Marjan Torajizade; Mojtaba Mohammadi jalai Farahani; Davood Taghvaei
The aim of the present study was to compare performance analysis psychotherapy (FAP) and schema therapy on emotional experience towards spouse, forgiveness and gratitude of couples referring to counseling centers in Isfahan city. Family is a social institution that is formed from the marriage bond of ...
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The aim of the present study was to compare performance analysis psychotherapy (FAP) and schema therapy on emotional experience towards spouse, forgiveness and gratitude of couples referring to counseling centers in Isfahan city. Family is a social institution that is formed from the marriage bond of a man and a woman. The health of married life implies the emotional and mental health of its people, which is also dependent on the continuity of the relationship between husband and wife. Marital relationship is the most intimate and special human relationship, the durability and quality of which requires having knowledge and emotional skills in it. Several studies show that the obvious and non-obvious behavioral and emotional exchanges of couples are one of the strongest predictors of marital quality and stability, and emotional experience in married life plays a prominent role in the durability or collapse of married life. MethodThe research method was semi-experimental and pre-test, post-test and follow-up with two experimental and control groups. The statistical population includes all couples in the age group of 25 to 45 years old in Isfahan city, who were selected by available sampling method, 30 couples (10 couples in the first test group, 10 couples in the second test group, and 10 couples in the control group) And for the first group, the performance analysis therapy experiment was presented during 8 sessions, and for the second group, the schema therapy experiment was also presented during 8 sessions. The data collection tools included the 6-question questionnaire of emotional experience towards the spouse of Brashaw (2009), the 15-question questionnaire of Bakhshash Ray et al. (2001) and the 6-question questionnaire of appreciation of McCullough et al. (2001). To analyze the data, the statistical method of analysis of variance with repeated measurements was used. ResultsThe results showed that there was no significant difference between the effect of the two psychotherapeutic methods of performance analysis and schema therapy on the emotional experience towards the spouse and spouse's gratitude, but there was a significant difference between the effect of the two psychotherapeutic methods of performance analysis and schema therapy on forgiveness. Therefore, the schema therapy method has been a more effective method than performance analysis psychotherapy in the use of forgiveness skills by couples in reducing marital conflicts.DiscussionIn fact, schema therapy emphasizes supporting couples from each other, opening emotions, and expressing them in a positive way, focusing on one's emotions and identifying them, expressing new experiences in married life and the emotions associated with it, forming new interactions in the relationship. Emphasis on taking care of the spouse, identifying negative interaction cycles, and eliminating them in married life helps the couple to rebuild their relationship with their spouse and in the light of a healthy and effective relationship, forgive each other and be more grateful.
Educational Psychology
Iman Farjaleh Chaabi:; Mahnaz Mehrabizadeh Honarmand; Naser Amini
IntroductionHigher education in the health system is a fundamental element in the comprehensive development of the country and one of the most important social pillars that is responsible for training and providing efficient and committed human resources in the health sector. The most valuable result ...
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IntroductionHigher education in the health system is a fundamental element in the comprehensive development of the country and one of the most important social pillars that is responsible for training and providing efficient and committed human resources in the health sector. The most valuable result of all training is the ability to get a person to do something when it needs to be done. Whether he likes it or not. The purpose of this study was to investigate and compare the effectiveness of behavioral activation therapy and schema therapy on reducing experiential avoidance in students with academic procrastination.MethodsThe research design was a pre-test-post-test experiment with a control group. The statistical population included students of the first semester of the academic year 2021-2022 of Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz. The first sample of the research included 152 students who were selected from among seven faculties by multi-stage cluster random sampling method. Then the selected people responded to Solomon and Rothblum’s Academic Procrastination Scale and those whose score was one score higher than the standard deviation were separated. Then 60 people were randomly selected from among them and placed in three groups of 20 people (two experimental groups and one control group). The experimental groups received behavioral activation and schema therapy, while the control group did not receive any intervention. In this research, Solomon and Rothblum’s Academic Procrastination Scale and Gámez et al. Multidimensional Experiential Avoidance Questionnaire were used to collect data. The data were analyzed using univariate covariance analysis (ANCOVA) and SPSS-25 software.ResultsThe results showed that both behavioral activation therapy and schema therapy are effective in reducing the experiential avoidance of students with academic procrastination (F=29.71, p<0.0001); However, the effectiveness of schema therapy was higher than behavioral activation therapy (p<0.002).ConclusionAccording to the results obtained in this research, it is suggested that early identification of students with academic procrastination and their timely treatment should be done to eliminate their experiential avoidance. According to the results obtained from this research, behavioral activation and schema therapy are recommended as useful treatments to help reduce the clinical symptoms of students with academic procrastination. Therefore, the student counseling departments of medical sciences universities of the country can use this treatment to reduce the clinical symptoms of procrastinators, especially to reduce the experiential avoidance of students with academic procrastination and reduce the consequences of procrastination in them. Based on the results of this research, schema therapy and behavioral activation therapy can be used to reduce the experiential avoidance of students with academic procrastination.
Hosein Dehghan; Saeed Najarpour Ostadi; Mina Mojtabai
IntroductionDue to coexistence of borderline personality disorder with substance abuse, it is felt necessary to pay attention to interventions. The results of various researches show that schema therapy is effective on emotional instability, psychological well-being and self-injurious behaviors in addicted ...
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IntroductionDue to coexistence of borderline personality disorder with substance abuse, it is felt necessary to pay attention to interventions. The results of various researches show that schema therapy is effective on emotional instability, psychological well-being and self-injurious behaviors in addicted people. Reduction of symptoms and the harm caused by addiction in society is most important that make research necessary. The present study was conducted with the aim of studying the effectiveness of schema therapy on emotional instability and self-injurious behaviors of people with borderline personality disorder and substance abuse.MethodThis research was a semi-experimental study with pre-test-post-test method and control group. statistical population was all addicts living in three addiction treatment camps in Tabriz and Ahar. Milon's multi-axis questionnaire was implemented and 30 people who had highest score of borderline disorder were selected as research sample and randomly divided into two experimental and control groups. data collection tool was Milon's multi-axis questionnaire (Millon, 1987), Sanson et al.'s (1998), self-harm questionnaire, and Mlacic & Goldberg (2007) emotion regulation difficulty questionnaire. The experimental group received two schema therapy sessions in 12 sessions of 90 minutes each week. The control group did not receive any interventions. In the present study, the Declaration of Helsinki including: "explanation of research objectives and obtaining informed consent from the subjects, optionality of participation in the research, right to withdraw from the research, non-harmfulness of the intervention and provision of the results if desired" were observed. Mean and standard deviation indices and univariate covariance analysis were used to analyze the data. Data analysis was done by SPSS version 23 statistical software.ResultsFindings showed that the mean and standard deviation of the self-injurious behavior scores in the schema therapy group in the pre-test and post-test phases are (16.56, 3.49, 11.19, 2.85) respectively. The mean and standard deviation of scores of self-injurious behaviors in the control group are (16.37, 3.13, 16.89, 3.52) respectively. Also, the mean and standard deviation of emotional instability scores in the schema therapy group in the pre-test and post-test stages respectively (88.22, 11.8, 62.11, 10.13) and the mean and standard deviation of emotional instability scores in the control group were the order is (88/67, 11/44, 89/31, 11/56). In order to investigate the effectiveness of schema therapy on self- injurious behaviors and emotional instability, separately, covariance tests were used. Based on the results obtained from the analysis of variance tests, the observed differences (decrease) in the averages of schema treatment and control groups, in the post-test, are significant in both variables. Therapeutic intervention was effective in reducing the symptoms of self-injurious behaviors and emotional instability, and schema therapy it is effective in improving self-harming behavior and emotional instability.DiscussionThe findings showed that schema therapy of emotional instability and self-injurious behaviors of people with borderline personality disorder was effective. The findings of this research on the effectiveness of schema therapy on self-injurious behaviors among addicts with borderline personality disorder are in line with the results of many studies in this field. In schema therapy, by using cognitive techniques, especially redefining the evidence confirming the schema and completing the schema registration form, the person is in a non-judgmental position, an observer and an accurate and correct definition of behaviors and neither adds nor subtracts anything from his observations. The effectiveness of schema therapy is due to the focus of this treatment on the cognitive function of the person with an emphasis on emotions based on inconsistent schemas, and since in addicted people, the problems are mainly interpersonal, schema therapy has been able to be effective.
Hossein Mahdiyan; Elham Mahdiyanfar; Ali Jahangiri
IntroductionHumans go through sensitive phases in their lives, and one of the critical and decisive phases is the issue of marriage and the formation of a common life, and more importantly, the efforts of each couple to maintain this common life so that they can reach their desired goals. Today, it is ...
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IntroductionHumans go through sensitive phases in their lives, and one of the critical and decisive phases is the issue of marriage and the formation of a common life, and more importantly, the efforts of each couple to maintain this common life so that they can reach their desired goals. Today, it is very important to expand the horizon of psychological treatments, especially to find more effective treatments. Also, comparing different treatments can be a priority among researchers to choose the most effective treatment that can be more cost-effective. Therefore, the current research seeks to investigate whether mindfulness and schema therapy have an effect on marital conflict, anger management, and quality of life. And which one has more influence on the components of marital conflict, anger management and quality of life? The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of mindfulness and schema therapy on anger management, marital conflict and quality of life. MethodThe method used in this study was quasi-experimental, in which the effect of two independent variables, namely schema therapy and mindfulness, on the dependent variables, namely marital conflict, anger management and quality of life, was examined. The pre-test-post-test design with the control group was used. The statistical population of this study consisted of all men and women who referred to counseling centers. To measure independent variables such as mindfulness in this study, the mindfulness package based on the package written by Bowen, Chaula and Marlat (2011) was used to measure anger management using the Spielberger anger control questionnaire, to measure quality of life from 36-item quality of life questionnaire (SF-36) and to measure conflict from Zakir and Barati questionnaire (2008) to analyze information from software. ResultsThe results showed that both therapeutic schemas and mindfulness training increased anger management, reduced marital conflicts and increased the quality of life of the experimental group compared to the control group. In addition, the results indicated that there is no difference in the mean total score of marital conflict, anger management and quality of life between the two groups of schema therapy and mindfulness, but between the control group and the two groups of schema therapy and mindfulness in all three conflict variables. There is a significant difference between marital, anger management and quality of life (P<0.001). Therefore, both types of treatment had the same effect on marital conflict, anger management and quality of life in couples with conflict. DiscussionIn comparing the effectiveness of schema therapy and mindfulness on anger management, marital conflict and quality of life in this study, it was observed that the training of both schema therapy and mindfulness groups increased anger management, reduced marital conflicts and increased quality of life in the experimental group compared to the control group was. Therefore, the training of both therapy groups is effective in increasing anger management and reducing marital conflicts, as well as increasing the quality of martial life. In addition, both types of treatment showed the same effect on marital conflict, anger management and quality of life in couples with conflict.
Iman Farjaleh Chaabi; Mahnaz Mehrabizade Honarmand; Naser Amini
Aim: The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of schema therapy in experiential avoidance and anxiety sensitivity of students with academic procrastination at Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences.Methods: It was a quasi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest design with ...
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Aim: The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of schema therapy in experiential avoidance and anxiety sensitivity of students with academic procrastination at Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences.Methods: It was a quasi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest design with a control group. The statistical population included students with academic procrastination studying at Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences in the academic year 2021-2022. The first sample of the research consisted of 500 students who were selected by the multi-stage cluster sampling method. These people answered the academic procrastination questionnaire of Solomon and Roth Bloom (1984), and 152 of them who got at least one score higher than the standard deviation score were separated from Among them, 42 people who met the criteria for entering the research were selected and placed in two groups of 21 people (experimental and control group). The experimental group received schema therapy; however, the control group did not receive any intervention. Other tools of this research include. Reiss et al. (1986) Anxiety Sensitivity questionnaire, and Gamez et al.’s (1988) Multidimensional Experiential Avoidance questionnaire. the research hypotheses were tested through multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) through SPSS software (version 25).Results: The results showed that there was a significant difference between the experimental and the control groups in the post-test phase in terms of experiential avoidance (p <0.0001, F = 42.81) and anxiety sensitivity (p <0.037, F = 4.67). This difference was also observed in the follow-up phase.Conclusion: Therefore, according to the findings of this study, schema therapy can be used to reduce experiential avoidance and the anxiety sensitivity of students with academic procrastination.
Mansooreh Nasirharand; Behnam Makvandy; sasan bavi; Reza Pasha
IntroductionThe aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of schema therapy and compassion-focused therapy on marital life satisfaction and maladaptive schemas. Marital relationships are the most basic and important interpersonal relationships that create the basic structure for establishing ...
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IntroductionThe aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of schema therapy and compassion-focused therapy on marital life satisfaction and maladaptive schemas. Marital relationships are the most basic and important interpersonal relationships that create the basic structure for establishing family relationships and raising children. One of the common concepts to show the level of happiness and stability of this marital relationship is the concept of marital satisfaction. Another variable that can affect women's performance is early maladaptive schemas. Early maladaptive schemas are beliefs that people have about themselves, others, and the environment, and typically stem from the satisfaction of basic needs, especially emotional needs, in childhood. Various factors can affect and change the variables of early maladaptive schemas and marital satisfaction of women. Schema therapy and compassion-focused therapy play an important role in this satisfaction.MethodsThe present study was an experimental study with a pretest-posttest design and follow-up with a control group. The statistical population included married women students of Ahvaz Azad University in 2019 which 60 of them with a history of marriage between 1 to 5 years were selected by purposeful method and then randomly divided into two experimental groups (20 people each) and one control group (20 people). The research tools were marital satisfaction questionnaire and initial maladaptive schemas questionnaire. The schema experimental group received eight 90-minute schema therapy sessions and the compassion experimental group received eight 90-minute compassion-focused treatment sessions based on Gilbert's concepts. Data analysis was performed using multivariate analysis of covariance. ResultsThe results showed that schema therapy is effective on marital satisfaction of married women and also on four of the five domains of primary maladaptive schemas and treatment focused on compassion on marital satisfaction and on all five domains of primary maladaptive schemas. Also, comparing the means of schema therapy and compassion-focused therapy in the dependent variable of marital satisfaction in the post-test and follow-up stages showed that there is no significant difference between schema therapy and compassion-focused therapy in terms of effectiveness on marital satisfaction. Schematic therapy and compassion-focused therapy in the dependent variable of maladaptive schemas showed that the difference between the means of these two groups in none of the five areas of early maladaptive schemas in the post-test and follow-up stages was significant. Therefore, it can be said that there is no significant difference between schema therapy and compassion-focused therapy in terms of the effect on initial maladaptive schemas in the post-test phase and the follow-up phase.DiscussionAccording to the obtained results, schema therapy and compassion-focused therapy can be used to improve marital satisfaction and early maladaptive schemas in married female students.
farzaneh bidari; azita amirfakhraei; Eghbal Zarei
The present study was conducted aiming to investigate the effectiveness of schema therapy on the irrational beliefs and emotional self-regulation of the women with marital conflict with early maladaptive schemata. it was a quasi-experimental study with pretest, posttest and control group design and a ...
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The present study was conducted aiming to investigate the effectiveness of schema therapy on the irrational beliefs and emotional self-regulation of the women with marital conflict with early maladaptive schemata. it was a quasi-experimental study with pretest, posttest and control group design and a two-month follow-up stage. The statistical population of the study included the women with marital conflict with early maladaptive schemata who referred to consultation centers in the city of Tehran in the autumn and winter of 2019-2012. 40 women with marital conflict with early maladaptive schemata were selected through purposive sampling method and they were randomly accommodated into experimental and control groups (each group of 20). The experimental group received the schema therapy in ten ninety-minute sessions during two months. 4 people from the experimental group were excluded from the study and so were 3 people from the control group. The applied questionnaires in this study included irrational beliefs questionnaire (Jones, 1969), emotional self-regulation questionnaire (Gross, John, 2003), marital conflict (Barati and Sanaie, 1997) and early maladaptive (Yang, 1998). The data from the study were analyzed through repeated measurement ANOVA. The results showed that schema therapy has significant effect on the irrational beliefs and emotional self-regulation of the women with marital conflict with early maladaptive schemata (p<0.001). In this way, this treatment has been able to reduce irrational beliefs and increase emotional self-regulation of the women with marital conflict with early maladaptive schemata.
Alireza Sangani; zahra Dasht Bozorgi
Introduction The divorce process has many psychological and social consequences for individuals, which it often takes a long time after divorce to get the person out of turmoil and sometimes requires interventional methods to speed up the process of returning to normal life, confront incompatible and ...
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Introduction The divorce process has many psychological and social consequences for individuals, which it often takes a long time after divorce to get the person out of turmoil and sometimes requires interventional methods to speed up the process of returning to normal life, confront incompatible and ineffective thoughts and social isolation, and maintain the overall health. So the purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of schema therapy on general health, rumination, and loneliness of divorced women. Method The research method was a quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test design with control group. The statistical population consisted of all divorced women referring to counseling centers in Sari city, in 2017. The sample consisted of 20 persons in each experimental and control group (40 samples in total), which were selected randomly. Also, the criteria for entry of the sample groups into the research were: divorced with no child, aged 20-40 years old, resident of Sari city, no obvious physical illness based on physician examinations and routine tests requested, no obvious psychotic and mood disorders in individuals based on clinical interviews by the psychiatrist, based on the criteria of the fifth Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. In this research, three questionnaires, the SELSA-S Loneliness Scale, General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), Nullen Hoeksma and Marrow Rumination Questionnaire (RRS), and Schema Therapy Protocol were used. Questionnaires were provided to them after explaining the purpose of the research and obtaining informed consent from the participants and assuring them of confidentiality of the information. In general, no one was excluded from the study in the two groups. Also, a multivariate covariance analysis (MANCOVA) was used to test the hypotheses. Results The results of this study, using multivariate analysis of covariance, showed that schema therapy significantly improved the health and decreased rumination and loneliness of divorced women. Specifically, schema therapy can reduce loneliness, increase general health and decrease ruminating of divorced women. Conclusion The findings show that schema therapy causes changes in the cognitive, experimental, emotional, and behavioral fields. This approach has been effective in challenging maladaptive schemas and ineffective responses and replacing them with better and more responsive thoughts and responses. It is recommended that advisers and therapists’ use the schema therapy rules to rehabilitate women after divorce, in order to increase their general health and reduce rumination and facilitate social relationships. Keywords: