Document Type : Research Article


1 Associate Professor, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran

2 PhD Student,, Department of Psychology, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran

3 Professor, Department of Psychology, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran.


In recent years, the rate of body dissatisfaction in adolescents has been reported to be very high and between 71.1 and 81%, and teenage girls report this problem more than boys. One of the problems associated with body dissatisfaction is psychological distress. Research has shown that body dissatisfaction leads to psychological distress and has a positive relationship with anxiety and depression. Investigating the effectiveness of psychological intervention to reduce psychological distress related to body dissatisfaction in adolescents is important, and in this research, the effectiveness of time perspective therapy (TPT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and body-focused gratitude meditation (BFGM) on psychological distress in adolescent girls with body dissatisfaction have been investigated. According to previous research, the effectiveness of TPT has been confirmed in improving body dissatisfaction, depression and anxiety in adolescents. ACT has also been effective on body dissatisfaction and anxiety, depression and stress in adolescents. Also, BFGM has improved body satisfaction and reduced depression and anxiety among adolescents. Therefore, the main question of this research is "Is there a significant difference between the effectiveness of TPT, ACT and BFGM on body dissatisfaction and psychological distress of adolescent girls with body dissatisfaction?"

The research method in this study was quasi-experimental with a pre-test-post-test, follpw-up design with a control group. The statistical population of this study consisted of adolescent girls aged 15 to 18 years in Rasht city in 2024 (N=920). Within two months of screening, 116 adolescnts had moderate to severe body dissatisfaction based on the body shape questionnaire (scores above 26). Among them, 72 adolescents had moderate to high scores in the subscales of depression (score higher than 7), anxiety (score higher than 6) and stress (score higher than 10). Among whom 69 adolescent girls agreed to participate in the research. They were randomly replaced in four groups: TPT (17 adolescents), ACT (17 adolescents), BFGM (17adolescents) and control group (18 adolescents). To collect data Body Shape Questionnaire and Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale (DASS-21) was used. After sample dropout, 16 adolescents in each group remained for the final analysis. After the interventions, the data were analyzed using repeated measures with analysis of variance and SPSS-26 software.

The findings showed that TPT, ACT and BFGM had a significant effect on reducing body dissatisfaction and psychological distress. Also, in body dissatisfaction, the effect of BFGM was higher than TPT; However, no significant difference was observed between the effectiveness of TPT and ACT. In addition, the effect of TPT on psychological distress (depression, anxiety and stress) has been higher than ACT; However, no significant difference was observed between the effectiveness of ACT and BFGM on reducing psychological distress.
Regarding the effectiveness of TPT on reducing body dissatisfaction and psychological distress (depression, anxiety, and stress), it can be argued that this intervention makes people aware of their negative time perspectives and replace their negative time perspectives (negative past, present, and future) with positive time perspectives; Therefore, this intervention leads to a positive understanding of the body and most likely changes the concerns of adolescents with body dissatisfaction about their future and physical conditions. ACT also helps to accept subjective experiences and commitment of people to personal values and can help adolescents whose with high body dissatisfaction to accept negative feelings and thoughts towards themselves and their bodies. The BFGM intervention directly increases body self-esteem, because adolescents develop a more positive attitude toward their bodies by focusing on the positive features of their bodies, instead of focusing on flaws and shortcomings. This process can be especially effective for adolescents who suffer from body dissatisfaction. Based on the findings, it is suggested that child and adolescent therapists and counselors use TPT, ACT and BFGM to reduce body dissatisfaction and psychological distress of adolescents girls due to body dissatisfaction. In addition, to choose the best intervention method, it is necessary to pay attention to the difference in the effectiveness of these interventions on body dissatisfaction and psychological distress.


Main Subjects