Exceptional Children Psychology
Dehghani Mohamad Hossein; Salar Faramarzi; Khosro Ramezani
Specific learning disorders are one of the most common learning problems of students in elementary school, which psychologically have an adverse effect on these children. Specific learning disorders are a type of chronic problem with a neurological and developmental basis that generally starts in the ...
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Specific learning disorders are one of the most common learning problems of students in elementary school, which psychologically have an adverse effect on these children. Specific learning disorders are a type of chronic problem with a neurological and developmental basis that generally starts in the early stages of development, i.e. before school age, and continues until adulthood if not properly addressed. The purpose of this study was to investigate the development of a parenting training package for children with specific learning disorders based on the lived experience of parents and to compare its effect with Barclay's parenting training on the psychological well-being of parents, psychological resilience, social adjustment, and academic performance of students.MethodThe research method was semi-experimental with a pre-test, post-test, and follow-up design with two experimental groups and a control group. The statistical population of the present study included two groups, in the qualitative part including all parents of children with special learning disorders and in the quantitative part including all mothers of students with special learning disorders in Abadeh city. For the qualitative part of the research, the interviews were continued until the theoretical saturation of information, and the interviews with 10 parents were at saturation level. Purposive sampling method was used to select people for interview. In the implementation of the research, sampling was done as available. Based on this, 45 mothers with special learning disorder students were selected, and 15 were randomly assigned to the experimental group (parenting training package), 15 to the experimental group (Barclay's parenting training), and 15 to the control group. The parenting training package created by the researcher was implemented for the parents of the first experimental group (in8 sessions of 90 minutes) and Barclay's parenting training (in 8 sessions of 90 minutes). The measurement tools included Riff's psychological well-being questionnaire (2002), Connor-Davidson psychological resilience questionnaire (2003), Bell's social adjustment questionnaire (1961), Pham and Taylor's academic performance questionnaire (1999). To inferential analysis of the data, the statistical methods of multivariate analysis of variance and analysis of variance with repeated measurements were used. ResultsThe results showed that there was a significant difference between the impact of the two parenting training methods developed by the researcher and Barclay's parenting training on social adjustment and academic performance among mothers with children with specific learning disorders, while there was a significant difference between the impact of the two mentioned methods on mental well-being and there was no significant difference in mental resilience.DiscussionParenting training package and Barkley parenting training had a significant effect on improving psychological well-being, psychological resilience, social adjustment, and academic performance among mothers with children with specific learning disabilities. The discussion about comparing the effectiveness of parenting training package and Barclay parenting training on mental resilience, social adaptation, and academic performance among mothers with children with special learning disorders showed that there is a significant difference between the effectiveness of the two parenting training package methods. Barclay's parenting training influenced social adaptation and academic performance among mothers with children with specific learning disabilities, while there is no significant difference between the two mentioned methods on psychological resilience. Based on the results of the follow-up test, the parenting training package developed by the researcher had a greater impact on improving social adaptation and academic performance.
parvin kadivar; marzieh aghamirli; susan emamipour
Method: The research method was correlation with structured equation modeling. Among all the secondary school students of the eleventh grade, who were studying in Tehran in 2017-18, 500 students were selected through multistage cluster random sampling. FAM and Taylor's (1999) academic performance, Martin ...
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Method: The research method was correlation with structured equation modeling. Among all the secondary school students of the eleventh grade, who were studying in Tehran in 2017-18, 500 students were selected through multistage cluster random sampling. FAM and Taylor's (1999) academic performance, Martin and Marsh (2006) academic buoyancy, Diperna and Elliott's (1999) academic competency assessment, Pekran, Goetz, Titz and Perry's (2005) academic excitement, social support of peers Biodery, Sharp and Otis (2008) and the social support of peers Persido and Heller (1983) were administered on students.Results: Based on the model presented, teacher's social support and buoyancy was mediated by competency and academic excitement. But this relationship was not approved for peer support. Peer support was directly related to academic buoyancy. However, academic performance variable was explained as R^2 =65% and buoyancy variable as R^2=30%. Direct, indirect coefficients and the total effect of the variables showed that the teacher's social support had the greatest total effect (0.60), student's academic competence (0.47) effect on student's academic performance; negative academic excitement (0.44) has an effect on academic performance; positive academic performance; positive academic emotions showed the least effect (0.15) on academic performance. Students' academic competence has the greatest effect on students' buoyancy (-0.54), academic competence (0.30), peer social support (0.27), positive emotions (0.26) and negative emotions (0.22). In other words, increasing academic competence or academic excitement or social support of the teacher towards its standard deviation causes a direct effect of 0.65 on students' academic performance.
Majid Dolatkhah; Mohammad Ali Mohammadyfar; Ali Akbar Aaminbeidokhti; mahmood najafi
Introduction The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of the school success program and stress management on self-efficacy, involvement, burnout and academic performance of students in district 1 of Ahvaz city. The school's success program is a preventive program based on a multidimensional ...
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Introduction The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of the school success program and stress management on self-efficacy, involvement, burnout and academic performance of students in district 1 of Ahvaz city. The school's success program is a preventive program based on a multidimensional therapeutic and corrective approach, and it focuses on increasing academic success and self-esteem, self-concept, self-efficacy, feeling relaxation at school, self-centered and school-oriented attitudes and goal oriented. Stress is a risk factor for health. Several studies have shown that students with high stress have raised more complaints at both physical and mental health levels. Students with high stress tend to perceive exams as hazardous or threatening in comparison with students with low stress. The sample was all male high school students in the first grade of the district one of Ahvaz city in the year 2017-2018. Method The statistical population of this study was all first-year high school students in the first grade of Ahvaz city, district one in 2017-2018. From this statistical population, a sample of 270 participants was selected through cluster random sampling. After performing a pre-test, 60 students were randomly assigned to all the first grade students and assigned to two experimental groups (each group with 20 participants) and one control group (20 participants). The present study included a pilot study with pre-test and post-test with a control group. The self-efficacy questionnaire (Morgan), academic involvememnt questionnaire (Zerang), academic burnout (Bersu et al.), and academic performance of students (the mean scores of academic grades in both the first and second academic semester) were used to measure the variables. School success and stress management interventions were considered for 10 sessions, (each session was two hours). Results Multivariate analysis of variance showed that success styles interventions and stress management increased self-efficacy, academic involvement and academic performance, while reducing academic burnout. Succeeding in school can play an important role in students' education. Discussion The two types of training can be used as complementary or supplementary programs to improve academic performance. This success method can play an important role in student education as it is in complete concordance with students' target learning activities.
Morteza Omidian; Shadi Ahmadi; Samaneh Asadi
The purpose of this study was to investigate the causal relationship of mindfulness, creativity and academic performance with well-being, with mediating role of psychological problems in university students. The method used in this study was correlational, the path analysis. Participants in this research ...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the causal relationship of mindfulness, creativity and academic performance with well-being, with mediating role of psychological problems in university students. The method used in this study was correlational, the path analysis. Participants in this research were all undergraduate students of Yazd University, from whom 370 stucdent were randomly selected. The instruments used in this research were, Mental Health Test, for measuring well-being and problems, the Mindfulness Questionnaire, Creativity Test, and grade-point average of the final semester. After distributing the questionnaires and collecting the required data, analysis was performed. The results showed that the designed model was well fited to the data, and the causal relationships between mindfulness, well-being, creativity and psychological well-being were significant. Also, the direct causal relationship between academic performance and psychological well-being was significant, but the direct relationship between academic performance and psychological problems was not significant. The indirect causal relationship of creativity and mindfulness to well-being, through psychological problems, was significant, but the causal relationship of academic performance to well-being through psychological problems was not significant. The results were discussed with respect to the research and theoretical perspectives.
The main purpose of the present study was to investigate the mediating role of identity style and identity commitment on the relationship between positive and negative perfectionism and academic performance. A sample of two hundred and seventy-three unpaid students (135 females and 138 males), aged between ...
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The main purpose of the present study was to investigate the mediating role of identity style and identity commitment on the relationship between positive and negative perfectionism and academic performance. A sample of two hundred and seventy-three unpaid students (135 females and 138 males), aged between 14 and 18 years old (15.77±1.01 years), were selected randomly through multi-stage sampling method in Amol, Iran. All participants were asked to complete the Identity Style Inventory (ISI-3), and Positive and Negative Perfectionism Scale (PANPS). The grade-point average of students was an objective index for academic performance. Using path analysis, the results showed that positive perfectionism had positive direct effect on informative and normative identity styles, identity commitment, and academic performance. However, its direct effect on diffuse-avoidant identity style was negative. Negative perfectionism had positive direct effect on diffuse-avoidant identity style, and negative direct effect on informative identity style and identity commitment. Positive perfectionism, via mediating the informational, normative and diffuse-avoidant identity styles and commitment, had positive effect on academic performance. Negative perfectionism, via mediating the informative and diffuse-avoidant identity styles and commitment, had negative effect on academic performance.
Askar Atash Afrouz
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the causal relationship between the intelligence beliefs and academic performance with the mediating roles of achievement goals and learning strategies in male junior high school students in Ahvaz. The population of this study consisted of the students ...
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The purpose of the present study was to investigate the causal relationship between the intelligence beliefs and academic performance with the mediating roles of achievement goals and learning strategies in male junior high school students in Ahvaz. The population of this study consisted of the students studying in the 1389-90 academic year. From this population, 592 students were selected as samples using the multi-phase random sampling method. The research instruments in this study were the Implicit Theories of Intelligence Scale (ITIS), the Patterns of Adaptive Learning Scales (PALS) and the Motivational Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). Evaluation of the proposed model was done through path analysis using AMOS-16 software. The indirect relationships were tested by using the bootstrapping procedure in Preacher and Hayes’ Macro command. The proposed model was fit regarding the fitness indices. By drawing a path between “approach goal” and “mastery goal”, a good level of fitness with the data was obtained. Results showed that the intelligence beliefs are directly and indirectly (through achievement goals) associated with academic performance. Also, the achievement goals have directly and indirectly (through learning strategies) been associated with academic performance. Furthermore, the relationship between learning strategies and academic performance was also positive.
N. Behroozi; K. Beshlideh; S.M. Rasooli
Volume 18, Issue 2 , December 2011, , Pages 155-180
The aim of this research was to specify the causal relationships of IQ and fluid intelligence with academic performance, mediated by personality traits and learning approaches of female students in sophemore and junior high school students of Azna. The sample consisted of 260 students who were selected ...
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The aim of this research was to specify the causal relationships of IQ and fluid intelligence with academic performance, mediated by personality traits and learning approaches of female students in sophemore and junior high school students of Azna. The sample consisted of 260 students who were selected by simple random method. In this research, the students completed Personal Information Questionnaire, Raven Intelligence Test, Fluid Intelligence Test, the abbreviated version of the Big Five Personality Inventory and the Study Process Questionnaire. The academic performance of students was the average of their final exams of that year. The statistical method was structural equation modeling. The results showed that the proposed model fitted the data and that direct paths from IQ to academic performance and from agreeableness to academic performance was positive and significant. Direct paths from deep learning approach to academic performance and from IQ to deep learning approach was positive and significant. Direct paths from IQ to openness and from IQ to agreeableness was also positive and significant. The mediating role of personality traits and deep learning approach was also confirmed. The indirect effect of IQ on academic performance through openness to experience and deep learning approach was significant and positive. The indirect effect of IQ on academic performance through conscientiousness was also significant and positive. The indirect effect of IQ on academic performance through agreeableness was also significant and positive and the indirect effect of fluid intelligence on academic performance through conscientiousness was also significant and positive.
M. Shehni Yailagh; S. M. Golestaneh; J. Haghighi; A. Neisi; F. Kianpoor Ghahfarokhi
Volume 17, Issue 1 , June 2010, , Pages 1-32
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of academic motivation training on cognitive-adaptive/maladaptive, and behavioral-adaptive/maladaptive motivational dimensions and academic performance of second grade male high school students. Academic motivation training (during 16 instructional ...
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The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of academic motivation training on cognitive-adaptive/maladaptive, and behavioral-adaptive/maladaptive motivational dimensions and academic performance of second grade male high school students. Academic motivation training (during 16 instructional sessions) was independent variable and cognitive-adaptive motivational dimension (self efficacy, valuing and mastery orientation), behavioral-adaptive motivational dimension (persistence, planning and task management), cognitive-maladaptive motivational dimension (failure avoidance, uncertain control and anxiety), behavioral-maladaptive motivational dimension (disengagement and self handicapping) and academic performance were dependent variables. The present study was an experimental design with pretest-posttest and control group. The instruments of this study include the Motivation and Engagement Scale - High School (MES-HS) of Martin, Self-Regulated Learning Strategies (SLRS) of Zimmerman and Martinez-Pons, and Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) of Eccles. The sample consisted of 60 second grade male high school students (2008-2009), who were selected randomly by multi-stage sampling method. The results of MANCOVA showed that academic motivation training caused significant improvement in students' self efficacy, valuing, mastery orientation, persistent, task management and academic performance. Also, the results indicatd that academic motivation training caused significant decrease in students' anxiety, failure avoidance and uncertain control. But, there was no significant improvement in students' planning, self handicapping and disengagement.
Rajab Ali Mohammadzadeh Admolaie; Manijah Shehni Yailagh; Mahnaz Mehrabizadeh Honarmand
The purpose of the present research was to compare four groups of Shahid Chamran University’s male students with different learning styles in terms of personality traits, achievement motivation and academic performance. To this end, 300 students were selected by multi-stage random sampling method, ...
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The purpose of the present research was to compare four groups of Shahid Chamran University’s male students with different learning styles in terms of personality traits, achievement motivation and academic performance. To this end, 300 students were selected by multi-stage random sampling method, and the research questionnaires were completed by them. The results indicate that four groups of students with different learning styles were different, regarding to personality traits, achievement motivation and academic performance. Other findings showed that there were significant differences between four groups of students with different learning styles in terms of extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness and conscientiousness, but in terms of neuroticism there was no difference between the different groups of students. In addition, students with accommodative learning style were more extraverted and open to experience than students with convergent learning style. Also, students with divergent learning style were higher in openness to experience, than students with convergent learning style, but also lower in assimilative learning style. Students with assimilative learning style were higher in agreeableness and conscientiousness than the convergent and divergent groups. More findings revealed that students with convergent learning style were higher in achievement motivation and academic performance than accommodative and divergent groups.
A. Aboighasemi
This study was carried out to investigate the simple and multiple relationships between student stressors, religious attitudes and academic performance. The sample consisted of 511 (male and female) students who were selected randomly from the different deparements of Mohaghegh Ardabili University, iran. ...
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This study was carried out to investigate the simple and multiple relationships between student stressors, religious attitudes and academic performance. The sample consisted of 511 (male and female) students who were selected randomly from the different deparements of Mohaghegh Ardabili University, iran. The instruments used in this research consisted of Student Stressors Questionniare and Religious Attitude Inventory. The results showed that there was a negative relationship between student stressors and academic performance among the students with high (r=-.33), average (r=-.31) and low (r—-.59) religious attitudes. Also, the results of multiple regression showed that multiple correlation coefficients of the student stressors (predictive variables) with academic performance (criterion variable) among the students with high (MR=.336), average (MR=.334) and low (MR = .661) religious attitudes were more than simple correlations. Multiple correlation coefficients of the student stressors with academic performance among the female (MR=.535) and male (MR=.436) students were larger than simple correlations.
This study was carried out to investigate the simple and multiple relationships between student stressors, religious attitudes and academic performance. The sample consisted of 511 (male and female) students who were selected randomly from the different deparements of Mohaghegh Ardabili University, iran. The instruments used in this research consisted of Student Stressors Questionniare and Religious Attitude Inventory. The results showed that there was a negative relationship between student stressors and academic performance among the students with high (r=-.33), average (r=-.31) and low (r—-.59) religious attitudes. Also, the results of multiple regression showed that multiple correlation coefficients of the student stressors (predictive variables) with academic performance (criterion variable) among the students with high (MR=.336), average (MR=.334) and low (MR = .661) religious attitudes were more than simple correlations. Multiple correlation coefficients of the student stressors with academic performance among the female (MR=.535) and male (MR=.436) students were larger than simple correlations.
A.R. Haji-yakhchali; J. Haghighi; H. Shokrkon
The purpose of this research was to investigate the simple and multiple relationships of important antecedents of mastery goal orientation and its relationship with academic performance of first grade boy students at Ahvaz high schools. In this study, positive self- esteem, social responsibility goal, ...
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The purpose of this research was to investigate the simple and multiple relationships of important antecedents of mastery goal orientation and its relationship with academic performance of first grade boy students at Ahvaz high schools. In this study, positive self- esteem, social responsibility goal, school belonging, positive attitudes toward education, perceptions of teacher’s and parent’s mastery goals were considered as antecedental variables and mastery goal orientations as the criterion variable. Also, mastery goal orientation is considered as the independent variable and academic performance as the dependent variable. The research sample consisted of 360 first grade boy students studying at Altvaz high schools in the academic year of 2000-2001. The sample was selected by a random multistage sampling method. The measurement of variables was done by some of the scales of the patterns of adaptive learning scales, and some other scales. The results of this research indicate that there are significant positive relationships between all antecedent variables and mastery goal orientation. There was also a multiple correlation between all antecedent variables and mastery goal orientation. Also, mastery goal orientation had a significant positive relationship with academic performance.
J. Haghigi; M. Mehrabiiadeh Honarmand; T. Zandi
The aim of this study was to determine the relationship of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs with school anxiety. (test anxiety, lack of confidence, lack of assertiveness, and physiological reactions) and academic performance of secondaiy school students of Izeh. In tlis study 311 student (156 ...
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The aim of this study was to determine the relationship of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs with school anxiety. (test anxiety, lack of confidence, lack of assertiveness, and physiological reactions) and academic performance of secondaiy school students of Izeh. In tlis study 311 student (156 boys and 155 girls) were selected via simple raiidom sampling. The hypotheses of the study maintained simple and multiple relationships between Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and school anxiety as well as academic performance. To verify the hypotheses, “Questonnaire of Hierarchy of Needs”, Phlip’s School Anxiety Scale, students’ academic performance marks (grades), and a short questionnaire to record the students’ socio-economic status were used. The findings, confirming the hypotheses, indicated that, after controlling for the effect of socio-economic status, there still are constant, significant relationships between “Needs” and school anxiety and academic performance.