Document Type : Research Article


Faculty member of Department of Educational Sciences, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran



For the School of Linguistic Analysis, the exclusive task of philosophy is to analyse language and what has a linguistic nature, such as concepts and propositions. Though I am not going to limit all capabilities of philosophy to this, analysing language is one of its main tasks. That is why philosophers of education try to analyse educational institutions and concepts. In this paper, I will try to analyse the concept of “Islamic University” with a view to the paradoxical meaning it may have. Some believe that for a university to be Islamic, knowledge and the scientific content of its academic curricula must be Islamic, and that is what seems to be paradoxical. This is so because based on the currently accepted meaning of ‘science’, there is a logical gap between science and value. That is, science is impartial to and independent of values. To solve this problem, we need to provide an alternative meaning for science on the basis of which science and the process of scientific research involve values.

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اصول‌ کافی‌
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