Document Type : Research Article
1 Faculty member of the Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran
2 PhD in Psychology
This study was designed to compare the value system and attitudes toward the adolescents control and to the education of 3rd grade high school students with their parents and their closest classmates in Ahvaz. The sample consisted of 400 students (200 boys and 200 girls), Eight hundred parents (400 mothers and 400 fathers) and 1200 closest classmates (600 girls and 600 boys), selected randomly from Ahvaz high schools. The subjects answered 3 tests: 1) Alport, Vernon and Lindzeys values system test (1962). 2) attitude toward adoiscents control test (Sttot, 1940) and 3) attitude toward education test (Randquist and Sletto, 1963). The statistical method of ANOVA with repeated measures on one variable was used. Tukey test showed that there is not any difference between students’ means and those of their closest classmates in theoretical, economic and social value dimensons. The results of Tukey follow- up test also showed that there is a significant difference between the means of students and their parents in theoretical, political, aesthetic and social values and there is similarity between the means of students and their closest classmates on theorical, economical and social dimensions. Results of this rescarch also showed that there is a significant difference between the attitude of students and their parents, but there is no significant difference between the attiudes of students and their closest classmates.
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