Psychometrics scales
Mohsen Arbezi; Zahra Noorozi Ghader loo
IntroductionA psychologically rich life is other psychologically desirable life which has recently been conceptualized and introduced by experts in the field of well-being. Developing a psychologically rich life questionnaire is necessary to investigate psychologically rich life in Iranian society empirically. ...
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IntroductionA psychologically rich life is other psychologically desirable life which has recently been conceptualized and introduced by experts in the field of well-being. Developing a psychologically rich life questionnaire is necessary to investigate psychologically rich life in Iranian society empirically. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Persian version of the Psychologically rich life Questionnaire (Oishi et al., 2019) in two general population groups and College students. For this purpose, two studies were conducted. The first study was conducted on the general population, and the second was on the student population.MethodIn the first study, 450 people from the general population of Shiraz were selected using the convenience sampling method; And they responded to Psychologically rich life questionnaires (Oishi et al., 2019), depression-short form (Beck et al., 1996) and meaning of life (Steger, 2010). In the second study, 220 students of Shiraz University who were studying in the academic year of 2019-2020; selected by convenience sampling method; and answered Psychologically rich life questionnaires (Oishi et al., 2019), flourishing scale (Diener et al., 2010), the scale of positive and negative feelings (Diener et al., 2010) and life satisfaction questionnaire (Diener et al., 1985). SPSS-16 and AMOS-21 statistical software analyzed data. The content, construct, convergent and divergent validity of the mentioned questionnaire were investigated using the opinions of educational and clinical psychology experts, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and correlation coefficients of Psychologically rich life components with related variables, respectively. In order to investigate the reliability of the questionnaire, Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used.ResultsExperts confirmed the representativeness of the questionnaire items to measure Psychologically rich life. In the first study, both types of exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were used for construct validity. Exploratory factor analysis showed that the Persian version of the psychological rich life questionnaire consists of three factors under the headings of «new and various experiences», «unusual experiences», and «non-uniformity». Confirmatory factor analysis also confirmed the fit of the three-factor model with the data. Also, in this study, the logical relationship between the components of a psychologically rich life and related variables indicates this questionnaire's convergent and divergent validity. In the second study, confirmatory factor analysis showed that the three-factor model of a psychologically rich life is consistent with the data. In this study, the logical relationship between the components of a psychologically rich life with related variables indicates the convergent and divergent validity of the questionnaire. In both studies, Cronbach's alpha coefficient confirms the reliability of the questionnaire.ConclusionThe research findings show that the questionnaire mentioned has suitable psychometric indicators for measuring the Psychologically rich life of the general and student population; researchers can use it.
Psychometrics scales
Farzin Bagheri Sheykhangafshe; Zahra Khani; Hojjatollah Farahani; Parviz Azadfallah
IntroductionThe Internet is one of the most influential forms of mass media that created a great revolution at the global level. Today, most people spend their time on the Internet and use the Internet in various fields such as learning, playing, teaching, social communication, and shopping. In this ...
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IntroductionThe Internet is one of the most influential forms of mass media that created a great revolution at the global level. Today, most people spend their time on the Internet and use the Internet in various fields such as learning, playing, teaching, social communication, and shopping. In this regard, the present study was conducted to investigate the psychometric properties of the online shopping addiction scale in an Iranian sample. MethodThis research was a descriptive-analytical evaluation study. The sample consisted of 500 women (404) and men (96) in Tehran in 2021 who were selected by the available sampling method and completed the online shopping addiction scale, Saving inventory questionnaire, and psychological well-being questionnaire. Psychometric properties of the online shopping addiction scale were analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis, divergent validity, concurrent validity, Pearson correlation, and Cronbach's alpha coefficient in R software version 4.1 at a significance level of 0.05. Two translators fluent in English separately translated the questionnaire into Farsi. The prepared English versions were compared with the original version of the questionnaire, and with the cooperation of the group of translators, the Farsi version of the questionnaire was prepared and given to several people in different age groups. After identifying and solving the ambiguities in the questions, the final version of the questionnaire was prepared.ResultsAccording to the investigations, the average and standard deviation of the age of the research participants were 29.68 and 9.16, respectively. Based on the results obtained, the six-factor structure (Salience, Tolerance, Mood Modification, Withdrawal, Relapse, Conflict) of the online shopping addiction scale was assessed and validated using confirmatory factor analysis (CFI = 0.93, RMSEA = 0.07). To check the construct validity of the scale, we will first check its confirmatory factor analysis. The suitability of the test items for factor analysis was investigated using the correlation index of the score of each item with the corrected total score. In the study of concurrent and divergent criterion validity, the correlation of the online shopping addiction scale with the positive Saving inventory scale was significant. The relationship between online shopping addiction and psychological well-being was also negative and significant. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the total score of the online shopping addiction scale was 0.93 and for its dimensions was 0.72 to 0.91.DiscussionThe results of the present study were similar to previous studies, showing the good validity of the tool. The findings of the present study showed that the Persian version of the online shopping addiction questionnaire in the Iranian sample has adequate validity and reliability. The existence of a high correlation with the storage behavior questionnaire as well as a high Cronbach's alpha for the subscales is also a confirmation that this questionnaire can be used effectively. Since less attention has been paid to the issue of online shopping addiction inside the country, by conducting extensive studies, we can see the validity of this scale as much as possible inside the country of Iran.
Psychometrics scales
Iman SHAKERI; Ali Mehdad; hadi farhadi
IntroductionGiven the changing nature of today’s workforce, it is becoming increasingly common, and at times even vital, for employees to be well-prepared for navigating complex social situations to fulfill everyday organizational demands. However, while effective interpersonal interactions are ...
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IntroductionGiven the changing nature of today’s workforce, it is becoming increasingly common, and at times even vital, for employees to be well-prepared for navigating complex social situations to fulfill everyday organizational demands. However, while effective interpersonal interactions are clearly required in many occupations, an ongoing deficiency of critical interpersonal knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAOs) among employees has been widely recognized. The current study seeks to answer a critical call in the literature for better methods of assessing and developing employee interpersonal KSAOs, especially in terms of how to assess employee effectiveness in the application of these KSAOs to socially complex situations. Specifically, the current study develops and provides initial validity evidence for a situational judgment test (SJT) of critical social thinking, the underlying set of processes that put interpersonal KSAOs into practice.MethodThe present study was conducted within the framework of descriptive and correlation based psychometric design. The statistical population included all managers of the Iran Alloy Steel Company in the first half of 2022, of which 196 people (for exploratory factor analysis and reliability) and 210 separate people (for confirmatory factor analysis and convergent validity), who were selected by stratified sampling method. In order to design the situations and answer options of the scale, were used viewpoints of subject matter experts, and to analyze the data, reliability analysis, correlation methods, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were used.ResultsIn otder to investigate the validity of situational judgment test of critical social thinking several method were used. The exploratory factor analysis with principal components method and varimax rotation, as expected, suggested a structure based on three subscales include "scanning", "appraising/assessing", "interpreting". Confirmatory factor analysis showed the researcher’s hypothesis that the structure is based on three components is confirmed. Also, convergent validity was confirmed by its correlation with the scores of critical social thinking in the assessment center. Evaluation of internal consistency of scale by Cronbach’s alpha method and correlation of each question whit total score, showed that questions of this scale have acceptable internal consistency. Discussionoverally, the study findings showed situational judgment test of critical social thinking is composed of three factors and acceptable validity and reliability. Consequently, it can be applied to measure critical social thinking of employees in complex organizational situations. This research has provided promising fields for studies that measure and develop critical social thinking in the workplace.Keywords: situational judgment test, critical social thinking, factor analysis, assessment center
Psychometrics scales
fatemeh Farid; Gholam Ali Afrooz; Mohsen Shokoohi-Yekta; Abbas Bazargan
The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the psychometric characteristics of the parent form of the Children's Behavioral Assessment (BASC-3) among the students at primary elementary school in Tehran. The psychology and education of exceptional children requires the use of psychological ...
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The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the psychometric characteristics of the parent form of the Children's Behavioral Assessment (BASC-3) among the students at primary elementary school in Tehran. The psychology and education of exceptional children requires the use of psychological tools that can provide a detailed understanding of exceptional children, their needs, strengths, and weaknesses. The importance of interpersonal and intra-individual differences is one of the things that reaches its peak in psychological assessment, especially in exceptional assessment. Therefore, by using the principles and techniques of psychometrics in the field of exceptional children, the measurement in this field should be developed, in such a way that the process of identifying, classifying, and evaluating educational and psychological interventions in a multidimensional way and considering the diversity Intrapersonal and interpersonal interactions are possible. Among the groups of students with special needs are children and students with emotional-behavioral disorders. This group has a wide scope and includes many problems. MethodThe research society consisted of two subgroups, which included the students at the primary elementary school in Tehran in the academic year of 2022-2023, through which access to the second community, the parents of first year primary elementary students. The research sample included 800 parents (400 mothers and 400 fathers) who were tested in by available sampling. The research design was analytical in terms of descriptive method and practical in terms of purpose. The research tools were BASC-3 parent form for children and Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). To analyze the data, Cronbach's alpha, Inter- rater reliability, test – retest reliability, internal structure & concurrent validity methods were used. ResultsSince the Cronbach coefficients of the factors were above 0.70, the internal consistency coefficient was reported to be excellent. Also, Inter- rater reliability was in the medium to excellent range. The test-retest reliability coefficient in the mothers' questionnaire ranged from 0.76 to 0.90 and in the fathers' questionnaire from 0.73 to 0.86, which were classified in the medium to high range. Also, the findings of the research showed that it has a good internal structure and a strong correlation between the subscales.DiscussionAccording to the findings of the research, which shows the reliability and validity of this tool, it is recommended to use it to collect information about children's behavioral problems and adaptability, and if necessary, design and implement appropriate educational and intervention programs for children. Studying the identification and diagnosis of emotional-behavioral disorders at a young age with the aim of prevention and early intervention in order to prevent the severity of the symptoms of disorders and prevent their consequences is an important matter that the necessity of studying at the level of early detection using tools that are reliable and They have good credibility and it requires the intervention by using educational programs and interventions that are approved by experts. Considering this issue, it is more necessary to examine the psychometric characteristics of tools that provide the possibility of measurement leading to diagnosis and intervention. Among these tools, which have been less studied in the country, BASC-3, which provides the possibility of multidimensional measurement and prescriptive diagnosis among children, teenagers, and even young adults. To investigate the psychometric properties of the tool among the students of the first year of elementary school, the reliability and validity of the tool was studied.
Psychometrics scales
Mohsen Arbezi
Background: Moral characteristics are virtues that can affect the quality of different dimensions of people's lives. For example, the role of conscientiousness as an antecedent for academic success (Kappe & Van Der Flier, 2012), better job performance (Barrick, & Mount, 1991), health-oriented ...
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Background: Moral characteristics are virtues that can affect the quality of different dimensions of people's lives. For example, the role of conscientiousness as an antecedent for academic success (Kappe & Van Der Flier, 2012), better job performance (Barrick, & Mount, 1991), health-oriented behaviors (Bogg & Roberts, 2004), psychological well-being (Tanksale, 2015) and Marital satisfaction (Claxton et al., 2012) pointed out. All these research evidences indicate the adaptive function of conscientiousness in different aspects of life. also Conscientiousness is one of the most critical ethical virtues. Therefore, a tool with appropriate psychometric properties must measure this ethical background with other variables. The current research aims to determine the factor structure and psychometric properties (validity and reliability) of the conscientiousness ethics scale.Objectives: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the conscientiousness ethics scale in a group of Shiraz University undergraduate students.Methods: The undergraduate students in the present study were from Shiraz University in 2019-2020 academic year; 440 (221 women and 219 men) were selected by the multistage random clustering method and responded to the conscientiousness ethics scale. After entering data into the software SPSS-16, The data were randomly divided into two equal parts; Thus, to perform exploratory factor analysis, Data from the first 220 samples And confirmatory factor analysis were collected from 220 other samples.Results: The results of exploratory factor analysis showed that conscientiousness ethics is composed of two factors, conscientiousness and trustworthiness. The confirmatory factor analysis also confirmed the two-factor structure of conscientiousness ethics. The values of Cronbach's alpha coefficients also confirmed the instrument's reliability.Conclusion: In general, the results of this research show the efficiency of the conscientiousness ethics scale; And researchers in the field of moral psychology can use it. The preparation of this tool can lead to an increase in theoretical knowledge in the field of moral characters.
Psychometrics scales
reyhaneh rokni; Azadeh Taheri
Introduction: The parental guilt scale is one of the few questionnaires designed to measure guilt in parents with normal children. In recent decades, the number of working mothers in Iran has increased, but the division of responsibilities in the family still remains traditional, and mothers are recognized ...
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Introduction: The parental guilt scale is one of the few questionnaires designed to measure guilt in parents with normal children. In recent decades, the number of working mothers in Iran has increased, but the division of responsibilities in the family still remains traditional, and mothers are recognized as the main caregivers of children and fathers as the source of family income, so most mothers have to deal with work duties and the family themselves experience double pressure and as a result, parental guilt. Most mothers feel extra pressure to take care of their work and family duties, and as a result, they experience parental guilt. Parental guilt in working mothers can affect the work and family performance of mothers and the psychological well-being of family members, so the need for an efficient tool to measure parental guilt was felt. The present study was conducted to investigate the psychometric properties of parental guilt scale in Iranian mothers.Method: The statistical population of the study was working mothers in Tehran who have children between 2 and 12 years old and worked at least 20 hours a week, who were selected through convenience sampling. Mothers answered the 10-item questionnaires of parental guilt, and... and...To check construct validity (confirmatory factor analysis) and reliability of the questionnaire, spss 26 and amos24 software were used. Also, to check the concurrent validity of the questionnaire, its correlation coefficient with the questionnaires... and... was obtained.Results: The results of the confirmatory factor analysis showed that the factor loading of all the items is more than 0.56 and all paths from the items to the main structure were significant at the 0.001 level. Also, the fit indices of the model (CMIN/DF=2.37, RMSE=0.073, GFI=0.93, CFI=0.93, IFI=0.95) were within acceptable range. Therefore, the said scale had an acceptable construct validity. The results of the reliability of the parental guilt questionnaire showed the value of Cronbach's alpha and acceptable construct reliability.Discussion : In short, these findings provide evidence of face validity, content validity, construct reliability of parental guilt questionnaire in the sample of Iranian mothers. In the concurrent validity evaluation, it was found that this scale had a significant positive correlation with the family-work conflict scale, which indicates that the family-work conflict in mothers often causes them to feel parental guilt. Also, this questionnaire showed a negative correlation with the Mindful Parenting Questionnaire, which means that the more conscious mothers behave in their parenting practices, the less parental guilt they experience. The research findings show that the parental guilt questionnaire in Iranian working mothers is an accurate and reliable tool.
Psychometrics scales
Marzieh Mehrbani Nasab; Soodabeh Bassak Nejad; Mahnaz Mehrabizadeh Honarmand
Aim: Body compassion is defined as a person's physical attention to appearance, competence and health along with mindfulness, kindness and awareness of common humanity. The present study was conducted to confirm the fit, validity and reliability of Body Compassion Scale by Altman et al. (2017) in Iranian ...
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Aim: Body compassion is defined as a person's physical attention to appearance, competence and health along with mindfulness, kindness and awareness of common humanity. The present study was conducted to confirm the fit, validity and reliability of Body Compassion Scale by Altman et al. (2017) in Iranian students. Methods: This study is of correlation and validation type. The statistical population included 175 female students studying at Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz in 2019. Results: Cronbach's alpha coefficient of this questionnaire was equal to 0.81 and the results of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and goodness of fit indices indicated the appropriate fit of the three-factor structure of Body Compassion Scale. The results showed that the items of this scale have convergent validity and suitable fit of the scale.Conclusion: Therefore, social self-efficiency (SSE) scale had suitable validity and reliability, and this scale can be used in many clinical and research situations.Aim: Body compassion is defined as a person's physical attention to appearance, competence and health along with mindfulness, kindness and awareness of common humanity. The present study was conducted to confirm the fit, validity and reliability of Body Compassion Scale by Altman et al. (2017) in Iranian students. Methods: This study is of correlation and validation type. The statistical population included 175 female students studying at Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz in 2019. Results: Cronbach's alpha coefficient of this questionnaire was equal to 0.81 and the results of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and goodness of fit indices indicated the appropriate fit of the three-factor structure of Body Compassion Scale. The results showed that the items of this scale have convergent validity and suitable fit of the scale.Conclusion: Therefore, social self-efficiency (SSE) scale had suitable validity and reliability, and this scale can be used in many clinical and research situations.