Document Type : Research Article


1 undergraduate student, Department of counseling, faculty f Education and psychology, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant professor, Department of Counseling, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran


Introduction: The parental guilt scale is one of the few questionnaires designed to measure guilt in parents with normal children. In recent decades, the number of working mothers in Iran has increased, but the division of responsibilities in the family still remains traditional, and mothers are recognized as the main caregivers of children and fathers as the source of family income, so most mothers have to deal with work duties and the family themselves experience double pressure and as a result, parental guilt. Most mothers feel extra pressure to take care of their work and family duties, and as a result, they experience parental guilt. Parental guilt in working mothers can affect the work and family performance of mothers and the psychological well-being of family members, so the need for an efficient tool to measure parental guilt was felt. The present study was conducted to investigate the psychometric properties of parental guilt scale in Iranian mothers.
Method: The statistical population of the study was working mothers in Tehran who have children between 2 and 12 years old and worked at least 20 hours a week, who were selected through convenience sampling. Mothers answered the 10-item questionnaires of parental guilt, and... and...
To check construct validity (confirmatory factor analysis) and reliability of the questionnaire, spss 26 and amos24 software were used. Also, to check the concurrent validity of the questionnaire, its correlation coefficient with the questionnaires... and... was obtained.
Results: The results of the confirmatory factor analysis showed that the factor loading of all the items is more than 0.56 and all paths from the items to the main structure were significant at the 0.001 level. Also, the fit indices of the model (CMIN/DF=2.37, RMSE=0.073, GFI=0.93, CFI=0.93, IFI=0.95) were within acceptable range. Therefore, the said scale had an acceptable construct validity. The results of the reliability of the parental guilt questionnaire showed the value of Cronbach's alpha and acceptable construct reliability.
Discussion : In short, these findings provide evidence of face validity, content validity, construct reliability of parental guilt questionnaire in the sample of Iranian mothers.
In the concurrent validity evaluation, it was found that this scale had a significant positive correlation with the family-work conflict scale, which indicates that the family-work conflict in mothers often causes them to feel parental guilt. Also, this questionnaire showed a negative correlation with the Mindful Parenting Questionnaire, which means that the more conscious mothers behave in their parenting practices, the less parental guilt they experience. The research findings show that the parental guilt questionnaire in Iranian working mothers is an accurate and reliable tool.


Main Subjects