Clinical Psychology
Shabnam Roshanaie; heman mahmoudfakhe
IntroductionNormally, after marriage, couples prepare for a series of changes that occur in their lives due to the birth of a new child. If the child they are expecting has a disability, these changes are much more extensive than usual, and it is very difficult for parents to face this issue and accept ...
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IntroductionNormally, after marriage, couples prepare for a series of changes that occur in their lives due to the birth of a new child. If the child they are expecting has a disability, these changes are much more extensive than usual, and it is very difficult for parents to face this issue and accept it. Autism is one of the important childhood disorders, which is a subset of autism spectrum disorders and is one of the neurodevelopmental disorders that continues throughout life. Usually, the mother is the first person who communicates with the child, and therefore mothers are given priority attention. Autistic children also need constant maintenance and require special conditions that parents should provide them. In general, it can be said that one of the influencing factors in disorders such as autism in children and its treatment process is the mother's psychological characteristics, and this has always been the focus of researchers. According to the mentioned materials, the mental health of mothers who have children with autism is very important and if their problems are not solved, the possibility of serious disorders in them increases.Therefore, Tthe aim of this study was to examine the effect of the Kozloff educational program on the components of emotional burnout and rumination in mothers of children with autism.MethodThis research is a quasi-experimental study with a pre-test-post-test control group design, and based on the purpose, it is considered one of the applied studies. The statistical population included mothers who had a child with autism and lived in Urmia City in 2023. The number of these mothers was 100. Among these people, a number of 30 people were selected as convenience sampling and were assigned in two experimental and control groups by simple random assignment (15 people in each group). After selecting the subjects according to the description of the sampling section and obtaining their consent, they were randomly grouped. People in the control group did not receive any intervention. The people of the experimental group were also trained in the Kozloff parenting program during 12 sessions of 90 minutes. This program was designed by Campbell and Kozloff in 2007 and was translated into Farsi by Khodabakhshi Koolaee in 2016. After completing the training sessions, both groups were re-evaluated (post-test). Maslach Burnout Inventory (1981) and Nolen Hoeksema and Morrow's rumination response Scale (1991) were used to collect information. In this research, the ethical points of the Declaration of Helsinki have been followed, which are: Explaining the goals for the research sample and obtaining informed written consent from them to participate in the research, giving the research sample the right to choose to enter and exit the research at any time, confidentiality of information, honesty in the selection of research units collecting and analyzing data.The data obtained from this research were analyzed using SPSS-26 software at two levels of descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (multivariate covariance analysis).ResultsThe results showed that there is a significant difference between the average scores of the two control and experimental groups in the variables of rumination and emotional exhaustion after the implementation of the training of the Kozloff parents' program for mothers with children with autism. Before running the analysis of covariance test, its presuppositions were checked. The investigation of normality, homogeneity of variances and the assumption of homogeneity of regression slopes was also carried out. According to the results of the mentioned cases, the implementation of covariance analysis was unimpeded.The results of the analysis of covariance showed that the Kozlov parent training program reduced emotional burnout (F=175.419 and P<0.005) and subscales of rumination, including Reflection (F=174.109 and P<0.005), Brooding (F=2.276 and P<0.005) and depression-related rumination (F=82.693 and P=0.005) were significantly effective.DiscussionAccording to the results of this research regarding the effectiveness of training of the Kozloff parents' program on reducing emotional burnout and rumination of mothers with autistic children, training of the Kozloff parents' program can be used to reduce emotional burnout and rumination of mothers with autistic children.
Alireza Sangani; zahra Dasht Bozorgi
Introduction The divorce process has many psychological and social consequences for individuals, which it often takes a long time after divorce to get the person out of turmoil and sometimes requires interventional methods to speed up the process of returning to normal life, confront incompatible and ...
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Introduction The divorce process has many psychological and social consequences for individuals, which it often takes a long time after divorce to get the person out of turmoil and sometimes requires interventional methods to speed up the process of returning to normal life, confront incompatible and ineffective thoughts and social isolation, and maintain the overall health. So the purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of schema therapy on general health, rumination, and loneliness of divorced women. Method The research method was a quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test design with control group. The statistical population consisted of all divorced women referring to counseling centers in Sari city, in 2017. The sample consisted of 20 persons in each experimental and control group (40 samples in total), which were selected randomly. Also, the criteria for entry of the sample groups into the research were: divorced with no child, aged 20-40 years old, resident of Sari city, no obvious physical illness based on physician examinations and routine tests requested, no obvious psychotic and mood disorders in individuals based on clinical interviews by the psychiatrist, based on the criteria of the fifth Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. In this research, three questionnaires, the SELSA-S Loneliness Scale, General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), Nullen Hoeksma and Marrow Rumination Questionnaire (RRS), and Schema Therapy Protocol were used. Questionnaires were provided to them after explaining the purpose of the research and obtaining informed consent from the participants and assuring them of confidentiality of the information. In general, no one was excluded from the study in the two groups. Also, a multivariate covariance analysis (MANCOVA) was used to test the hypotheses. Results The results of this study, using multivariate analysis of covariance, showed that schema therapy significantly improved the health and decreased rumination and loneliness of divorced women. Specifically, schema therapy can reduce loneliness, increase general health and decrease ruminating of divorced women. Conclusion The findings show that schema therapy causes changes in the cognitive, experimental, emotional, and behavioral fields. This approach has been effective in challenging maladaptive schemas and ineffective responses and replacing them with better and more responsive thoughts and responses. It is recommended that advisers and therapists’ use the schema therapy rules to rehabilitate women after divorce, in order to increase their general health and reduce rumination and facilitate social relationships. Keywords:
R. Khorsandi; H. Hadianfard; M. A. Goodarzi; N. Mohammadi
Volume 20, Issue 1 , June 2013, , Pages 39-60
The aim of this study was to investigate the role of rumination and reflection and their dimensions (private and public) as predictor variables in depression. Participants included 129 individuals (67 women, 62 men) with different severities of depression and normal people. Depressed subjects were selected ...
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The aim of this study was to investigate the role of rumination and reflection and their dimensions (private and public) as predictor variables in depression. Participants included 129 individuals (67 women, 62 men) with different severities of depression and normal people. Depressed subjects were selected through judgmental sampling from clients of psychiatric hospitals or counseling clinics of Shiraz. Normal subjects were selected from people who had no mental disorder, based on a clinical interview and Beck Depression Inventory II. The participants completed the revised version of Rumination - Reflection Inventory (Fleckhammer, 2004), which is consisted of private and public subscales. Correlation and multiple regressions were conducted in two steps. First, total rumination and reflection were entered in the equation. The results showed that, there are positive and significant correlation between depression and total rumination, and negative and significant correlation between depression and reflection, between total rumination and total reflection (p < 0.01). The result of multiple regression showed that total rumination predicted, positively and significantly, total depression (p < 0.0005). Also, reflection predicted, negatively and significantly, total depression (p < 0.0005). At the second stage, public and private rumination and reflection were entered in the equation. The results showed that, there are significant and positive correlation between depression and private and public rumination, and significant and negative correlation between depression and public and private reflection (p < 0.01). The result of multiple regression showed that public rumination (p < 0.001) and private rumination (p < 0.0005), positively and significantly, predicted total depression. Private reflection, negatively and significantly, predicted total depression (p < 0.0005), but public reflection did not predict depression