Document Type : Research Article



The purpose of this study was to examine the casual relationship of psychological capital with positive emotions, psychological well-being, job performance and job engagement. The participants of this study were 263 nurses of public hospitals (228 females; 35 males) in Shiraz. Participants completed Psychological Capital, Task Performance, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Job Engagement, Psychological Well-being and Positive Emotions Questionnaires. Structural equation modeling (SEM) through AMOS-18 and SPSS-18 software packages was used for data analysis. Results showed that the overall model fit indices were relatively good. Better fit were obtained by linking the errors of 2 paths. Psychological capital was related positively to psychological well-being, positive emotions, job performance and job engagement and positive emotions was related positively to psychological well-being as well. In addition, positive emotions mediated the relationship between psychological capital and psychological well-being.


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