. Maktabi; M. Shehni Yailagh
Volume 19, Issue 1 , June 2012, , Pages 43-62
The objective of the present study was comparing attribution styles and self-handicapping of the successful and unsuccessful female high school students in Ahvaz, controlling for their intelligence. The sample of successful and unsuccessful students consisted of 50 high school students each, who were ...
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The objective of the present study was comparing attribution styles and self-handicapping of the successful and unsuccessful female high school students in Ahvaz, controlling for their intelligence. The sample of successful and unsuccessful students consisted of 50 high school students each, who were selected randomly by multi-stage sampling method. The instruments used in this study were the Attribution Styles Questionnaire (ASQ) of Seligman and Sing, Self-Handicapping Questionnaire (SHS) of Rhodewalt, Raven Standard Progressive Matrices and the grade point average of the students. Also, MANCOVA test was used for analyzing the data. The result of MANCOVA revealed that there was significant differences between successful and unsuccessful students᾽ attribution styles (and its subscales). Also, negative attribution style of the unsuccessful students was more than that of successful group, but positive attribution style of the successful group was more than that of unsuccessful students. In addition, self-handicapping of the unsuccessful students was more than that of successful students for the total scale of self-handicapping. Finally, the "Claimed" and "Behavioral Self-Handicapping" subscales of the unsuccessful students were more than that of successful group
S. Allipour Birgani; G.H. Maktabi; M. Shehni Yailagh; N. Mofradnejad
Volume 18, Issue 2 , December 2011, , Pages 135-154
The purpose of this study was to investigale the relationship of personality traits with academic self-handicapping and the comparison of parenting styles in terms of the later variable in the third grade of high school students in Behbahan. Statistical population included the third- grade high school ...
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The purpose of this study was to investigale the relationship of personality traits with academic self-handicapping and the comparison of parenting styles in terms of the later variable in the third grade of high school students in Behbahan. Statistical population included the third- grade high school boys and girls in academic year of 1389-1390. 353 students were selected from this population by multistage random sampling method, including 175 boys and 178 girls. Academic self handicapping questionnaire, parenting style questionnaire and NEO personality questionnaire were used to measure variables of the study. Statistical methods of one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple regressions (Enter and Stepwise) were used for data analysis. ANOVA results indicated that there were significant differences between parenting styles in regard of academic self handicapping. The results of multiple regression analysis by enter method showed that 16% of the academic self handicapping variance was explained by personality variables. Also result of multivariate regression analysis by stepwise method showed that neuroticism and openness to experience were able to predict academic self handicapping.
Rajab Ali Mohammadzadeh Admolaie; Manijah Shehni Yailagh; Mahnaz Mehrabizadeh Honarmand
The purpose of the present research was to compare four groups of Shahid Chamran University’s male students with different learning styles in terms of personality traits, achievement motivation and academic performance. To this end, 300 students were selected by multi-stage random sampling method, ...
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The purpose of the present research was to compare four groups of Shahid Chamran University’s male students with different learning styles in terms of personality traits, achievement motivation and academic performance. To this end, 300 students were selected by multi-stage random sampling method, and the research questionnaires were completed by them. The results indicate that four groups of students with different learning styles were different, regarding to personality traits, achievement motivation and academic performance. Other findings showed that there were significant differences between four groups of students with different learning styles in terms of extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness and conscientiousness, but in terms of neuroticism there was no difference between the different groups of students. In addition, students with accommodative learning style were more extraverted and open to experience than students with convergent learning style. Also, students with divergent learning style were higher in openness to experience, than students with convergent learning style, but also lower in assimilative learning style. Students with assimilative learning style were higher in agreeableness and conscientiousness than the convergent and divergent groups. More findings revealed that students with convergent learning style were higher in achievement motivation and academic performance than accommodative and divergent groups.
H Shokrkon; N. Arshadi; M. Shehni Yailagh; J. Haghighi
A model of the precedents and outcomes of work motivation was developed and tested with survey responses from 652 employees of National Iranian South Oil Company in Ahvaz region, Iran. The variables in the model were arranged in five layers, which included: 1) distal precursors of motivation (motivational ...
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A model of the precedents and outcomes of work motivation was developed and tested with survey responses from 652 employees of National Iranian South Oil Company in Ahvaz region, Iran. The variables in the model were arranged in five layers, which included: 1) distal precursors of motivation (motivational traits, procedural constraints and job goal difficulty), 2) proximal precursors (Islamic work ethic, pay satisfaction, basic psychological needs, self-efficacy, job characteristics and job security), 3) work motivation variable, 4) proximal outcomes (job satisfaction, organizational commitment, job involvement, effort and turnover intention), and 5) distal outcomes of motivation (job performance and job stress). Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM) through AMOS-7 and SPSS-15 software packages were used for data analysis. The results of the hypothesized CFA model indicated that the relationship between each indicator variable and its respective latent variable was statistically significant. On the basis of the overall model fit indices, findings indicated that the revision of the hypothesized structural model was warranted. Better fit and more meaningful results were obtained by developing optimal model. The implementation of χ2 difference test had also indicated the improvement trend of the final model. Implications for designing work motivation systems are discussed.