Document Type : Research Article



The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of therapeutic touch and muscle relaxation on the test anxiety and brain wave activity in Tarbiat Moallem University’s students, Tehran. Population of the study included all the students of this university in the academic year of 2008-2009. A sample of 40 students was selected through simple random sampling. Based on the Sarason Test Anxiety Scale and EEG, the subjects were put into four groups of ten: Therapeutic touch group, muscle relaxation group, control group having test anxiety, and normal control group. In this study which was a quasi-experimental research, pretest-posttest, control group design was used. To analyze the data and test the hypotheses of the study, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used. The findings revealed that there was a significant difference between the muscle relaxation group and the control group, in terms of test anxiety and brain wave activity; however, the difference between the therapeutic touch group and the control group wasn’t significant. In other words, therapeutic touch method decrease the test anxiety of the subjects significantly, and did not have an effect on the brain wave activity, but the muscle relaxation method decreased the test anxiety and had an effect on the brain wave activity. Therefore, muscle relaxation could be used to decrease the test anxiety.


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