Document Type : Research Article
1 Department of Psychology, Arsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran.
2 Department of Psychology, Faculty of Literature and Humanities. Payame Noor University. Tehran. Iran.
3 Department of Educational Sciences, Farhangian University, P.O. Box 14665-889, Tehran, Iran.
The family is an emotional unit and a network of intertwined relationships that begins with the marriage of a man and a woman. Most couples at the beginning of their joint capital life consider mutual love and interest. But when the married life does not go as expected by the husband and wife, the couple experiences despair and hopelessness, and they reach a state of reduced affection for each other. In it, after a long period of conflict, the husband and wife reach the stage of hatred and then face the state of neglect, which is the last stage of the emotional relationship between a man and a woman, which ultimately leads to an emotional divorce. Divorce can be divided into two categories; Open divorce, in which the couple is officially separated by referring to the court, and hidden divorce, in which the couple lives with each other due to necessity and compulsion, and this type of divorce is called emotional divorce. Emotional divorce, which is the stage before formal divorce, is referred to as a kind of silent separation that has not happened legally and religiously, and a man and a woman live under the same roof apparently due to considerations and inevitably, but due to extreme coldness. Relationships and lack of exchange of feelings and emotions have a feeling of dissatisfaction with disappointment. On the other hand, factors such as social and cultural restrictions, economic problems, forced marriages, fear and escape from being alone, eye to eye with friends and family regarding marriage, violence and anger sometimes prevent the official separation of spouses.
The purpose of this research was to compare the effectiveness of Gutman's model and emotion regulation training on communication patterns and marital intimacy of married women facing divorce in Tehran.
The research method will be semi-experimental in terms of practical purpose and in terms of data collection with a pre-test and post-test design with an unequal control group. The statistical population of the present study consisted of all women seeking divorce who referred to the clinic and counseling center "Delsa" and "Aramesh" in Tehran in 2023. 48 people were selected from the statistical population using the purposeful sampling method and then randomly assigned to two experimental groups (16 people in the first experiment, 16 people in the second experiment and 16 people in the control group) based on the inclusion criteria. The experimental group participated in therapy sessions. While the control group did not receive the treatment and were put on the waiting list. The research tools included the Communication Patterns Questionnaire (CPQ, 1984) and the Bagazuri Marital Intimacy Questionnaire. To analyze the data at the descriptive level, mean and standard deviation were used, and at the inferential level, covariance analysis and multivariate analysis of variance were used.
The findings showed that both emotional regulation training and Guttman's model have increased marital intimacy and improved the subjects' communication patterns (p<0.05). Among the two interventions, emotion regulation training is a more effective method in increasing marital intimacy and improving communication patterns (p<0.001). Also, in the post-test and follow-up phases, a significant difference was observed between the effectiveness of the two interventions on self-criticism and psychological distress (P<0.05).
The results of Bonferroni's post hoc test also showed that the average difference between emotion-oriented regulation training and the control group in the variable of communication patterns and its components is greater than the difference between Guttman's model and the control group, which indicates that emotion-oriented regulation training is more effective in increasing communication patterns and It has its components in married women facing divorce.
In relation to the effectiveness of Gutman's approach on marital intimacy, it can be said that Gutman emphasizes love and respect to deal with the negative aspects of marriage, and to add to the positive aspects, he points to the following; Showing interest, kindness and affection, paying attention, appreciation, sympathy, empathy, acceptance, telling jokes and sharing happiness. In Gutman's educational program, teaching effective communication skills can help couples in establishing a good, two-way and efficient relationship that is in the direction of their growth and prosperity, and prevent the creation or continuation of destructive and negative feelings in the flow.
Main Subjects