Clinical Psychology
Ameneh Dashti; Yadollah Zargar
AbstractIntroduction: Suicidal ideation increases the risk of levels of suicidal behavior. Therefore, it is necessary to study this complex and multifactorial phenomenon in non-clinical samples, especially women. The aim of this study was to develop a structural model of suicidal ideation based on the ...
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AbstractIntroduction: Suicidal ideation increases the risk of levels of suicidal behavior. Therefore, it is necessary to study this complex and multifactorial phenomenon in non-clinical samples, especially women. The aim of this study was to develop a structural model of suicidal ideation based on the components of perceived stress and self-silencing, considering the mediator role of difficulty in emotion regulation in women. Method: Based on this, using multi-stage random sampling method, 350 female students of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz were selected as the sample. Participants completed the Beck Suicide Ideation Scale (BSI), the Perceived Stress Inventory (PSQ), the Self-Silencing Scale, and the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (S-DERS) with full knowledge and satisfaction. Structural equation modeling (AMOS-22 software) was used to evaluate the assumed relationships in the model and analyze the collected data. Result: According to the research results, all direct and indirect paths embedded in the model were significant and had an acceptable fit (p<0.001). In this research, the χ2 (df) was estimated as 0.13, which indicates the fit of the model with the data. Also, GFI, AGFI, and CFI indices were obtained as 0.94, 0.90, and 0.95, respectively, which indicates the acceptable fit of the model. Among the fit indices of RMSEA is the basis of acceptance or rejection of a hypothesized model, which was obtained as 0.05. Also, according to the multivariable regression analysis, the R value was equal to 0.237, which means that 23% of the variance of suicidal ideation can be predicted and explained by difficulty in emotion regulation, perceived stress, and self-silencing.Conclusion: Designing a model of suicidal ideation made it possible to examine the role and influence of difficulty in emotion regulation, perceived stress and self-silencing. Based on the findings of the present study, difficulty in emotion regulation has a positive and significant relationship with suicidal ideation in women.Difficulty in emotion regulation is a type of emotional vulnerability that predicts suicidal ideation. The relationship between perceived stress and difficulty in regulating emotion was another finding that was confirmed in this study. A stressful situation is defined as a situation where the demands expected of a person are greater than his ability to adapt. In fact, when dealing with stress, a person focuses on the stressful and problematic situation and the awareness of his emotions decreases. On the other hand, limited access to effective emotion regulation strategies in conditions of intensified pressure and finally the ability of a person to manage his emotions decreases.Another assumed relationship of the proposed model in this research was the relationship between self- silencing and difficulty in emotion regulation. As expected, a direct relationship between self- silencing and difficulty in emotion regulation was confirmed. This means that the more self- silencing increases, the more difficult the emotion regulation process will be. The requirement of self- silencing is the suppression and denial of emotions, and this process is strengthened by ignoring oneself and giving priority to the desires, needs and emotions of others and getting attention and approval or maintaining relationships.These results mean that; Perceived stress, self-silencing, and difficulty in emotion regulating have a high predictive power for suicidal ideation in women. In addition, the findings suggest that predictor variables all predict a total of 23% variance of suicidal ideation.Key words: Suicidal Ideation, Perceived Stress, Self-silencing, Difficulties in Emotion Regulation, Structural Equation Modeling, Women
Clinical Psychology
Asieh Mazloom Ghaziani; Mryam Ghorbani
Chronic pain is one of the important issues of global health that has huge economic and social effects. Extensive chronic pain syndromes have always been a big challenge for doctors and patients. One of the most common chronic pain syndromes is fibromyalgia syndrome. Fibromyalgia is known as a chronic, ...
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Chronic pain is one of the important issues of global health that has huge economic and social effects. Extensive chronic pain syndromes have always been a big challenge for doctors and patients. One of the most common chronic pain syndromes is fibromyalgia syndrome. Fibromyalgia is known as a chronic, painful, and non-inflammatory syndrome that affects the musculoskeletal system. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of emotion-focused therapy on emotional balance, psychological cohesion, and self-efficacy in fibromyalgia patients. The research design was quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest with a control group. MethodThe study population included fibromyalgia patients referred to Isfahan Medical Sciences Center in 2021. Of these, 24 patients were selected by available sampling method based on inclusion criteria and randomly assigned to two groups of 12 experimental and control. The experimental group participated in 90 minutes of 8 sessions of emotion therapy; But for the control group, no intervention was made. Data collection tools including three questionnaires of emotion balance Spin Diner (2010), Antonovsky's sense of inner cohesion (1993) and Scherer self-efficacy questionnaire (1982) answered. Research data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of covariance in SPSS software version 26. ResultsThe results of the main hypothesis of the study showed that emotion-oriented treatment has effectively increased positive feelings, feelings of psychological cohesion, self-efficacy in fibromyalgia patients in Isfahan (p<0.01). Also, the results of the first sub-hypothesis showed that emotion-oriented treatment has effectively increased the feeling of psychological cohesion in the dimensions of comprehensibility and manageability in fibromyalgia patients in Isfahan (p<0.05). Also, the results of the second sub-hypothesis showed that emotion-oriented treatment has effectively increased general self-efficacy in fibromyalgia patients in Isfahan (p<0.05). In explaining the results obtained in relation to the effectiveness of the treatment on the positive emotions of the patients, it can be said that feelings and emotions are an essential part of the dynamic system of human personality. The characteristics and changes of feelings and emotions and their interpretation play an important role in the development of personality organization, moral evolution, social relations, formation of identity and self-concept.DiscussionTherefore, according to the results, it is suggested that emotion-oriented therapy be used to increase positive bed bugs, psychological cohesion, and self-efficacy in fibromyalgia patients. Determining the effectiveness of emotional therapy on emotional balance, sense of inner coherence and self-efficacy in fibromyalgia patients in Isfahan city. Findings about the effectiveness of emotion-oriented therapy on the dependent variables of research in fibromyalgia patients in Isfahan city showed that emotion-oriented therapy has effectively increased positive feelings, feelings of psychological coherence, and self-efficacy in fibromyalgia patients in Isfahan city.
Clinical Psychology
Shahrazad Qarabaghi; Marjan Kian; Maryam Moghadasin
IntroductionAdolescence is a critical period that includes the age range of ten to eighteen years, and the adolescent at this age enjoys rapid physical, cognitive, psychological, and emotional growth, and the occurrence of these characteristics causes challenges in the adolescent's thinking, feeling, ...
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IntroductionAdolescence is a critical period that includes the age range of ten to eighteen years, and the adolescent at this age enjoys rapid physical, cognitive, psychological, and emotional growth, and the occurrence of these characteristics causes challenges in the adolescent's thinking, feeling, decision-making power, and interaction. will be Today's teenagers are faced with many crises. Among the challenges of adolescent development are the consequences of the advancement of civilization, technology, the ever-increasing development of information and information systems, pornography, social temptations, the flow of influence, bloodshed and cultural degeneration, the gap between generations, family unrest, the bombardment of sexual information by peers. The aim of the research was to investigate the effectiveness of the sex education curriculum on the mental health and self-care development of first year high school students. MethodThe quantitative research approach was semi-experimental. The statistical population was public school students of the first year of high school in one district of Karaj city, 30 7th grade female students were selected in two groups of 15 (experimental and control). The research tool was three questionnaires of the mental health of the saints, eternal self-care and a researcher-made checklist, which was used in order to check the learning effectiveness of the intervention plan, a pre-test-post-test format with experimental and control groups. Multivariate and univariate analysis of covariance were used to analyze the data. ResultsThe findings showed that the sex education curriculum has a significant effect on some components of mental health, as well as in the dimensions of self-care, the sex education program has a significant effect on the development of emotional, mental and physical self-care. Also, the significant difference in the post-test scores of the experimental group compared to the control group indicated the effectiveness of the sex education intervention plan. DiscussionIn fact, the curriculum of sex education has led to the formation and development of knowledge, awareness, skills, and knowledge of educators, and by transferring the principles of maintaining mental health and developing self-care skills, it will lead to the safety of the individual and society, and the enjoyment of a more efficient generation and a healthier society. It is recommended to education policymakers to design a sex education curriculum with an Islamic-native approach, based on the philosophical, social and cultural foundations of Iran, and to formally teach it as one of the essential educational and cultural skills in schools so that students in the environment The community should not suffer unwanted and hidden injuries.
Clinical Psychology
Noora Shahmiri; Javanshir Asadi; leila sadat Azizi ziabari; Hasan Abdollahzadeh
IntroductionThe present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Social physique anxiety, impulsive behaviors, and emotional self-regulation of obese people. The statistical population of the research consisted of all obese women living ...
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IntroductionThe present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Social physique anxiety, impulsive behaviors, and emotional self-regulation of obese people. The statistical population of the research consisted of all obese women living in Tehran in 2022. Recent studies show that obesity has reached epidemic proportions in recent years and its prevalence is still increasing. Obesity is often associated with many physical diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, premature birth, and arthritis, as well as social and economic harms such as problems in interpersonal communication, reduced productivity, and hope. It comes with life and health care costs. Although weight causes physical, social, and economic problems, it can have a significant effect on creating psychological problems; Especially in today's age, when there is a different view of obesity and body, and these conditions, in turn, cause physical and social anxiety in people with obesity in social situations. Physical-social anxiety is a special form of social anxiety that is defined as the fear of negative evaluation or rejection by others because of one's physical appearance. A person suffering from physical-social anxiety does not feel comfortable with his body and body in social situations and is worried that others will judge his appearance or have a negative evaluation about his appearance. On the other hand, in people with obesity, due to their physical condition and fear of social evaluations, this condition, in addition to being anxiety-provoking, can reduce the patient's tolerance threshold, which is one of the important and fundamental factors in increased impulsivity. MethodThe research method is quasi-experimental with pre-test-post-test design and follow-up (one month) with control group and random assignment of subjects. To measure the research variables, social physique anxiety scale (SPA) by Hart et al. (1989), the impulsivity questionnaire (BIS-11) by Barrett et al. (2004) and the emotional self-regulation scale by Hoffman and Kashdan (2010) were used. First, 30 people were selected by convenience sampling method and were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups (15 people each). Then, the experimental group received Acceptance and Commitment Therapy during 8 therapy sessions, one session of 90 minutes per week. Both groups were measured in three stages: pre-test, post-test and one-month follow-up. The data were analyzed by multivariate variance analysis using SPSS-22 software.ResultsThe findings of the research showed that Acceptance and Commitment Therapy was effective on social physique anxiety, impulsive behaviors, and emotional self-regulation in obese women (p=0/.5). This effectiveness was sustained in the follow-up period. Also, the findings of the research show that the treatment based on acceptance and commitment has led to the reduction of impulsive behaviors and improvement of emotional self-regulation in people with obesity. Individuals who struggle with problems with emotional self-regulation, delayed gratification, and poor impulse control are more likely to eat high-fat foods when they are available. In fact, overeating appears to temporarily reduce negative emotions. The reduction of impulsive behaviors and, consequently, the improvement of emotional self-regulation skills following treatment based on acceptance and commitment can be attributed to the three components of acceptance, attention to clients' values, and mindfulness in therapy based on acceptance and commitment. Acceptance as an adaptive emotion regulation strategy does not mean changing the experienced emotions.DiscussionAcceptance and Commitment Therapy can be used as an effective intervention to reduce social people. anxiety and impulsive behaviors and improve emotional self-regulation in obese people. Based on the results of statistical analysis, the research hypothesis is confirmed. The findings show that the treatment based on acceptance and commitment has been effective in reducing the physical-social anxiety of people with obesity.
Clinical Psychology
Shabnam Roshanaie; heman mahmoudfakhe
IntroductionNormally, after marriage, couples prepare for a series of changes that occur in their lives due to the birth of a new child. If the child they are expecting has a disability, these changes are much more extensive than usual, and it is very difficult for parents to face this issue and accept ...
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IntroductionNormally, after marriage, couples prepare for a series of changes that occur in their lives due to the birth of a new child. If the child they are expecting has a disability, these changes are much more extensive than usual, and it is very difficult for parents to face this issue and accept it. Autism is one of the important childhood disorders, which is a subset of autism spectrum disorders and is one of the neurodevelopmental disorders that continues throughout life. Usually, the mother is the first person who communicates with the child, and therefore mothers are given priority attention. Autistic children also need constant maintenance and require special conditions that parents should provide them. In general, it can be said that one of the influencing factors in disorders such as autism in children and its treatment process is the mother's psychological characteristics, and this has always been the focus of researchers. According to the mentioned materials, the mental health of mothers who have children with autism is very important and if their problems are not solved, the possibility of serious disorders in them increases.Therefore, Tthe aim of this study was to examine the effect of the Kozloff educational program on the components of emotional burnout and rumination in mothers of children with autism.MethodThis research is a quasi-experimental study with a pre-test-post-test control group design, and based on the purpose, it is considered one of the applied studies. The statistical population included mothers who had a child with autism and lived in Urmia City in 2023. The number of these mothers was 100. Among these people, a number of 30 people were selected as convenience sampling and were assigned in two experimental and control groups by simple random assignment (15 people in each group). After selecting the subjects according to the description of the sampling section and obtaining their consent, they were randomly grouped. People in the control group did not receive any intervention. The people of the experimental group were also trained in the Kozloff parenting program during 12 sessions of 90 minutes. This program was designed by Campbell and Kozloff in 2007 and was translated into Farsi by Khodabakhshi Koolaee in 2016. After completing the training sessions, both groups were re-evaluated (post-test). Maslach Burnout Inventory (1981) and Nolen Hoeksema and Morrow's rumination response Scale (1991) were used to collect information. In this research, the ethical points of the Declaration of Helsinki have been followed, which are: Explaining the goals for the research sample and obtaining informed written consent from them to participate in the research, giving the research sample the right to choose to enter and exit the research at any time, confidentiality of information, honesty in the selection of research units collecting and analyzing data.The data obtained from this research were analyzed using SPSS-26 software at two levels of descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (multivariate covariance analysis).ResultsThe results showed that there is a significant difference between the average scores of the two control and experimental groups in the variables of rumination and emotional exhaustion after the implementation of the training of the Kozloff parents' program for mothers with children with autism. Before running the analysis of covariance test, its presuppositions were checked. The investigation of normality, homogeneity of variances and the assumption of homogeneity of regression slopes was also carried out. According to the results of the mentioned cases, the implementation of covariance analysis was unimpeded.The results of the analysis of covariance showed that the Kozlov parent training program reduced emotional burnout (F=175.419 and P<0.005) and subscales of rumination, including Reflection (F=174.109 and P<0.005), Brooding (F=2.276 and P<0.005) and depression-related rumination (F=82.693 and P=0.005) were significantly effective.DiscussionAccording to the results of this research regarding the effectiveness of training of the Kozloff parents' program on reducing emotional burnout and rumination of mothers with autistic children, training of the Kozloff parents' program can be used to reduce emotional burnout and rumination of mothers with autistic children.
Clinical Psychology
auob asadi; Yadollah Zargar; jalal Moludi
IntroductionObesity is a condition in which excess fat tissue is accumulated in a person's body, and this accumulation of fat tissue causes all kinds of physical and psychological problems. The most common way to estimate obesity is to use the body mass index, according to which people with a body mass ...
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IntroductionObesity is a condition in which excess fat tissue is accumulated in a person's body, and this accumulation of fat tissue causes all kinds of physical and psychological problems. The most common way to estimate obesity is to use the body mass index, according to which people with a body mass of 30 or more are considered obese. Obesity and the physical and psychological diseases that arise for sufferers show that there is a need for effective, accessible and affordable treatments. Psychological treatments can have a significant effect on weight loss due to low complications and lasting effects. Therefore, the present study was conducted to investigate the effect of cognitive-behavioral therapy on weight loss and concern about body image.Method This experimental research was conducted on a sample of 30 people with obesity and concerned about body image. The participants were randomly assigned to two different cognitive-behavioral therapy groups and the control group. Both groups were measured in two stages: pre-test and post-test. The research tools included body mass index (BMI) and multidimensional body-self relationship questionnaire. ResultsThe results showed that there is a significant difference between the cognitive-behavioral therapy group in comparison to the control group in reducing the weight of obese people and reducing concern about body image. So that the participants who underwent cognitive behavioral therapy, the mean and standard deviation of their body mass was 3.26 ± 32.47 respectively, while the mean and standard deviation of the control group's body mass was 34.81 respectively. It was 4.82 ± which indicates more weight loss under cognitive-behavioral therapy. Also, the mean and standard deviation of body image in the group under cognitive-behavioral therapy were 11.92 ± 138.88, respectively, while the mean and standard deviation of body image in the control group were 13.34 ± 90.99, respectively, which indicates satisfaction. of body image in the group undergoing cognitive-behavioral therapy. The difference between the two groups was statistically significant (p < 0.001). And the intervention of cognitive-behavioral therapy had a greater effect in reducing weight and reducing concern about body image.DiscussionAccording to the results of this study, obesity is a common disorder that can cause physical problems as well as psychological problems for people. The results of the present study showed that when people underwent cognitive behavioral therapy for eight sessions, compared to the control group, they experienced a more significant weight loss and their concern about their body image decreased. According to these findings, it can be concluded that cognitive behavioral therapy has a significant effect on the weight loss of people suffering from obesity and worried about their body image, so that these people who underwent cognitive behavioral therapy were able to lose weight within two Keep it for a month. The findings are discussed in terms of theory and their importance in terms of clinical interventions.
Clinical Psychology
Mehran shahroiee; seyed abdolmajd bahreinian; Mahnaz Mehrabizadeh Honarmand; Qasem Ahi
IntroductionStudents are important members in the structure of the society and they are struggling with various issues and as the basic pillar, peace and excellence of the family and society system, they can fulfill the role of these students in the family and in the form of opportunities. Educational ...
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IntroductionStudents are important members in the structure of the society and they are struggling with various issues and as the basic pillar, peace and excellence of the family and society system, they can fulfill the role of these students in the family and in the form of opportunities. Educational and social in today's industrial world causes some psychological crises in them, dealing with students especially in regular courses has been the subject of numerous discussions. The aim of the present study was to Comparison of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Compassion Therapy and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Mindfulness and Emotion Regulation of students with social anxiety.Methodstatistical population of the research including all students with social anxiety in the first year of high school aged 13-16 in Ahvaz who were studying in the academic year of 2019-2020. In this research, for sampling in the first stage, one district (three girls' schools and three boys' schools) was selected through cluster sampling among the 4 districts of Ahvaz, and all students were given the Leibovitz social anxiety scale (Misa and Warren, 2003). was given for screening and those whose scores were higher than the cutoff score were known as people with social anxiety and 60 of them were randomly placed in 4 experimental and control groups (15 people in each group). The research tools included the 5-factor mindfulness questionnaire (Baer et al, 2003) and the emotion-seeking cognitive order questionnaire - children's form (Garnefski and Kraij, 2007). The therapy group based on acceptance and commitment was subjected to intervention for 8 sessions, the compassion therapy group for 8 sessions and the cognitive behavioral therapy group for 8 sessions. 15 people were placed in the control group, who did not receive any treatment and were placed on the waiting list.ResultsThe findings of the research showed that there is a significant difference between the mean scores of the variables of mindfulness and emotion regulation in the three experimental groups and the control group.Discussionaccording to the results, it is possible to benefit from acceptance and commitment therapy, compassion therapy, and behavioral cognitive therapy to increase mindfulness and emotional regulation of students with social anxiety.
Clinical Psychology
Somayeh Rostampour Khorfkore; Ali Asghar Hosseinzadeh; Bahram Mirzaian
IntroductionCluster B personality disorders represent a significant public health concern across various age and gender groups. These disorders are marked by complex and severe symptoms, including dramatic, emotional, erratic, and unpredictable behaviors. Given the poor quality of interpersonal relationships ...
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IntroductionCluster B personality disorders represent a significant public health concern across various age and gender groups. These disorders are marked by complex and severe symptoms, including dramatic, emotional, erratic, and unpredictable behaviors. Given the poor quality of interpersonal relationships and the associated adverse clinical outcomes, there is a pressing need to conduct studies on psychopathology to gain a deeper understanding of the interpersonal relationship issues prevalent in this cluster. Accordingly, this study aimed to evaluation of the communicator path of insecure attachment and childhood emotional abuse with interpersonal problems in individuals with cluster B personality disorders through the mediating role of frustration tolerance.MethodThis research utilized a descriptive correlational method and path analysis within a cross-sectional design. The target population for this study included individuals seeking outpatient and inpatient psychotherapy services at the neuropsychiatric department of Zare Hospital in Sari, as well as at specialized psychiatric clinics in the central Mazandaran province during 2019. Among them 200 applicants were selected through purposive sampling. The inclusion criteria for participants in this study were as follows: informed consent, possessing a minimum literacy level in Persian, being between the ages of 18 and 50, and having a diagnosis of cluster B personality disorders based on DSM-5 diagnostic criteria, the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III (MCMI-III), and assessment of a psychiatrist. The research instruments included the Adult Attachment Scale (Hazan & Shaver, 1987), the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (Bernstein et al., 2003), the Frustration Discomfort Scale (Harrington, 2005), and the Interpersonal Problems Questionnaire-Short Form (Barkham et al., 1996). Data analysis was performed using path analysis method with AMOS-23 software.ResultsThe path analysis results revealed that both insecure-avoidant and insecure-ambivalent attachment styles, along with childhood emotional abuse and frustration tolerance, had a significant positive direct effect on the participants' interpersonal problems. Additionally, the findings indicated that frustration tolerance plays a significant mediating role in the relationship between insecure attachment styles, childhood emotional abuse, and interpersonal problems in individuals with cluster B personality disorders. The evaluation of the path analysis model quality in this study confirmed that the goodness of fit indices specifically the Goodness of Fit Index (GFI), Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index (AGFI), Standardized Fit Index (NFI), and Comparative Fit Index (CFI), all were above the standard value of 0.9. Also, the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) was less than the standard value of 0.08, which confirmed that the final model of this study has a good fit and is considered acceptable.DiscussionThe findings of this study confirm that insecure attachment styles, childhood emotional abuse, and low frustration tolerance are significant factors in understanding the psychopathology associated with interpersonal problems in cluster B personality disorders. As such, these elements should be taken into account in both clinical and non-clinical settings to enhance prevention, diagnosis, and treatment within mental health programs. Furthermore, this study contributes to the existing theoretical frameworks concerning the psychopathology of interpersonal issues in high-risk populations with cluster B personality disorders.
Clinical Psychology
Najmeh Kargarian Marvasti; Mahdieh Azizi Bandarabadi; Parvane Mohammad Khani
IntroductionFertility and the desire to have children is one of the most basic human motivations. The phenomenon of infertility is one of the important challenges in developed countries, which has become a social concern and is increasing, and it brings many psycho-social consequences for infertile couples. ...
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IntroductionFertility and the desire to have children is one of the most basic human motivations. The phenomenon of infertility is one of the important challenges in developed countries, which has become a social concern and is increasing, and it brings many psycho-social consequences for infertile couples. Infertility is a phenomenon known throughout the world and in all cultures as a critical, threatening and stressful experience for social, family, marital and individual stability. The inability to control anxiety and stress in life and the inability to properly manage frustrations lead to an increase in conflicts between infertile couples and lead people to separation. Paying attention to the psychological needs of infertile women is an essential part in the success of infertility treatment and reducing psychological stress. This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of emotional therapy on negative emotions and social isolation of infertile women in Yazd.MethodThis is a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest study with a control group. The research population was all infertile women introduced by the population working group of Yazd city. We chose 30 of them with the availability sampling method for the sample group. After that, we randomly put them into experimental and control groups. Before any intervention pretest was taken from them. Then the experimental group received emotion-focused therapy in 8 sessions. At the end of the interventions, a post-test was taken from both experimental and control groups. ResultsThe result of this research in two descriptive levels (mean and standard deviation) and inference (analysis of covariance) were subjected to statistical analysis. The result of covariance analysis showed that after removing the pre-test effect, There is a significant difference between the post-test scores of negative affect and social isolation; Therefore, emotion focused therapy reduces negative emotions and social isolation in women became infertile. DiscussionAccording to the findings of the present study, it can be concluded that emotion-focused therapy can be used as an effective treatment method and reduce negative emotions and social isolation. This therapy views emotion as the main axis of problems and considers emotion to be effective with personality traits, disorders, cognitive information processing, and interpersonal relationships. In this method, infertile women learn to accept and acknowledge their feelings and needs without censorship or negative evaluation, and instead of suppressing feelings or failing in front of them, they become aware of their existence and try to perceive their experience more deeply. . Understanding and experiencing emotions helps people to deal with their negative feelings and difficult emotions in a more adaptive way and achieve emotional balance. Suppression of all kinds of emotions is dangerous and after a while they are discharged explosively and uncontrollably. Correct expression of emotions can prevent many problems. Since emotions play an important role in life, the regulation that occurs during the treatment process helps the person to form positive social interactions and take care of themselves in stressful situations. In fact, by making the person aware of positive emotions and awareness of negativity and the impact of these emotions on relationships and as a result, they understand what is causing their relationships to break down, which in turn reduces conflicts and social conflicts. Isolation and increasing interaction with others. Their timely acceptance and expression play an important role in increasing mental health. People organize and process emotional experiences and strengthen the interaction patterns they have created. In fact, by identifying negative behaviors, thoughts and feelings step by step. The stage leads to a decrease in anxiety by affecting the physiological arousal caused by anxiety and negative cognitions. At the end of treatment, people are in harmony with each other with achievements such as awareness of emotions, expression of new emotions, coping with problems and appropriate emotional expression and achieve a new perception of themselves so that emotions can be identified and transformed. Comprehensible and constructive self-affirming messages and adjustments help the individual to recognize themselves as a choosing human being. Therefore, given the effectiveness of this therapy, the use of this treatment method is recommended to specialists in this field.
Clinical Psychology
Hesam Mardanehvar; Massoud Gholamali Lavasani; Zahra Taherifar
IntroductionIn today’s era, due to the change in lifestyle and its complexity, people’s lives have transformed and are linked with stress, depression, and anxiety. During their employment, the employees of medical centers deal with numerous patients who have different personality traits. ...
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IntroductionIn today’s era, due to the change in lifestyle and its complexity, people’s lives have transformed and are linked with stress, depression, and anxiety. During their employment, the employees of medical centers deal with numerous patients who have different personality traits. As a result, the possibility of having anxiety during working hours to provide better services and obtain the satisfaction of patients, their companions, and the managers of the treatment department is distinctly visible in them. With the repetition of these conditions, burnout is found in them in abundance.MethodThe research method is of non-experimental type and the design is correlational due to the investigation of relationships between variables. The statistical population includes all mental health workers, psychologists, and social employees working in medical centers and welfare organization of East Azerbaijan province in 1401. In the current research, due to including four variables, by estimating a maximum of ten parameters for each variable and for each parameter, 20 respondents have been considered. As a result, 200 employees of the study community were selected and investigated by random cluster method. To conduct the study, the participants filled the informed consent form of the research and declared their readiness. Then the researcher gathered the data in person and by completing the questionnaire. It should be mentioned that this research has received the Code of Ethics ID from Shahid Beheshti University Ethics Committee. In this study, the researcher implemented four instruments to measure the variables. One was the Beck Anxiety Questionnaire (Beck, 1990), which is a self-report questionnaire to measure the intensity of anxiety in adolescents and adults. The other was the Mindfulness Questionnaire (Bauer et al., 2006), a 39-item self-assessment scale developed by combining items from several questionnaires utilizing the factor analysis approach. Moreover, the researcher used Maslach and Jackson's (1981) Burnout Questionnaire to measure employee burnout. To measure suppression, the researcher used the emotion regulation questionnaire of Gross and John (2003).ResultsThe research results showed the mediating role of mindfulness in the relationship between anxiety and emotion regulation was confirmed: with a t-statistic value of 2.050 and a significance level of 0.040 at the 95% confidence level. In addition, the mediating role of mindfulness in the relationship between anxiety and burnout was verified: with a t-statistic value of 4.42 and a significance level of 0.000 at a 99% confidence level. However, the mediating role of emotion regulation in relation to anxiety and job burnout was not supported: with a t value equal to 0.521 and a significance level of 0.603. Furthermore, the mediating role of emotion regulation in the relationship between mindfulness and job burnout with a t statistic value was equal to 0.499. And the significance level of 0.618 was not confirmed either.DiscussionBased on the structural equation modeling test, the effect of anxiety on job burnout was confirmed with a path coefficient of 0.31 with a t-value equal to 3.92. Also a significance level of 0.000 at the 99% confidence level, and from the anxiety symptoms of employees 26% of their burnout can be predicted. The results of Pejman Thani et al.'s research (2019) demonstrated a significant relationship between anxiety, depression, and stress with employee burnout. Based on the present study findings, employee mindfulness was reported at a moderate level, indicating a need to improve their mindfulness status. Additionally, burnout was also reported at a moderate level, which raises a red flag for healthcare centers regarding the quality of work life for staff. It can be explained that what has a greater impact on reducing burnout among healthcare personnel is the effort to reduce staff anxiety.