Document Type : Research Article



The purpose of this research is to study the normalization of the D48 test on high school Students in Ahvazian and to investigate the validity and reliability of this test in target population. For this purpose, the D48 test was given to 1008 high schools students in Ahwaz (506 boys and 502 girls from 15 to 18 years of age). The D48 test normalized on this sample for Ahwaz high school students. The validity and reliability of the test was studied. The following highlights results in this research obtained: 1) Reliability: A) Test-retest method: r=+.90 (The time interval was two week). B) Odd-even method: r=+.91 (corrected by Spearman-Brown formula). 2) Validity: A) Correlation with standard progressive matrices test [SPM]: r= +.56 (p<.001). B) With mean of grades: r=+.48(p<.001). 3) The difference between the means achieved by boys and girls on D48 were statistically significant at the .001 level. Boys scored significantly higher than girls.


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