Document Type : Research Article



Mental hardiness is a preserving and psychological construct that acts against life stressors. Numerous studies support the importance of this three aspect construct. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between family function with mental hardiness among the students of secondary school in Kermanshah city. The sample consisted of 324 students who were selected by stratified sampling method from both sexes. All these students responded to family function and mental health questionnaires. Data was analyzed with pearson correlation and multi regression method. The results indicated that there was a significant relationship between family function with mental hardiness and two of its facets as commitment and control subscales. The nonsignificance of relationship between challenge aspect with family function may stem from inadequacy in measurement construction or cultural difference about concept of the challenge. Moreover, contradictive findings in psychological literature about challenge is not superordinary. The findings of this research confirm importance of the positive and negative interaction of the members of the family on psychological constructs. Also the findings of this research can help the counselors to cope adequately with family problems.


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