Document Type : Research Article


1 Professor of Educational Psychology, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 1- PHD student, Department of Educational Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Iran.

3 Associate Professor of Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch.


Method: The research method was correlation with structured equation modeling. Among all the secondary school students of the eleventh grade, who were studying in Tehran in 2017-18, 500 students were selected through multistage cluster random sampling. FAM and Taylor's (1999) academic performance, Martin and Marsh (2006) academic buoyancy, Diperna and Elliott's (1999) academic competency assessment, Pekran, Goetz, Titz and Perry's (2005) academic excitement, social support of peers Biodery, Sharp and Otis (2008) and the social support of peers Persido and Heller (1983) were administered on students.
Results: Based on the model presented, teacher's social support and buoyancy was mediated by competency and academic excitement. But this relationship was not approved for peer support. Peer support was directly related to academic buoyancy. However, academic performance variable was explained as R^2 =65% and buoyancy variable as R^2=30%. Direct, indirect coefficients and the total effect of the variables showed that the teacher's social support had the greatest total effect (0.60), student's academic competence (0.47) effect on student's academic performance; negative academic excitement (0.44) has an effect on academic performance; positive academic performance; positive academic emotions showed the least effect (0.15) on academic performance. Students' academic competence has the greatest effect on students' buoyancy (-0.54), academic competence (0.30), peer social support (0.27), positive emotions (0.26) and negative emotions (0.22). In other words, increasing academic competence or academic excitement or social support of the teacher towards its standard deviation causes a direct effect of 0.65 on students' academic performance.


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