Document Type : Research Article


1 M.S. student of education psychology, Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Humanities. Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran

2 Faculty of Humanities, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran

3 3- Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran

4 Persian Gulf University bushehr Iran


Preschool education can act as a protective factor in children's development. High quality preschool education can moderate the impact of potential risks on cognitive development. In this age range, the cognitive development of children goes through its fastest possible state; And the quality of the educational products of this course is of great importance and it is the cornerstone for their future education. Play therapy and art therapy are among the intervention methods that are widely used in today's societies to promote the cognitive development of children. The reason for using this method is that children may not yet be fully prepared from a developmental point of view, and since these methods are liked by children, it seems appropriate to use them as learning methods for children. Considering the importance of growth and promotion of various cognitive processes in preschool period and emphasizing the positive effect of indirect methods in this age period, the focus of the research is on the effectiveness of Lego therapy and painting therapy. Therefore, this research was conducted with the aim of comparing Lego therapy and painting therapy on the executive functions and visual memory of preschool children.

The research method was semi-experimental with a pre-test, post-test and follow-up plan with a control group. The statistical population includes all the preschool children of Ahram city and the statistical sample was 27 preschool children in the age range of 4.5-6.5 years old, who were selected using the accessible method, but how they were placed in the experimental and control groups was random. Three weeks after the research, the follow-up period was done. The painting therapy protocol sessions were based on the Mohammadi protocol (2007) and there were 10 sessions of 40 minutes per session and two sessions were held every week. Also, the Lego therapy protocol sessions were ten sessions based on Asal and Asadian's protocol (2014), and each session lasted for 40 minutes, and two sessions were held weekly. Andre Ray's visual memory test (1942) and Ridley's Stroop test (1935) were used to collect data.
The research findings indicate that drawing therapy and lego therapy have an effect on children's visual memory and executive functions (P<0.05). There is no significant difference between the two methods in terms of impact on visual memory and executive functions
Painting therapy and lego therapy interventions can develop cognitive processes in children in preschool age and can be used as two useful tools. These two methods are considered as new educational interventions that can be used to improve intellectual and mental foundations as well as talent identification of children in preschool age. Executive functions, whose major growth occurs in childhood, if well developed, can create appropriate problem-solving ability and mental flexibility in facing events in adulthood. Helping to develop visual memory also improves students' behavior and flexibility.


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