Document Type : Research Article



This research was performed in order to investigate the factor structure of Young Schema Questionnaire-S3 (YSQ-S3) in two groups of clinical and non-clinical samples. The participants consisted of 470 individuals (165 male and 305 female) who were not referred to clinics offering psychological and psychiatry services, and also 82 individuals (37 male and 45 female) who were referred to clinics for psychological and psychiatry services, but have not received any psychotherapy since last two years, who were selected accessible sampling. All subjects completed Young Schema Questionnaire (YSQ- S3) and Dysfunctional Attitude Scale (DAS). The data was analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis, discriminate analysis, and Pearson correlation coefficient test. By performing factor analysis in non-clinical group, 12 factors were found, of which three factors corresponded fully with Young's 18 factors. For extracted factors, Cronbach's alpha was 0.94, specificity was from 0.57- 0.73 and the sensitivity was from 51.20 to 64.60. The concurrent validity coefficient was 0.64 between Dysfunctional Attitude Scale and extracted factors of YSQ-S3. The cut-off points were determined for screening too.


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