Document Type : Research Article



The present study was performed with the purpose of predicting group membership of talented and ordinary university students from variables, such as intelligence, creativity, personality, emotional intelligence and teaching-self-regulation strategies. In this study 5 variables, intelligence, personality with 5 sub-scales, creativity with 4 sub-scales, emotional intelligence with 15 sub-scales and teaching-self-regulation strategies with 15 sub-scales, were used to predict talented students from ordinary ones. Five questionnaires were used in this study, including Cattle Intelligence Scale, Abedi Creativity Test, Revised NEO Personality Scale, Bar-On EQ Scale, and Motivational Regulation Strategies Questionnaire. The population of this study consisted of talented and non-talented students of Shahid Chamran University, in Ahvaz. The samples were selected randomly, consisting 197 talented female and male university students and 201 ordinary female and male university students. To test the hypotheses and predict group membership, Discriminant Analysis was used. Using the Enter Method, the results showed that the difference between the two groups of talented and ordinary students in 30 sub-scales, from 40 sub-scales, was significant at p<.05, indicating that the variables predicted group membership in talented and ordinary students. Also, with the use of Stepwise Method 8 sub-scales, from 40 sub-scales, remained significant.


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