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Volume 21 (2014)
Volume 20 (2013)
Volume 19 (2012)
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Volume 2 (1995)
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Number of Contributors 1,249
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Psychological Achievements

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DOI: 10.22055/psy

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The Effectiveness of Emotion Regulation Training on Depression Symptoms in Caregiver's Mothers of Children with Intellectual Disabilities in the COVID-19 Outbreak

Saeed Ariapooran; Elham Rastgoo; Mahdi Abdolahzadeh Rafi

Volume 31, Issue 1 , May 2024, Pages 1-22


  Introduction Mothers who are caregivers of children with severe and profound intellectual disabilities may experience psychological problems during the COVID-19 outbreak. These mothers report more stress and psychological problems than mothers of normal children. One of the major problems ...  Read More

Testing the Model of the Relationship between Social Anxiety and Parental Psychological Control and Social Support with the Mediation of Cognitive Distortions in Students

mozhgan fatemi; saeid bakhtiarpour; Reza Pasha; fariba hafezi

Volume 31, Issue 1 , May 2024, Pages 23-48


  Introduction Adolescence is referred to as a dynamic and active period of each person's life, and the major part of a person's personality is formed in this period. Undoubtedly, the importance of the adolescent developmental period cannot be denied. Thus, during adolescence, a person may encounter problems ...  Read More

The Discriminant Analysis of Personality Characteristics in the Determination of the Styles of Anger Experience and Expression

maryam emami; maryam moghadasin; maryam ilka

Volume 31, Issue 1 , May 2024, Pages 49-76


  Introduction Anger is one of the most basic emotions in human beings. Psychologists regard anger as a normal and typically healthy emotion with evolutionary functions that is occasionally experienced by human beings. The way anger is experienced or expressed is important because uncontrolled anger will ...  Read More

Development of Psychological Capital Training Package and Evaluating Its Effectiveness on the Alexitimia of the Students Engaged in Divorce with Externalized Behavior Disorder

mahshid shabani; shohreh ghorban shiroudi; javad khalatbari

Volume 31, Issue 1 , May 2024, Pages 77-98


  Introduction The family, as the most fundamental cultural and social institution, has the most stable effect on its members, so that people's attitudes, behaviors, beliefs and emotions are deeply influenced by the family context. The bricks of a family are based on the emotional ties and personal trust ...  Read More

Efficacy of Play Therapy Based on Cognitive-Behavioral Approach on the Executive Functions and Social Competence in Female Students with Signs of Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder

maliheh aminian; moslem asli azad

Volume 31, Issue 1 , May 2024, Pages 99-120


  Introduction One of the most common childhood neurodevelopmental disorders is attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, which affects many aspects of development, including the development of social, emotional and cognitive functions in the home and school environment. Attention deficit/hyperactivity ...  Read More

Efficacy of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy on Cognitive Fusion and Alexithymia in Students with Signs of Psychosomatic Disorders

Maryam Aghaei; Amrollah Ebrahimi; Mojtaba Ansari Shahidi

Volume 31, Issue 1 , May 2024, Pages 121-146


  Introduction In the past decades, a group of diseases have been classified under the title of psychosomatic complaints and it has been reported that the diagnostic problems and their differentiation from other diseases have caused an increase in paraclinical and diagnostic costs in the patients of this ...  Read More

Psychometric Properties of the Farsi Version of the Complicated Spiritual Grief

davod fathi; ahmadreza kiani; esmail sadri; ali sheikholslamy

Volume 31, Issue 1 , May 2024, Pages 147-166


  Introduction The death of a loved one, especially when it happens tragically or prematurely, could rock the foundations of our hypothetical world and our relationship with God and the world (Neimeyer, 2019) and cause deep challenges (Neimeyer, Prigerson& Davies, 2002). Complicated spiritual grief ...  Read More

The Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Severity of Symptoms and Quality of Life in Patients with Panic Disorder: A Case Study

Banafsheh Zarei; Yadollah Zargar; Iran Davoudi

Volume 31, Issue 1 , May 2024, Pages 167-186


  Introduction Panic disorder (PD) is a severe anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent panic attacks, anticipation and worry about further panic attacks and their potential consequences, as well as dysfunctional reassurance and avoidance behaviors aimed at preventing them. Panic disorder disrupts ...  Read More

Developing the Causal Model of Students' Academic Engagement in Cyberspace Based on Parent's Meta-Emotions, Family Communication Patterns and Academic Emotions

haleh badamian; Mohamad agha delavar pour; Nemat sotodeh Asl

Volume 31, Issue 1 , May 2024, Pages 187-206


  Introduction E-learning, as an alternative to classical education in class, enables students to access information without time limitation and geographical limitations (Al-Samarai, 2016). Although e-learning makes interaction and active learning possible,  one of the challenges e-learning confronts ...  Read More

The Effectiveness of Unified Transdiagnostic Treatment on Emotion Regulation and Improving Symptoms of Children with a Disruptive Mood Disorder

Shirin Pouladi; Mohammad Mehdi Hasanshahi; Mohammad Rabiei; Naser Baghery

Volume 31, Issue 1 , May 2024, Pages 207-230


  IntroductionDisruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder is a childhood condition characterized by extreme irritability, anger, and intense temper outbursts. This disorder significantly impacts a child's quality of life, school performance, and relationships with family and peers. Psychopathologists now recognize ...  Read More

The Effect of Toxic Leadership of Managers on the Creation of Organizational Trauma: The Mediating Role of Organizational Cynicism in First and Second Secondary Schools’ Teachers in Khuzestan Province

Esmail Rahmani; Siroos ghanbari

Volume 31, Issue 1 , May 2024, Pages 231-252


  IntroductionToxic leadership is a style of leadership in which leaders, due to their negative behavior and detrimental personal characteristics, inflict long-lasting and serious harm directly on their followers and indirectly on their organizations. The interpersonal style of the leader, thus, has implications ...  Read More

The Effectiveness of Parenting Skills Training on Emotional Reactivity and Coping Self-efficacy of Adolescent Male Students

seyedeh fateme Bahramian; mahbobe Fooladchang

Volume 31, Issue 1 , May 2024, Pages 253-272


  Introduction Adolescence (12–18 years old), which is characterized by puberty, is an important developmental period that is associated with the process of identity formation. An important part of this developmental process is emotional reactivity. In dealing with the problems and crises of adolescence, ...  Read More

Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on the Self-Efficacy Perceived and Self-Care Behaviors of People with Coronary Heart Disease

maryam setayesh; mohammad hatami; hassan ahmadi

Volume 31, Issue 1 , May 2024, Pages 273-296


  Introduction One of the diseases that can cause many physiological and psychological complications is coronary heart disease. According to the predictions of scientific societies, these diseases will be the main cause of death in different countries by 2030. According to the scientific findings published ...  Read More

Development and Effectiveness of Emotion-based Therapy on the Components of Psychological Adaptation to Cancer in the Elderly

leila orang; Hayede Saberi; afsane taheri

Volume 31, Issue 1 , May 2024, Pages 297-316


  IntroductionElderly is a process that is genetically visible during the life of living things and decreases in the organism over time, which reduces the activities of the organs of the body. Although it is not an aging disease and most of the elderly can be seen in other age groups, the elderly process ...  Read More

Mediating Role of Self-Acceptance in the Relationship between Self-Actualization, Self-Transcendence, and Distress Tolerance in Diabetic Patients

Nadere Afkhami Ardakani; Yasser Rezapour Mirsaleh; Hossein Ghafuri Charkhabi; Azra Mohammadpanah Ardakan

Volume 31, Issue 1 , May 2024, Pages 317-340


  IntroductionDiabetes is a chronic and costly disease that has a high prevalence throughout the world, Iran, and specifically in Yazd province. Considering the heavy psychological and economic costs of diabetes and its complications, it is important to pay attention to all the factors that can increase ...  Read More

Compare the Effectiveness of Mindfulness and Schema Therapy on Anger Management, Marital Conflict and Quality of Life

Hossein Mahdiyan; Elham Mahdiyanfar; Ali Jahangiri

Volume 31, Issue 1 , May 2024, Pages 341-372


  IntroductionHumans go through sensitive phases in their lives, and one of the critical and decisive phases is the issue of marriage and the formation of a common life, and more importantly, the efforts of each couple to maintain this common life so that they can reach their desired goals. Today, it is ...  Read More

Emotional Intelligence of Bus Drivers: The Effectiveness of Psychosocial Interventions

Mohsen Shokoohi-Yekta; Elham-Sadat Naji

Volume 31, Issue 1 , May 2024, Pages 373-390


  Introduction Driving behavior is a behavior that a driver chooses as a pattern for his driving, and it depends on three factors: the driver, the vehicle, and factors related to the driving route. The driver's psychological and personality characteristics are the most important factors in his driving ...  Read More

The Effectiveness of Education Based on Logotherapy Approach on the Feeling of Agency, Perfectionism and Positive Affect in Emerging Adulthood

Reyhaneh Tabesh; Fariborz Sedighi arfaee

Volume 31, Issue 1 , May 2024, Pages 391-410


  Introduction At the same time as the rapid growth of technology and the ever-increasing human progress, and considering that the roles and responsibilities of adulthood have expanded and become more complex and teenagers need advanced abilities and skills to enter adulthood, emerging adulthood theory ...  Read More

Structural Modeling of Marital Boredom and Gender Stereotypes through the Mediation of Marital Forgiveness

Zahra Nazeran; Seyed Abbas Haghayegh; Zohre Raeisi; Akram Dehghani

Volume 31, Issue 1 , May 2024, Pages 411-432


  Introduction The family can be considered as an emotional unit and a network of intertwined relationships that is built from the marital bond of a man and a woman, and a person's satisfaction with married life is considered as his satisfaction with the family. One of the threats to growth and development ...  Read More

The effectiveness of the native package based on the ancient Persian literature of forgiveness on self-differentiation and emotional safety in teenagers attempting suicide.

Reza Homaei; Alireza Maredpour; Armin Mahmudi

Volume 31, Issue 1 , May 2024, Pages 433-456


  Introduction The aim of the present study was to determine the effectiveness of the indigenous package based on ancient Persian literature on forgiveness on the differentiation and emotional safety of adolescents attempting suicide. One of the social problems of today's societies is suicide, which worries ...  Read More

The effectiveness of self-regulation training with body mass index interaction on weight control, executive functioning, and emotion regulation of overweight and obese adolescent

mohammad vatankhah; seyed musa kafi; Abbas Abolqasemi; Iraj Shakerinia

Volume 27, Issue 2 , November 2020, , Pages 89-110


  Abstract Due to the difficulty in emotion regulation and executive functions of obese adolescents, psychological interventions have a great importance. The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of self-regulation training on weight control, executive functions and emotion regulation ...  Read More

The validation of King’s Spiritual Intelligence Scale (SISRI-24) among students at University of Isfahan

M. Raghib; A. Siadat; B. Hakiminya; J. Ahmadi

Volume 17, Issue 1 , June 2010, , Pages 141-164

  The purpose of this research was the validation of King’s Spiritual Intelligence Scale (SISRI-24) among students at university of Isfahan. Statistical population of the study was all students in academic year of 2008-2009, out of which 250 students were selected randomly. The research method was ...  Read More

The Effectiveness of Group Cognitive Therapy Based on Mindfulness in Reducing Anxiety and Depression in High School Students

M. Bayrami; Y. Movahedi; R. Mohammadzadigan; M. Movahedi; S. Vakili

Volume 20, Issue 2 , December 2013, , Pages 1-18

  Mindfulness in psychotherapy research has been conceptualized as an enhanced state of self-awareness thought to promote well-being. In this research, the effectiveness of group cognitive therapy based on mindfulness in reducing anxiety and depression in high school students was studied.This research ...  Read More

Considering the Mediating Role of Work-family Conflict in Relationship between Stress and Social Support, and Job Satisfaction and Family Satisfaction

F. Shenavar; K. Beshlideh; S.E. Hashemi; A. Naami

Volume 22, Issue 1 , June 2015, , Pages 111-132


  The present study was conducted intending to take into account the mediating work-family conflict role in relation with stress and social support with job and family satisfaction. Study samples included 203 industrial factory personnel selected through convenience sampling in Ahvaz over 2014. In this ...  Read More

Survey the Relationship between Personality Traits and Consumer Behavior:Brand Objective Persue on NOKIA Mobile Phone

M. Joodzadeh; M. Nadaf; A. Darziyan Azizi; S. E. Hashemi

Volume 22, Issue 1 , June 2015, , Pages 245-268


  Brand is among invaluable intellectual asset for ventures impressing their function in the market. Orientation with the brand personality impetus over consumers behavior may assist managers in business and traders set up better plas establish influensive marks and signs outshowing consistent effects ...  Read More

The effect of self-hypnosis on attention and the pattern of electroencephalography in candidates for university entrance examination

Ehsan Shahsavari Shirazi; Manijeh Shehniyailagh; Alireza Hajiyakhchali

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 25 April 2023


  IntroductionSelf-hypnosis is simply a focused state of mindfulness that allows one to make the most of their mental capacities and abilities. In a final analysis, self - hypnosis is practically a tool that can be used to make better use of skills or techniques of self - control. All forms of hypnosis ...  Read More

Educational Psychology
Examining the mediating role of academic resilience in the relationship between academic self-confidence and attitude towards the future career with academic engagement among the students of Ahvaz Azad University

sara Dibazar; Zeynab Sabouri; leila mirzaei; Raziye Saffarifard; zahra naghsh

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 22 October 2023


  Introduction Various factors are effective in the all-round growth and development of students, however, one of the factors that can play a very effective role in improving their academic performance is academic engagement in educational activities (Thomas and Allen, 2021; Jack, 2016) Bugby, Beck, Ferrier ...  Read More

Structural Equation Modeling of mindfulness with job burnout and well-being Mediated by job stress

Hesam Soleimani; Nasrin Arshadi; Kioumars Beshlideh

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 22 October 2023


  IntroductionOne of the most valuable resources of an organization for achieving goals and getting progressed is human power; Therefore, it can be said that the mental health of the employees of an organization is of special importance. With increasing emphasis on the mental health of employees and improving ...  Read More

Health Psychology
Predict of Social Adjustment in the Elderly based on Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation and Perceived Social Support

Abdolbaset Mahmoudpour; Fatemeh Alkasir; soliman ahmadboukani

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 22 October 2023


  Introduction: elderly has been a major issue for experts, policymakers, and even the general public in recent years. The aim of this study was to predict social adjustment in the elderly based on distress tolerance, emotion regulation and perceived social support.Methods: The statistical population of ...  Read More

Educational Psychology
Systematic review of effective areas of educational-therapeutic interventions based on choice theory on individual behavior management

moslem amiri; Javad Mesrabadi; Abolfazl Farid; Siavash Sheikhalizadeh

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 22 October 2023


  IntroductionBehavioral problems can be investigated in different areas of communication and each of the behavioral challenges in this of fields shows that it is necessary for psychological programs and interventions to pay attention to the optimal management of individual behavior in order to prevent ...  Read More

Exceptional Children Psychology
Comparison of the effectiveness of executive function training and play therapy on promoting the learning of mathematical concepts of students with learning disabilities

Fatemeh Khandani; Noorali Farrokhi; Abotaleb Saadati Shamir

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 22 October 2023


  IntroductionThe aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of executive function training and play therapy on promoting the learning of mathematical concepts of students with learning disabilities. Learning mathematics is one of the basic subjects related to learning science, which has been devoted ...  Read More

Comparing the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy for rumination, psychological flexibility, resilience, and perceived stress among the women suffering from depression

Mona Isvand; Hosein Baghouli; Hojjat Allah Javidi; Majid Barzegar

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 05 September 2023


  Depression is one of the common disabling and recurring psychological disorders that causes obvious changes in the individual’s different biological, cognitive, nervous and emotional functions .The aim of the present study was to compare effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy and acceptance ...  Read More

Equivalence of performance analysis psychotherapy (FAP) and schema therapy on emotional experience towards spouse, forgiveness and gratitude of couples referring to Isfahan counseling centers

Marjan Torajizade; Mojtaba Mohammadi jalai Farahani; Davood Taghvaei

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 11 July 2023


  The aim of the present study was to compare performance analysis psychotherapy (FAP) and schema therapy on emotional experience towards spouse, forgiveness and gratitude of couples referring to counseling centers in Isfahan city. Family is a social institution that is formed from the marriage bond of ...  Read More

Educational Psychology
Multilevel analysis of the relationship of perception of teachers' diagnostic skills, challenging level of class, quality of teacher’s teaching and math study skills with math performance in ninth grade students

Arash Akhash; Askar Atash Afrouz; Manijeh Shehni Yailagh; Morteza Omidian

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 30 September 2023


  Most students are facing problems in learning mathematics. These problems are related to the math course itself or related to external factors affecting it. The problems that are related to the mathematics lesson itself are caused by the content, nature and abstract nature of this knowledge, and the ...  Read More

Clinical Psychology
-Modeling of Suicidal Ideation in Women Based on Perceived Stress and Self-Silencing with Mediating Role of Difficulties in Emotion Regulation

Ameneh Dashti; Yadollah Zargar

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 22 October 2023


  AbstractIntroduction: Suicidal ideation increases the risk of levels of suicidal behavior. Therefore, it is necessary to study this complex and multifactorial phenomenon in non-clinical samples, especially women. The aim of this study was to develop a structural model of suicidal ideation based on the ...  Read More

Psychometrics scales
Investigating the psychometric adequacy of the Persian version of the Psychologically rich life Questionnaire in the student and general population

Mohsen Arbezi; Zahra Noorozi Ghader loo

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 22 October 2023


  IntroductionA psychologically rich life is other psychologically desirable life which has recently been conceptualized and introduced by experts in the field of well-being. Developing a psychologically rich life questionnaire is necessary to investigate psychologically rich life in Iranian society empirically. ...  Read More

Psychometrics scales
Validity and Reliability of Online Shopping Addiction Scale in Iranian Sample

Farzin Bagheri Sheykhangafshe; Zahra Khani; Hojjatollah Farahani; Parviz Azadfallah

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 22 October 2023


  IntroductionThe Internet is one of the most influential forms of mass media that created a great revolution at the global level. Today, most people spend their time on the Internet and use the Internet in various fields such as learning, playing, teaching, social communication, and shopping. In this ...  Read More

Health Psychology
The effect of experiential avoidance on the symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder with the mediation of rumination and perceived vulnerability to infectious disease in the treatment staff of patients with Covid-19

afsaneh moradi; samireh karimi; elham hessami; Sara Yadollahi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 02 October 2023


  The effect of experiential avoidance on the symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder with the mediation of rumination and perceived vulnerability to infectious disease in the treatment staff of patients with Covid-19Abstract IntroductionThe emergence of the covid-19 disease in Wuhan, China and its ...  Read More

Health Psychology
Causal model of health-enhancing lifestyle based on core self-evaluations and spirituality in the work environment with the mediation of social intimacy, time perspective and self-control in veteran personnel of southern oil-rich regions.

Elahe Talavari; Parvin Ehteshamzadeh; Parviz Asgari; Farah Naderi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 22 October 2023


  The mental health of veterans is greatly influenced by their lifestyle. Lifestyle is a pattern of characteristics, behaviors, and habits specific to an individual, if defective they increase the risk of illness or accidents in veterans. The current study was to investigate the causal relationship model ...  Read More

Social Pathology
Comparison of the effectiveness of self-determination skills training and Islamic quality of life on perceived social support and psychological well-being

Elham Tavasli; Tayebeh Sharifi; Reza Ahmadi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 26 September 2023


  Background: Today, psychologists have come to the conclusion that treatment without considering spirituality will not be effective. But it should be noted that for people who have understood religion and its position, acquiring spirituality is achieved more reliably through religion. Divine religions, ...  Read More

Effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapy on difficulty coefficient, life expectancy and emotional processing of adolescents with self-injury background

Marziyeh Firouzeh; ساره Ehsani; Majid Barzegar; Morteza Moradi Doliskani

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 10 July 2023


  IntroductionAdolescence is an important period of human development that is associated with neurological, hormonal, physiological and social changes. During this period, teenagers cope with many stressful factors. Self-injurious behaviors appear in different ways. He has divided self-injurious behaviors ...  Read More

Educational Psychology
The effectiveness of teaching based on the brain-centered approach on the motivation to learn physics

Nasrin Taheri Asghari; Shahram vahedi; Davoud Tahmasebzadeh sheikhlar; Kiumars Taghipour; Hasan Sabourimoghaddam

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 17 October 2023


  The purpose of this study is to measure the effectiveness of the brain-centered teaching approach on the motivation to learn physics among second year high school students. In this semi-experimental study, a pre-test-post-test design with a control group was used. The statistical population included ...  Read More

Developmental Psychology
Causal relationship of nature and character with internalized and externalized signs of adolescents with the mediating role of cognitive emotion regulation

Sohaila Rajabi Marandian; marzieh talebzadeh; Hamdaleh Jairvand

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 22 October 2023


  The Causal relationship of Temperament and Character dimension with Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms via mediation of Cognitive Emotion Regulation in AdolescentsAbstractIntroduction: Emotional dysregulation and personality disorders are related to maladaptive behaviors in adolescence, which in ...  Read More

Educational Psychology
Expla ining moral reasoning based on person ality traits: studying the mediating role of mindfulness and individual values

amin sharifi; Masoud Fazilatpoor; Mahboobeh Fouladchang; farhad khormaei

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 28 October 2023


  Intro ductionOne of the important topics in the field of moral philosophy in psychological theories is the discussion of the role of reasoning in decision making. Moral development studies have emphasized the role and importance of internal and external factors on moral reasoning. This research was done ...  Read More

The effect of education based on positive psychology (perma model) on future orientation, time perspective and self-efficacy in female students

Seyydeh Razieh Zakarianzadeh; Qader zadeh Bagheri; Alireza Maredpour

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 11 July 2023


  One of the most important concerns of educational systems is improving the well-being and optimal performance of learners. Since different individual and social factors have an effect on well-being, mental health and optimal performance, effective intervention seems necessary to improve and promote them. ...  Read More

Social Pathology
A comparative study of emotional suppression, prosocial behavior and perceived competence in adolescents with and without childhood abuse experience.

Arezou Asghari; Haniyeh Mian Abadi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 28 October 2023


  IntroductionChild abuse as one of the psycho-social problems is any physical, sexual, emotional and mental harm or exploitation and not taking care of the basic needs of people under the age of 18, which disrupts their performance in all aspects of life, and leads to harm such as Death, physical, sexual ...  Read More

Family Psychology
Modeling Emotional Divorce based on Metacognitive Beliefs in Divorce Applicants with the Mediation of Emotional Processing and Dysfunctional communication beliefs

Atefeh Zaker Esfahani; Mokhtar Arefi; Keivan Kakabaraee; Azita Chehri

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 27 September 2023


  Emotional divorce is a kind of separation, couples live together under the same roof but do not have love and tolerate each other. This research was conducted with the aim of modeling emotional divorce based on metacognitive beliefs in divorce applicants with the mediation of emotional processing and ...  Read More

Effectiveness of Contextual Schema Therapy for Fear of Negative Evaluation and Fear of Positive Evaluation in Individuals with Social Anxiety Disorder: Single Subject Design

zahra emamzamani; Isaac Rahimian Boogar; Ali Mashhadi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 01 July 2023


  IntroductionSocial anxiety disorder is an anxiety disorder characterized by intense anxiety or fear of social situations in which a person may be evaluated by others. People with this disorder worry about receiving negative and positive evaluations from others and avoid situations where they may be evaluated. ...  Read More

Health Psychology
Comparing the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment-based therapy and compassion-focused therapy on basic psychological needs, maladaptive magnification, and stress coping strategies in patients with lupus

mojtaba aghili; Zahra Poorbahman; Ensiyeh Babaee

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 22 October 2023


  IntroductionLupus is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system mistakenly activates against the body's cells and causes damage to the body's tissues. The prevalence of lupus in women is about 9 times higher than in men. Usually, people between 15 and 45 years old get this disease. Symptoms of ...  Read More

Psychometrics scales
Design and validation of situational judgment test of critical social thinking of managers of Iran alloy steel company

Iman SHAKERI; Ali Mehdad; hadi farhadi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 22 October 2023


  IntroductionGiven the changing nature of today’s workforce, it is becoming increasingly common, and at times even vital, for employees to be well-prepared for navigating complex social situations to fulfill everyday organizational demands. However, while effective interpersonal interactions are ...  Read More

Qualitative study of the sexual problems of adolescents living in welfare boarding centers

shadi jazini; Fahimeh Namdarpour; abbas amanelahi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 22 October 2023


  Adolescence is one of the most critical stages of life. Homeless adolescents are not only more exposed to sexual harm than others but also miss educational opportunities using effective resources due to isolation and stressful events in their lives. Such adolescents are also more likely to experience ...  Read More

Health Psychology
Designing a model for improving the quality of work life of Isfahan Mobarake Steel Company employees: a qualitative study

sayedhamidreza Shavaran; ahmad abedi; Bahar Rashidi; Seyed Hedayat Davarpanah

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 22 October 2023


  The quality of work life is a philosophy of management science, emphased on increasing the dignity of human and with the aim of psychological well-being and people's physical health in order to create opportunities for growth and development. The aim of this study was to investigate the quality of work ...  Read More

Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Attributional Styles, Coping Strategies and Alexithymia of Divorce Applicant Couples

Mojtaba Sourian Reihanpour; Mahsa Kashefizadeh

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 22 October 2023


  IntroductionDivorce reflects a flaw in different aspects of life and the dynamics of the family structure, and it is associated with higher levels of hostility in both women and men. Furthermore, divorce indicates the inability of the family which usually manifests itself in the form of unstable, dogmatic, ...  Read More

Developmental Psychology
The Structural Model of Predicting Social Interest based on Attachment Styles with the Mediating Role of Forgiveness

Akram Esfahani; Hasan Heydari; zabih pirani; hossein davudi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 13 September 2023


  IntroductionHumans are social creatures and need to be together and cooperate with each other. According to Adler's theory of individual psychology, a person can function, participate, and cooperate properly in society only if he feels that he belongs to that society. There is an innate sense or social ...  Read More

Educational Psychology
Examining the relationship between self-compassion and teachers' job burnout: the mediating role of resilience

Abolfazl Nejati mehr; Mohammad saeid Abdekhodaei; Abbas Firoozabadi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 28 October 2023


  Introduction Teaching is a job with a high level of stress, and stress is a normal emotional response to threatening events; But when stress becomes chronic, it becomes traumatic. Finally, the stress of the teaching job leads to experiencing severe anxiety, decreasing job satisfaction, leaving the job, ...  Read More

Family Psychology
The effectiveness of emotional schema therapy on sexual self-esteem, marital relationship quality, communication patterns and emotional dyslexia in conflicted couples referring to family counseling centers in Qom

Mahbobeh Abbasi Ghomi; Hasan Heydari; Mojtaba Mahamodi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 18 November 2023


  The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of emotion-oriented schema therapy and combined behavioral therapy on sexual self-esteem, quality of marital relationship, communication patterns and emotional narcissism in conflicting couples referred to counseling centers in Qom. The family is ...  Read More

Clinical Psychology
The role of grandious and vulnerable narcissism in predicting self-presentation tactics in students

Mona Mohammadi; Mahnaz Mehrabizadeh Honarmand; Iran Davoudi; Saeid Afrozpour; Mehdi Soleimani

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 18 November 2023


  IntroductionIn recent years, studies in the field of narcissism have received increasing attention from researchers, but despite the growing interest in the concept of narcissism, there are many unanswered questions, especially about the nature of this structure. The present study aimed to investigate ...  Read More

Clinical Psychology
Looming style as a specific vulnerability factor for the symptoms of anxiety disorders: investigation of the triple vulnerability model

mahin etemadnia; parsa javanmard; Majid Mahmoud Alilou; Abbas Bakhshipour Roudsari; Mansour Bayrami

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 18 November 2023


  IntroductionThe present study evaluated the triple vulnerability model for depression, general anxiety, and social phobia. Each level of the triple vulnerability model for each disorder was examined with looming vulnerability style as a disorder-specific psychological vulnerability for GAD and social ...  Read More

Educational Psychology
The Relationship between Psychological Factors and Cyberbullying in Students: The Mediating Role of Problematic Internet Use

Sara Ebrahimi; Zeynab Laki

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 18 November 2023


  The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of problematic Internet use in the relationship between cyberbullying & psychological factors. The method of the present study was descriptive-correlational. The study population consisted of all boy’s high school students in Tehran ...  Read More

Educational Psychology
Comparing the Effectiveness of Behavioral Activation and Schema Therapy on Reducing the Experiential Avoidance of Students with Academic Procrastination

Iman Farjaleh Chaabi:; Mahnaz Mehrabizadeh Honarmand; Naser Amini

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 18 November 2023


  IntroductionHigher education in the health system is a fundamental element in the comprehensive development of the country and one of the most important social pillars that is responsible for training and providing efficient and committed human resources in the health sector. The most valuable result ...  Read More

Explaining the causal relationships between parenting styles and academic achievement of second grade high school students based on the mediating role of cognitive emotion regulation

Shabnam Davari; Nasrin Bagheri

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 18 November 2023


  IntroductionAcademic achievement shows the degree of success of a person in achieving the specific goals of the educational environment, especially the school. Academic achievement describes to students, teachers, and their parents how well students have achieved their learning goals. It is also an important ...  Read More

Educational Psychology
Designing a quality model for mother-child relationships based on the dimensions of wisdom and feeling of social-emotional loneliness with the mediation of the lack of pleasure in mothers of children with autism in Ahvaz

Leila Ghasemi; Sahar Safarzadeh

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 18 November 2023


  IntroductionConsidering the course of world developments due to modernization and technological advancement, the 21st century man has undeniably witnessed many changes in the lifestyle and human relationships, which have caused many changes in the quality of life. Due to such changes, the type of interaction ...  Read More

Clinical Psychology
Effectiveness of mindful parenting training on positive self-expression and mood of Female students with internalizing disorders

Houra Ebrahimi rad; ilnaz sajjadian

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 18 November 2023


  Introduction : Internalizing disorders are the most frequent among elementary school students and are often manifested due to irregularity in mood and emotions, and it affects children with weak self-expression more. Studies have shown that one of the most important causes of internalizing disorders ...  Read More

Educational Psychology
The role of perceived teacher-working environment fit in social contextual burnout with the mediating role of proactive strategies in Zahedan teachers

rouhollah rahdar; maryam zare; mehdi rahimi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 18 November 2023


  IntroductionBurnout develops gradually as a result of extensive and prolonged work-related stress .This study aimed to obtain a better understanding of the relationship between the perceived fit between teachers and work environment with socio-contextual burnout through the mediating role of teachers' ...  Read More

Educational Psychology
Investigating the mediating role of academic flow in the relationship between intrinsic motivation and academic well-being

Mohsen Arbezi; Masoud Fazilatpoor

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 18 November 2023


  IntroductionAcademic well-being is one of the important constructs in educational psychology. Considering the importance of this structure, previous researchers have made efforts to identify its antecedents. Based on the theoretical foundations and previous research, motivational resources are needed ...  Read More

Clinical Psychology
Evaluation of the effectiveness of emotion-focused therapy on emotional balance, psychological cohesion, and self-efficacy in fibromyalgia patients

Asieh Mazloom Ghaziani; Mryam Ghorbani

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 18 November 2023


  Chronic pain is one of the important issues of global health that has huge economic and social effects. Extensive chronic pain syndromes have always been a big challenge for doctors and patients. One of the most common chronic pain syndromes is fibromyalgia syndrome. Fibromyalgia is known as a chronic, ...  Read More

Social Pathology
Prediction of suicidal thoughts in students based on indicators of personality excellence and difficulty in emotion regulation

Ali Pakizeh; sadegh hekmatiyan fard; Sara KheirAndish

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 18 November 2023


  Prediction of suicidal thoughts based on the indicators of personality transcendence and emotional regulation in college studentsIntroductionSuicide as a psychological-social trauma threatens different strata of the society specifically vulnerable groups such as young adolescent and the young. Besides, ...  Read More

Health Psychology
structural model of belief in a just world based on social support with the mediating role of emotional schemas in patients with type 2 diabetes

Tahereh Hosseini; Mahdi Zare Bahramabadi; Reza Ghorban Jahromi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 03 December 2023


  Until a few years ago, infectious diseases were considered as the biggest health problem in third world countries. So that all the power of the countries was used to control and prevent the epidemics of these diseases; But currently, the increase in the burden of non-communicable diseases, especially ...  Read More

The relationship between psychological capital and knowledge sharing and innovative work behavior with the mediation of job engagement in South East Khuzestan Water Company

Zohra Chiraghi; Fatemah Bohlool; hadi Elahai; Hooman Babadi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 11 December 2023


  The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between psychological capital and knowledge sharing and innovative work behavior with the mediation of job engagement in South East Khuzestan Water Company. The statistical population of this research included 200 employees of South East ...  Read More

Health Psychology
The mediating role of dependence and non-dependence on the field in the relationship between personality traits and cognitive performance with job performance Nurses of Shiraz hospitals

Bahareh Saghanejad; Javidi Hojatollah; Majid Barzegar

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 12 December 2023


  The aim of this research was to investigate the mediating role of dependence and non-dependence on the field in the relationship between personality traits and cognitive performance with nurses' job performance. Psychologists consider job performance as a product of human behavior and believe that motivations ...  Read More

Family Psychology
Examining the challenges of women's remarriage and compiling and validating a native educational-counseling package before remarriage

Sahar Dehghani; Marieh Dehghan Manshadi; Najmeh Sedrpoushan; Ali Nazari

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 30 December 2023


  The purpose of the present study was to develop and validate a native counseling package before remarriage for divorced women. During the past decades, divorce in Iran had an upward trend. Following the increasing number of divorces in societies and the transformation of families, remarriage is gaining ...  Read More

The Mediating Role of Mindfulness in the Relationship between Spirituality and Wisdom

Fereshteh cheraghi; Roghayeh Ghorbani

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 31 December 2023


  IntroductionThe interest in wisdom is increasing in psychology, probably due to the changing conditions of the scientific community, which emphasizes the evolution of the life span and positive psychology. However, we need more research to understand wisdom and its development in people better. In the ...  Read More

Clinical Psychology
Effectiveness of sex education program on mental health and self-care development of first year high school students

Shahrazad Qarabaghi; Marjan Kian; Maryam Moghadasin

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 13 January 2024


  IntroductionAdolescence is a critical period that includes the age range of ten to eighteen years, and the adolescent at this age enjoys rapid physical, cognitive, psychological, and emotional growth, and the occurrence of these characteristics causes challenges in the adolescent's thinking, feeling, ...  Read More

Family Psychology
Predicting marital satisfaction based on mother's parenting stress with the mediating role of depression and marital conflict and moderating father's empathy tendency

Sara Ebrahimi; Seyedeh Elham Mousavian Khatir

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 13 January 2024


  Introduction Although research findings indicated the adverse and negative effect of parenting stress on mothers' marital satisfaction, the internal mechanism of this relationship and the effect of father's behavior on marital problems have not been investigated. The importance of studying the father's ...  Read More

Clinical Psychology
effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) on social physique anxiety, impulsive behaviors, and emotional self-regulation of obese people

Noora Shahmiri; Javanshir Asadi; leila sadat Azizi ziabari; Hasan Abdollahzadeh

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 10 March 2024


  IntroductionThe present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Social physique anxiety, impulsive behaviors, and emotional self-regulation of obese people. The statistical population of the research consisted of all obese women living ...  Read More

The Effectiveness of Schema Therapy on Emotional Instability and Self-Injurious Behaviors of People with Borderline Personality Disorder and Drug Abusers

Hosein Dehghan; Saeed Najarpour Ostadi; Mina Mojtabai

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 10 March 2024


  IntroductionDue to coexistence of borderline personality disorder with substance abuse, it is felt necessary to pay attention to interventions. The results of various researches show that schema therapy is effective on emotional instability, psychological well-being and self-injurious behaviors in addicted ...  Read More

Effectiveness of Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy on Object Relations, Anger, and Guilt in Women with Major Depressive Disorder

Abolfazl Sarlaki; Mona Farokhzad; Fatemeh Khanzadeh; Mahsa Younesi sinaki; Seyedeh Zahra Razavi Mahdiian; Mojtaba Tayyar Parvin

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 10 March 2024


  IntroductionMajor depressive disorder is a common mental illness in women that can lead to negative consequences on psychological, family, social, and economic levels. According to the psychodynamic theory, this disorder is caused by a perceived real loss in relationships, resulting in anger and guilt ...  Read More

Educational Psychology
The relationship between family communication patterns and psychological resilience with the mediation of primary maladaptive schemas and gender roles.

Sima Molaie; Maryam kouroshnia; maryam Zarnaghash

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 10 March 2024


  IntroductionSo far, the researches that have been proposed have considered and examined each of the variables separately as underlying factors in resilience. However, no research was found to identify the underlying factors in resilience in a comprehensive model and form a unified view of resilience. ...  Read More

The Effectiveness of Emotion Regulation Training on Social Cognition, Intolerance of Uncertainty and Distress Tolerance in Adolecents

Atena Asadinia; احمد منصوری

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 10 March 2024


  IntroductionAdolescence is one of the critical periods of life, which is associated with extensive changes in physical, sexual, social, cognitive and emotional aspects. These changes can cause them distress. Adolescents' inability to tolerate distress can have physical and psychological health consequences. ...  Read More

Educational Psychology
the mediating role of anxiety sensitivity in the relationship between connectedness with school and academic well - being

mohammad derikvand; Moslem Daneshpayeh; atefeh mazoosaz; Seyed javad Hosseini

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 10 March 2024


  Introductionacademic well-being refers to the individuals enjoyment of the role and experience as a self-taught student, perception of educational programs, the necessary conditions for studying, and overall satisfaction of student in the academic environment. It is associated with positive factors in ...  Read More

Educational Psychology
The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Training on Academic Hardiness of Female Students: During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Pouran Ahmadishuli; Hossein Aflaki Fard; Safoora Khatemeh Marbueih; Ehsan Keshtvarz Kondazi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 13 April 2024


  IntroductionDue to the situation of the corona virus epidemic, almost all the important economic, political, social and even military aspects of all the countries of the world have been affected. Researches show that students who contracted covid-19 disease have low psychological tolerance and due to ...  Read More

Educational Psychology
The relationship between moral development and wisdom with the mediating role of moral intelligence and emotional intelligence in students

Zeinab Rahimi; Fariborz Dortaj

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 22 April 2024


  Introduction: Wisdom is one of the important psychological characteristics that increases psychological and social well-being. According to different definitions related to wisdom, there is a complex interaction between wisdom and moral development because the behavior of wise people is mainly accompanied ...  Read More

Comparison of the effectiveness of therapeutic community (TC) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) in the defense mechanisms of people addicted to methamphetamine.

Vali Rashidzadegan Dost; Fatemeh Shahabizadeh; Ghasem Ahi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 18 May 2024


  IntroductionThe present study was conducted with the aim of comparing the effectiveness of community therapy (TC) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) in the defense mechanisms of people addicted to methamphetamine. Addiction is a disease that has many biological, psychological, and social consequences, and ...  Read More

Psychometrics scales
Examining the psychometric characteristics of the parent form of the children's behavioral assessment questionnaire

fatemeh Farid; Gholam Ali Afrooz; Mohsen Shokoohi-Yekta; Abbas Bazargan

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 20 May 2024


  The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the psychometric characteristics of the parent form of the Children's Behavioral Assessment (BASC-3) among the students at primary elementary school in Tehran. The psychology and education of exceptional children requires the use of psychological ...  Read More

Social Pathology
Ethical leadership and employee well-being By moderating individual characteristics and mediating knowledge Hiding

zohre sharei; Hashem Abolhoseini

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 20 May 2024


  Introduction: The well-being of employees requires understanding the existential challenges of life. The employee welfare approach examines observed growth and development in the face of existential challenges and strongly emphasizes human development. Therefore, this research investigated the mediating ...  Read More

Developmental Psychology
The lived experience of perfectionist teenagers and the development of a dialectical behavior therapy training package and its effectiveness on teenagers' self-efficacy

Alireza Ranjkesh; Kazem Barzegar Bafrooei; Ali Nazari; Mohammad Hossein Fallah

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 25 May 2024


  IntroductionOn the other hand, one of the psychological problems that affects people in adolescence and affects their mental health is perfectionism. Perfectionism, although it has been one of the most widely used psychological constructs in research over a century ago, but the field of perfectionism ...  Read More

Social Pathology
The Effect of job calling on job proactive behavior and thriving at work with Mediating Role of promotion focus and job crafting

abdulzahra naami; mahboobeh askari

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 25 May 2024


  AbstractIntroductionEvery person has something "original and unique" that makes them different from others. We can find our own personality in dealing with our experiences in working life. There is a brilliant work mission that makes us happy in the time when we are with our work goals on the way. many ...  Read More

Clinical Psychology
The effect of the Kozloff educational program on the emotional burnout and rumination in mothers of children with autism

Shabnam Roshanaie; heman mahmoudfakhe

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 12 June 2024


  IntroductionNormally, after marriage, couples prepare for a series of changes that occur in their lives due to the birth of a new child. If the child they are expecting has a disability, these changes are much more extensive than usual, and it is very difficult for parents to face this issue and accept ...  Read More

Cognitive psychology
Effect of Yoga-Based Mindfulness Intervention on Blood Cortisol Hormone and Competitive State Anxiety in Boy Skilled Volleyball Players

Maryam Abdoshahi; Mahsa Naghizadeh; Afsaneh Shemshaki

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 12 June 2024


  AbstractAim: Mental health is affected by stress and anxiety. Studies have shown that yoga-based mindfulness interventions reduce anxiety and improve the performance of athletes. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of yoga-based mindfulness on skilled volleyball players' blood cortisol ...  Read More

Social Pathology
Explaining a model to reduce cyber risks in the online space: the relationship of e-social-emotional competencies with digital habitual behavior with the mediation of cognitive emotion regulation and the moderation of gender

keyhan fathi; fatemeh farzadi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 12 June 2024


  IntroductionThe increase in the use of the Internet has introduced many behavioral patterns such as Internet gossip, ignoring others while using the phone, and media multitasking during homework into the daily life of teenagers. These common habits, if continued, can create cybernetic risks. In the meantime, ...  Read More

The Effectiveness of Time Perspective Therapy on Anxiety Symptoms and Co-Rumination in Adolescent Girls with Body Dissatisfaction

Esmail Soleimani; Marzieh Amirimanesh

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 12 June 2024


  Studies have named adolescence as the period of onset of anxiety disorders (Chavani et al., 2023). One of the problems that adolescents experience and is body dissatisfaction. Among adolescence aged 13 to 19, the rate of body dissatisfaction was 75% (Cavalho et al., 2020). Considering that adolescence ...  Read More

Exceptional Children Psychology
اثربخشی واقعیت‌درمانی مبتنی بر پذیرش‌مثبت بی‌قید و شرط خود بر کیفیت ارتباط‌ والدین و ترس از ارزیابی‌منفی مادران دارای فرزند با اختلالات طیف‌اوتیسم

Maryam Ebrahimi; Mahboobe Taher; Abbasali Hossein Khanzadeh

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 19 August 2024


  IntroductionIt is clear that in order to empower the family institution, measures should be taken to prevent its stagnation and stagnation. The dynamic and constructive nature of relationships within the family can be a suitable platform for the development and growth of family members, and one of the ...  Read More

Family Psychology
The Role of Others in the Decision to Leave or Stay in the Marital Relationship After Filing for Divorce

Reza Khojaste Mehr; Morteza Najimi; Kelly. M roberts; Mansour Sodani

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 08 September 2024


  The Role of Others in the Decision to Leave or Stay in the Marital Relationship After Filing for DivorceIntroductionDivorce is a multifaceted phenomenon, and many factors play a role in the decision-making process regarding leaving or staying in the marital life. Despite the complexities of the decision ...  Read More

Comparison the Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment and Emotion Focused Therapies on Quality of Life of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

Mojgan Zandi; Shahram Mohammad Khani; Mohammad Hatami

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 11 September 2024


  According to the World Health Organization (2023), approximately 95% of all adults with diabetes have type 2 diabetes. The quality of life of these patients is low. Considering that the psychological complications of type 2 diabetes are very costly, it is very important to pay attention to psychological ...  Read More

Clinical Psychology
Investigating the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy on the weight of people suffering from obesity and concerned about body image

auob asadi; Yadollah Zargar; jalal Moludi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 11 September 2024


  IntroductionObesity is a condition in which excess fat tissue is accumulated in a person's body, and this accumulation of fat tissue causes all kinds of physical and psychological problems. The most common way to estimate obesity is to use the body mass index, according to which people with a body mass ...  Read More

Educational Psychology
The Role of Self-Esteem and Social Anxiety in Predicting Problematic Smartphone Use in Secondary School Students

Bahram Mohdzadeh; Hojatollah Derafsh; Ramin Kazempour

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 11 September 2024


  IntroductionThe purpose of the present study was to investigate the role of self-esteem and social anxiety in predicting the problematic use of smartphones in first and second secondary school students. MethodThe research sample included 333 students who were selected and examined using a multi-stage ...  Read More

Family Psychology
Comparing the effectiveness of Acceptance and commitment therapy and Solution-focused (brief) therapy on internal coherence and self-control in women with marital conflict

Maryam Moshtaghi; Mohammad Javad Asghari Ebrahimabad; Mohammad Reza Saffarian Toosi; Hamid Nejat

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 11 September 2024


  The family is the main institution of a society and the relations of its members, especially couples, are of special importance. A good relationship between couples will bring more satisfaction fewer conflicts and a higher quality of married life (Hoseini Beheshtian & Attar, 2020). Various factors, ...  Read More

Social Pathology
The mediating role of behavioral-emotional problems in the relationship between parental psychological control and Internet addiction in university students

Fatemeh Alidoosti; Maryam Salari; Vahideh Moafian; mahdieh bakhtiari

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 11 September 2024


  IntroductionInternet addiction refers to a feeling of compulsion and inability to control using the Internet. Due to its prevalence among university students, and considering the fact that it may be influenced by variables such as parents and behavioral-emotional problems, the present study was conducted ...  Read More

Educational Psychology
The relationship between optimism and resilience through the mediating role of self-efficacy in adolescence

Fatemeh Nemati; Seyed Mousa Golestaneh; Mahnaz Joukar

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 11 September 2024


  IntroductionAdolescence is a challenging developmental stage in which adolescents experience significant changes in their academic and work life due to the mismatch between developmental needs and the learning environment during puberty. Among the important abilities in adolescence is a set of psychological ...  Read More

Family Psychology
Comparing the effectiveness of positive-oriented resilience training and mentalization-based training in improving the components of parent-child interaction in mothers of mentally retarded children.

Bamdad Shadi Zavareh; Masoumeh Azmoudeh; Babak Kashefimehr; Javad Mesrabadi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 29 September 2024


  IntroductionParent-child interaction plays a crucial role in child development, particularly among children with intellectual disabilities. Effective interventions targeting parent-child interactions can have significant implications for the well-being and development of both parents and children in ...  Read More

Social Pathology
The role of explicitness in gift exchange based on people’s appreciation: The Mediating role of relationship’s depth

Fateme akhlaghi; Hossein Tahrian

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 29 September 2024


  IntroductionAppreciation is a structure that has attracted the attention of many psychologists and they consider it a cognitive and emotional state that affects the depth of people's relationships. The depth of people's relationship with each other is an important predictor in connection with the stability ...  Read More

Exceptional Children Psychology
The effectiveness of the lived experience program focused on the acceptance and commitment of positive and negative academic emotions of students with stuttering disorder: a single case study

Shahrooz Nemati; rahim badri; Shahram Vahedi; Mohammad Bardel

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 29 September 2024


  IntroductionSpeech disorder, including stuttering, is a communication disorder that affects the production and fluency of speech. Stuttering is characterized by repetitions, stretching, pauses, or involuntary stuttering in sounds, syllables, and words. It is prevalent in about 5% of adolescents and 20% ...  Read More

Educational Psychology
The effect of visual-verbal educational package based on emotional stimuli on processing speed and working memory function of dyslexic students

مهدی امیراحمدی; Soghra Ebrahimi Ghavam; Fariborz Dortaj; Kamran sheivandi cholicheh; Ali Delavar

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 02 October 2024


  IntroductionThe educational system is always faced with students who have academic failure or even cannot learn some assignments. A prominent and interesting group from the point of view of science and research is students with learning disorders, whose main and important problem is not the lack or weakness ...  Read More

Educational Psychology
Design and validation of a model of mobile multimedia learning environment and its effect on learning and learning transfer of social skills of students with high-performance Autism spectrum disorder

Amir Masnavi; Esmaeil Zaraii Zavaraki; Parviz Sharifi Daramadi; Mohammad Reza Nili Ahmadabadi; Ali Delavar

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 05 October 2024


  IntroductionAutism is a type of neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by social and behavioral problems. The use of technologies improves the learning of children with autism spectrum disorders. Accordingly, a plan should be devised so that while using educational multimedia technology, especially ...  Read More

Design and Clinical Trial of Depression Psychotherapy Protocol Based on the Explanatory Model of Depression in Multiple Sclerosis.

Amirhossein Yavari; Seyed Abdolmajid Bahrainian; Mahnaz Mehrabizadeh Honarmand; Shahram Vaziri; ghasem Ahi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 05 October 2024


  The aim of this study was to design and clinical trial the psychotherapy protocol for depression based on the explanatory model of depression in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. This study was an experimental research with pre-test, post-test and follow-up phase. The statistical population includes ...  Read More

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