Document Type : Research Article


Faculty member of Psychology Department, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran



The objectives of this article are to investigate about the introduction of school bullying, prevalence of this phenomenon in Ahvaz, and answering the question of: Can information about personality, parental child-rearing practices and some school variables discriminate bullies, victims and normal students and predict them? In the first phase of sampling 32 girls’ and 32 boys’ guidance schools were randomly selected from all guidance schools in Ahvaz. In the second phase, for analyzing data, 69 bullies, 63 victims and 152 normal boys and girls were randomly selected. The Children’s Depression Scale, Anxiety Questionnaire, Coopersrnith’s Self-Esteem scale, and Winterbottom’s ChildRearing scale were used to measure the variables. The results indicate that from 13072 students 726 (5/6%)boys and 1359 (11/34%) girls were bullies. Also 614 (4/7%) boys and 1140 (9/5%) girls were victims. The discrirninant analysis results show two discrirninant functions, only one of which was significant. This first tunction discriminates between groups of bullies, victims and normal students. In the first function, the maximum variance was explained by grade-point average, in discriminating among groups. In the second function, Caring (a domain in Child- Rearing scale) explained the most variance, in discriminating between groups. The group centroids show that, in the first function, bullies and normal students were at the two extremes, and victims were in the middle. The bullies were twice more than the normal students discriminated. In short, the three groups were separated by the first tunction. whereas the second function hardly separates them.

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