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Volume 2 (1995)
Volume 1 (1994)
The effectiveness of individual and group cognitive-behavioral therapies on depression decrease and ejection fraction increase in coronary heart disease
Volume 23, Issue 1 , June 2016, Pages 1-22

  Depression as a usual disorder in coronary heart disease decreases mental health and ejection fraction of these patients. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of individual and group cognitive-behavioral therapies on depression decrease and ejection fraction increase in coronary ...  Read More

Studying the effectiveness of Cochran's Career Narrative Therapy on academic procrastination of blind students
Volume 23, Issue 1 , June 2016, Pages 23-42


  The aim of the current study was to investigate the effect of Cochran's career narrative therapy on academic procrastination of blind students. This is a quasi-experimental study with pretest-posttest design with control group. The statistical population of the study was all of blind students in University ...  Read More

Designing and testing a model of the casual relationships between personality traits of sociotropy/autonomy, perception of stressful events and depression symptoms in Shahid Chamran University students

A Mohamadzadeh; A Neissi; N Arshadi; M Shehni Yailagh; M Mehrabizadeh Honarmand

Volume 23, Issue 1 , June 2016, Pages 43-73


  The purpose of the presentstudy was designing and testing a model of the casual relationshipsbetween sociotropy/autonomy, perception of stressful events and depressionsymptoms. Hypothesized model, includessociotropy and autonomy as precedents, perception of interpersonal andachievement stressful events ...  Read More

The mediating role of cognitive avoidance and anxiety in the relationship between negative perfectionism and procrastination
Volume 23, Issue 1 , June 2016, Pages 73-94


  Perfectionism as a stable personalitycharacteristic that influences various aspects of human life in a complex way.Several studies show that perfectionists reduce their anxiety by doingprocrastinating behaviors. So, the purpose of this study was to investigate themediating role of cognition avoidance ...  Read More

Structural equation modeling of the relationship between school climate and collective efficacy with personal efficacy of teachers’ of primary schools

MohammadReza Mottaghinia

Volume 23, Issue 1 , June 2016, Pages 95-114


  This study was carried out to design a model forteacher personalefficacy from school climate and teacher collective efficacy - socialvariables.In this study, 255 teachers from elementary schoolsin Bajestan city were selected with multistage random sampling method.Instruments of the study were Teacher ...  Read More

Evaluation of state-trait anxiety and difficulties in emotion regulation: Based on personality dimensions of sensitivity to punishment and sensitivity to reward

F Mikaeli Manee

Volume 23, Issue 1 , June 2016, Pages 115-136


  Theaim of the present studywas to investigatethe state-trait anxiety and difficultiesin emotion regulation basedon personality dimensions of sensitivity to punishment (SP) and sensitivity toreward (SR). For this purpose, participants were male students in UrmiaUniversity, who were selected by their extreme ...  Read More

Investigating some predictors and outcomes of flow at work in Maroon oil and gas production company’s personnel

M Bryaji; A Nami

Volume 23, Issue 1 , June 2016, Pages 137-154


  The aim of this research was to determine the role of transformational leadershipand job resources in predicting flow at work and the relationship of flow at work with psychologicalwell-being and creativity. The statisticalpopulation comprised of all employees of Maroon oil and gas Production Company, ...  Read More

The effectiveness of training forgiveness therapy on controlling anger of students
Volume 23, Issue 1 , June 2016, Pages 155-174


  The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of training forgiveness therapy on controlling anger among the female high school students. The population was students living in Tehran in 2009-2010. Through multi-stage sampling method, 50 students were selected and randomly assigned to 2 groups ...  Read More