Document Type : Research Article


1 the responsible of addiction office in Lorestan Welfare organization

2 counseling at Lorestan Welfare Organization

3 uneversity shhid chamran

4 Shahhid Chamran univercity of Ahvaz


The aim of the present study was to study of the effectiveness of metacognitive therapy on the increasing the happiness and the reducing the anxiety of the male Students of Secondary course of high Schools of Khoramabad city. The current research was semi-‎experimental with pre-test and post-test design and follow up with two groups of control and ‎experimental. The statistical sample consisted of 30 students of the highschools of Khoramabad city that were selected by multiphase cluster sampling method and randomly ‎were assigned to experimental and control groups. The experimental group received Wells' metacognitive therapy during 7 sessions. The study instruments consisted of Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (1990) and Beck Anxiety Inventory (1988). Both groups were evaluated in three stages: pre-test, post-test and follow-up. The collected data were analyzed using variance analysis with repeated measures. The results of statistical analysis indicated that Wells' metacognitive therapy is effective on increasing happiness and reducing anxiety and this result were stable in fallow up phase.


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