Document Type : Research Article



Main aim of this study was to survey the problems facing the couples. The high frequency of these problems causes disorders for the families. These problems are expected to harm the performance of the family. One of the best ways for handing this order in the martial relations is to train and educate all family members especially the maladapted and maladjusted couples. The goal behind this research was to study the effectiveness of the counseling of the cognitive-behavior method on the family performance of the maladjusted couples of the Central Unit No. 148 of Tehran Welfare Department. The sample consisted of 30couples who were selected by random sampling and interview. The research instrument was Family Assessment Device (FAD-I). The design of this study was pretest-posttest with control group. All participants answered the scale. After the couples of experimental group attended 8intervention sessions, all the couples took the post test. In order to analysis the data ANCOVA and MANCOVA were used. The results indicated that the intervention techniques are greatly effective on the improvement of martial relations and couples' performance.


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