Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD Candidate in Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. Student in Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

4 Associate Professor of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.


The Internet is one of the most influential forms of mass media that created a great revolution at the global level. Today, most people spend their time on the Internet and use the Internet in various fields such as learning, playing, teaching, social communication, and shopping. In this regard, the present study was conducted to investigate the psychometric properties of the online shopping addiction scale in an Iranian sample.

This research was a descriptive-analytical evaluation study. The sample consisted of 500 women (404) and men (96) in Tehran in 2021 who were selected by the available sampling method and completed the online shopping addiction scale, Saving inventory questionnaire, and psychological well-being questionnaire. Psychometric properties of the online shopping addiction scale were analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis, divergent validity, concurrent validity, Pearson correlation, and Cronbach's alpha coefficient in R software version 4.1 at a significance level of 0.05. Two translators fluent in English separately translated the questionnaire into Farsi. The prepared English versions were compared with the original version of the questionnaire, and with the cooperation of the group of translators, the Farsi version of the questionnaire was prepared and given to several people in different age groups. After identifying and solving the ambiguities in the questions, the final version of the questionnaire was prepared.

According to the investigations, the average and standard deviation of the age of the research participants were 29.68 and 9.16, respectively. Based on the results obtained, the six-factor structure (Salience, Tolerance, Mood Modification, Withdrawal, Relapse, Conflict) of the online shopping addiction scale was assessed and validated using confirmatory factor analysis (CFI = 0.93, RMSEA = 0.07). To check the construct validity of the scale, we will first check its confirmatory factor analysis. The suitability of the test items for factor analysis was investigated using the correlation index of the score of each item with the corrected total score. In the study of concurrent and divergent criterion validity, the correlation of the online shopping addiction scale with the positive Saving inventory scale was significant. The relationship between online shopping addiction and psychological well-being was also negative and significant. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the total score of the online shopping addiction scale was 0.93 and for its dimensions was 0.72 to 0.91.

The results of the present study were similar to previous studies, showing the good validity of the tool. The findings of the present study showed that the Persian version of the online shopping addiction questionnaire in the Iranian sample has adequate validity and reliability. The existence of a high correlation with the storage behavior questionnaire as well as a high Cronbach's alpha for the subscales is also a confirmation that this questionnaire can be used effectively. Since less attention has been paid to the issue of online shopping addiction inside the country, by conducting extensive studies, we can see the validity of this scale as much as possible inside the country of Iran.


Main Subjects