Document Type : Research Article



The aim of this research was to specify the causal relationships of IQ and fluid intelligence with academic performance, mediated by personality traits and learning approaches of female students in sophemore and junior high school students of Azna. The sample consisted of 260 students who were selected by simple random method. In this research, the students completed Personal Information Questionnaire, Raven Intelligence Test, Fluid Intelligence Test, the abbreviated version of the Big Five Personality Inventory and the Study Process Questionnaire. The academic performance of students was the average of their final exams of that year. The statistical method was structural equation modeling. The results showed that the proposed model fitted the data and that direct paths from IQ to academic performance and from agreeableness to academic performance was positive and significant. Direct paths from deep learning approach to academic performance and from IQ to deep learning approach was positive and significant. Direct paths from IQ to openness and from IQ to agreeableness was also positive and significant. The mediating role of personality traits and deep learning approach was also confirmed. The indirect effect of IQ on academic performance through openness to experience and deep learning approach was significant and positive. The indirect effect of IQ on academic performance through conscientiousness was also significant and positive. The indirect effect of IQ on academic performance through agreeableness was also significant and positive and the indirect effect of fluid intelligence on academic performance through conscientiousness was also significant and positive.


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