Document Type : Research Article



The aim of this research was to determine the role of transformational leadership
and job resources in predicting flow at work and the relationship of flow at work with psychological
well-being and creativity. The statistical
population comprised of all employees of Maroon oil and gas Production Company, that 221 of
them have been selected by simple random sampling method. The instruments were Flow
at Work (Bakker, 2008), Job Resources (Xanthopoulou, 2007), General Transformational Leadership
(Carless, Wearing and
Mann, 2000), Psychological Well-being (Ryff, 1989) and Organizational Creativity
(Zhou and George, 2001). A correlation and multiple regression analysis were used to analyz
data. The results showed that transformational leadership and job resources had positive and
significant role in predicting the flow at work respectively. In addition flow at work and its components
had positive and significant relationships with psychological well-being and organizational creativity. The
results of regression analysis showed that absorption to job and work enjoyment predicted
psychological well-being and organizational creativity more strongly.


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