Document Type : Research Article



The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between self-esteem, achievement motivation, foreign language classroom anxiety and EFL learners’ academic performance. One-hundred and ninety eight students majoring in psychology at Shahid Chamran University participated in this study. Five questionnaires together with an English language test were used in this study: the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory (SEI), Self-concept Inventory, Achievement Motivation Questionnaire, Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) and Academic Motivation Questionnaire. Simple and multiple corrolational analyses were run to determine the relationship between the variables. The findings of this study showed that the relationship between self-esteem and EFL learners’ academic performance was positive and significant and so was the relationship between achievement motivation and EFL learners’ academic performance. The results also revealed that the relationship between foreign language classroom anxiety and EFL learners’ academic performance was negative and significant. It was also found that the best predictor variables for EFL learners’ academic performance were achievement motivation and foreign language classroom anxiety.


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