Document Type : Research Article



This study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of metacognitive strategies training and working memory training on reading performance accuracy, speed and comprehension of students with dyslexia. The research project was a pretest-posttest experimental design with control group. Statistical population composed of all students with dyslexia at the elementary schools of Kermanshah in 2011-2012. 140 students were selected by cluster sampling method, from third and fourth grade students with dyslexia. Then, the participants were randomly divided into two experimental groups and one control group. The data collection instruments were checklist of reading, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, FalahChai Diagnostic Reading Tests and Reading Test (researcher–made). The participants in experimental groups received metacognitive strategies and working memory traning for eghit session, 60 minutes per session. Covariance analysis indicated that metacognitive strategies and working memory training have improved reading performance significantly. The results of post hoc test showed that metacognitive strategies, in reading comprehension and working memory, in accuracy of experimental group had a significant positive advantage, compared to the other experimental group. The finding suggested that metagcognitive strategies for developing reading comprehension and working memory are more effective for students with dyslexia. Metacognitive strategies in reading comprehension and working memory in accuracy are more effective.


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