Document Type : Research Article



The purpose of this study was to investigale the relationship of personality traits with academic self-handicapping and the comparison of parenting styles in terms of the later variable in the third grade of high school students in Behbahan. Statistical population included the third- grade high school boys and girls in academic year of 1389-1390. 353 students were selected from this population by multistage random sampling method, including 175 boys and 178 girls. Academic self handicapping questionnaire, parenting style questionnaire and NEO personality questionnaire were used to measure variables of the study. Statistical methods of one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple regressions (Enter and Stepwise) were used for data analysis. ANOVA results indicated that there were significant differences between parenting styles in regard of academic self handicapping. The results of multiple regression analysis by enter method showed that 16% of the academic self handicapping variance was explained by personality variables. Also result of multivariate regression analysis by stepwise method showed that neuroticism and openness to experience were able to predict academic self handicapping.       


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