Document Type : Research Article


Assistant Professor Department of Psycology, Dezful Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dezful, Iran


Effective communication and the establishment of a good communication pattern between husband and wife have a prominent role in marital satisfaction and can play a crucial role in creating a sense of security and happiness for couples. The purpose of this study was to conduct a meta-analysis, examining the effectiveness of life skills training on the marital satisfaction of couples.
For this purpose, the meta-analysis method was used as a statistical method to determine, collect, combine and summarize the research results associated with effectiveness of life skills training on marital satisfaction. To find and collect all research reports, internal databases such as, Magiran, SID, Ensani, Noomags, and Civilica, were used. Among all the studies conducted in Iran between 2010 and 2017, the articles that were methodologically appropriate in terms of population, sample size, research method, sampling method and measurement tools, have been included in the present study. Finally, 18 studies with the necessary criteria have been analyzed. Data was analyzed using standardized mean difference effect size method or Cohen's d (1988) for fixed effect model. All statistical operations were accomplished by Comprehensive Meta-Analysis, Version 2.0 (CMA-2).
Results showed that the mean effect size of mixed-model for fixed effect model and for random effect model were significant (p < 0.001), 1.555 and 1.925 respectively. Since the effect sizes were heterogeneous, moderating variables were examined. The results indicated that in terms of research design, gender, type of training, number of life skills training and status of participant, there were significant differences between effect sizes across the studies (p < 0.05).
Overall, teaching basic life skills increased marital satisfaction in Iranian couples. However, it appears that some factors had negatively influenced the effectiveness of these studies. More studies are needed to determine the reasons for the low impact of these interventions.


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