نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 عضو هیئت علمی

2 کارشناسی ارشد، گروه مدیریت، دانشکده مدیریت، اقتصاد و حسابداری، دانشگاه پیام نور، تهران، ایران



بهزیستی کارکنان مستلزم درک چالش‌های وجودی زندگی است. رویکرد بهزیستی کارکنان رشد و توسعه مشاهده شده را در مواجه با چالش‌های وجودی زندگی بررسی می‌کند و به‌شدت بر رشد انسان تأکید می‌کند. بنابراین این پژوهش با هدف بررسی نقش میانجی گری پنهان سازی دانش در رابطه‌ی بین رهبری اخلاقی و بهزیستی کارکنان با تأثیر تعدیل کنندگی ویژگی‌های فردی (انگیزه‌های خود افزایی و درگیری شغلی) انجام شده‌است. این پژوهش از لحاظ هدف، کاربردی و بر مبنای روش از پژوهش‌های توصیفی– پیمایشی بوده است. فرضیات با داده‌های جمع آوری شده از کارکنان شهرداری شیراز (100 نفر) و با استفاده از روش سرشماری از طریق پرسشنامه استاندارد بوده و روایی و پایایی سازه از طریق تحلیل عاملی مورد بررسی و تایید قرار گرفته است. جهت تجزیه و تحلیل داده‌ها نیز از روش مدل‌سازی معادلات ساختاری و نرم‌افزار SPSS و PLS3 استفاده شده است. نتایج نشان دادند که کلیه سازه‌های پژوهش دارای روایی و پایایی لازم بوده و مدل از برازش مناسبی برخوردار بوده است و همچنین نتایج نشان دادند که رهبری اخلاقی، پنهان سازی دانش را کاهش می‌دهد و علاوه بر تأثیر مستقیم، به‌طور غیرمستقیم هم، بهزیستی کارکنان را تقویت می‌کند. نقش تعدیل گری ویژگی‌های فردی (خودافزایی و درگیری شغلی) در این پژوهش تایید نشد. مهم است که سازمان‌ها رفتارهای جامعه پسند را ترویج کنند و رفتارهای انحرافی مانند پنهان سازی دانش را کاهش دهند و همچنین کارکنان را نسبت به پیامدهای رفتارهای پنهان سازی دانش بر وضعیت روانی و بهزیستی خودشان حساس کنند.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Ethical leadership and employee well-being By moderating individual characteristics and mediating knowledge Hiding

نویسندگان [English]

  • zohre sharei 1
  • Hashem Abolhoseini 2

1 faculty of pnu

2 2- M.Sc. Public Management, Organizational Behavior Tendency, Economics and Accounting, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

چکیده [English]

Introduction: The well-being of employees requires understanding the existential challenges of life. The employee welfare approach examines observed growth and development in the face of existential challenges and strongly emphasizes human development. Therefore, this research investigated the mediating role of knowledge hiding in the relationship between ethical leadership and employee well-being, moderating the effect of individual characteristics that include self-enhancement motives and job involvement.
Method: Concerning its aim, this study employed and relied upon the descriptive-survey research methodology. Assumptions have been gathered using information gathered from 100 Shiraz municipality employees, the census procedure, and the distribution of a typical questionnaire. The four questions and one component of Hills & Argyle's (2002) index were used to gauge the degree of employee well-being. Nonetheless, employee well-being, which is a component of this index that evaluates happiness, is employed in this study. Knowledge concealing was measured using the Connelly et al. (2012) index, which consists of three components and twelve items. The Brown et al. (2005) index, which consists of ten items and one component, was used to gauge ethical leadership Nevertheless, this index. The Brown et al. (2005) index, which consists of ten items and one component, was used to gauge ethical leadership. The Yun et al. (2007) index was utilized to gauge the motivations behind self-enhancement. It consists of six items and one component. The four-item Lodahl and Kejnar (1965) index was developed to gauge employee job engagement. Through factor analysis, the construct and questionnaire's validity and reliability have been investigated and validated. For data analysis, SEM, SPS, and Smart PLS were also employed.
Results: Based on the descriptive data, it can be said that the research variables are at an optimal level because the mean and standard deviation of the variables were greater than the average number of 3, which corresponds to a 5-point Likert scale. Conversely, given that knowledge concealment is a concept with a negative charge and its value is smaller than 3, it can be said to be at a favorable level. The distribution of the research variables is normal since the skewness and kurtosis of the variables fall within the specified range of 2 and -2. The results showed that each research consept had the necessary reliability and validity, and the model provided a good fit for the data. The obtained results demonstrate that, in the absence of a mediator, there is a significant full effect of ethical leadership variables on employee well-being, a significant indirect effect of ethical leadership on employee well-being with the presence of a mediator, and a significant direct effect of ethical leadership on employee well-being with the presence of a mediator. A portion of the impact of ethical leadership on employee well-being is mediated by knowledge concealing. In the sense that the knowledge hiding variable transmits some of the influence of the predictor variable (ethical leadership) on the criterion variable (employee well-being). Furthermore, the data obtained demonstrated that knowledge concealment is not significantly affected by the relationship between job involvement and self-enhancement with ethical leadership.
Discussion: Organizations should prioritize efforts to eliminate knowledge-hiding behaviors through proper human resource practices to foster a culture of knowledge sharing, as knowledge concealing can hurt the psychological well-being of the knowledge concealer. The results show that since dishonest behavior is a form of lying or misrepresenting the truth, improving ethical leadership through an improvement in the honesty of Shiraz municipality managers should be taken into consideration to improve the knowledge hiding of Shiraz municipality through ethical leadership. A climate of mistrust is fostered by the leadership's dishonesty, which can eventually cause suspicion of the leadership itself. Since the dishonest leader will lose the trust of the Shiraz Municipality's workforce, honest behavior is crucial for ethical leaders in the municipality.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • ethical leadership
  • employee well-being
  • individual characteristics، knowledge Hiding