Document Type : Research Article


Faculty member of the Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran



This research was conducted to study the simple and multiple relationships between the organizational justice and job satisfaction of the employees of an industrial organization. The variable of organizational justice deals with the ways and methods of conduct with the personnel of organizations to feel that they are treated fairly. This variable is comprised of three components: Distributional justice, procedural justice, and interactional justice. It was hypothesized that organizational justice is positively related to job satisfaction. The sample consisted of 268 employees of an industrial organization, selected via a stratified random sampling method. Simple and multiple correlations were used to analyse the data. The results indicated that the organizational justice had a significant correlation coefficient r=.61 with the job satisfaction. In addition, the variable of organizational justice and its three componets were correlated positively with the five subscales of job satisfaction; that is, satisfaction with the nature of work, supervision,coworkers, pay and promotion. Results of a multiple regression analysis also showed that the three components of organizational justice had significant multiple correlations with the job satisfaction and its five subscales


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