Document Type : Research Article


1 shahid chamran university of ahvaz, ahvaz, iran

2 shahid chamran university of ahvaz



One of the most significant concerns that students find themselves grappling with is the issue of securing meaningful employment and achieving a sense of economic independence, particularly after they have successfully completed their university education. Furthermore, this concern is compounded by a multitude of factors including the rapid advancement of technology, the evolving nature of work values, and the various restrictions imposed on government employment, all of which have led to a noticeable increase in students' interest in pursuing entrepreneurship as a viable career path. The primary objective of this study is to create a model that elucidates the various factors that significantly influence students' entrepreneurial intentions. In this context, it has been determined that an individual's personality type serves as one of the key predictors of their entrepreneurial intention, and this influence can be understood more clearly when it is considered in conjunction with other behavioral factors such as entrepreneurial self-efficacy and the passion for entrepreneurship that individuals may possess. Thus, by examining the interplay between these various elements, we can gain a deeper understanding of what drives students to pursue entrepreneurial ventures in today's dynamic job market. Ultimately, the insights gleaned from this study could prove invaluable in shaping educational strategies and support systems designed to foster the entrepreneurial passion among students, equipping them with the skills and mindset necessary to thrive as business innovators in the future.

The current research is an applied one in terms of purpose and descriptive of correlation type in terms of data collection method. The statistical population of the research was students studying at the universities of Ahvaz metropolis, and a sample of 385 people was selected according to the Cochran formula and by random sampling. Scales of measuring variables include: Entrepreneurial Intention Questionnaire (Linan and Chen, 2009), Forbes Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy (2005), Entrepreneurial Passion by Cardon et al. (2013) , the narcissistic personality trait of Raskin & Terry (1998), the proactive personality trait of Siebert et al. (1999), Crant and Kramer (1999) and Bateman and Crant (1993), the personality trait of openness to experience and the extroversion personality trait variable of (Costa and McCurry, 1985) To test the hypotheses and analyze the data, structural equation modeling by the partial least square method was used in Smart PLS software version 3.3.3.

The findings of the research showed that personality factors, exception for extroversion factor, have a significant and direct impact on entrepreneurial intention, entrepreneurial self-efficacy and entrepreneurial enthusiasm. Also, entrepreneurial self-efficacy and entrepreneurial passion have a significant and direct effect on students' entrepreneurial intention (with path coefficients of 0.654 and 0.365 at 99% confidence level). Finally, the examination of indirect relationships showed that, except for the extroverted personality type, in other personality types, the variables of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and entrepreneurial passion play a mediating role between personality and entrepreneurial intention. In other words, personality type (except extraversion) is both directly and indirectly effective on entrepreneurial intention.

As the findings of the research, in accordance with the literature review, show that students' entrepreneurial intention can partly be explained by personality types. However, in this study, the role of extroversion factor was not confirmed, due to the effect of this factor on other job search tendencies of students, such as the desire to establish relationships with organizations and organizational employment. Also, similar to the similar studies, it has been determined that factors such as self-efficacy and passion both directly and in a mediating role affect on the entrepreneurial intention, and these factors can be manipulated and strengthened to reinforce the entrepreneurial intention of students. In this regard, it is suggested that universities, in addition to providing entrepreneurship education, take measures to strengthen the social learning of students in the field of entrepreneurship, for example, by holding entrepreneurship conferences, introducing models of successful entrepreneurs, encouraging entrepreneurial students in course evaluations, etc.


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