Document Type : Research Article


1 Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. student of Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate professor, Payame Noor, Tehran, Iran

4 Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran

5 Tehran University of Kish Pardis, Tehran, Iran.


The main purpose of this research was to study the effect of Cognitive Emotion Regulation on styles of decision-making style with considering Mediating role of self-reflection and insight. The study was correlational and population included all employees of Parsian Gas Refining Company (working there, in winter 1396). Of which, 178 people were selected through Stratified random sampling sampling method. Research instruments consisted of Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire by Garnefski and et al (2002), Self-reflection and Insight scale by Grant and et al (2002) and Decision Making Styles Questionnaire by Scotte and Bruce (1995) . Data were analyzed with use of Structural Equation Model (SEM) through AMOS-16 and SPSS-16 software packages. Analysis of structural equation modeling indicated that default model fit for data. The results also showed that effective strategies of emotional regulation, both directly and through self-reflection and insight, affect the effective decision making style . Hence, organizations can not only reduce decision-making errors by employing appropriate strategies to regulate and manage the emotions of their employees, but also reduce work accidents..


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