Document Type : Research Article


1 Member of the faculty and director of the Department of Measurement and Measurement, Allameh Tabatabaei University

2 Director of the Polling, Evaluation, Program, and Research Center of the Radio and Television



This research project was aimed at standardization of D. 70 Test for the high school students of Abadeh. In this study, 800 students were selected from their population by a systematic random sampling method. All subjects completed the D. 70 Test, Ghisclli’s Achievement Motivation Test, Raven’s Progressive Matrices (Standard Form), and Anre Ray’s Memory Test (Card A). The D. 70 Test has been constructed as an equivalent form for the D. 48 Test in France. The reliability coefficients of D. 70 Test have been resported to range from .68 (Thomas and Chissom. 1979), to .9 (Kowrousky et. al. 1970) through .92 (Carrathers, 1982). The reliability coefficients of D.70 Test in this study were found to he .88 by odd-even split-half method. The validity coefficients of D. 70 Test have been reported to be from .13, .39 and .56 (between D. 70 and equivalent tests) to .66, .67 and .87 (between D. 70 and D. 48). In the present study, the criterion validity coefficient of
D.70 Test was .36 (between GPAs and D. 70). Furthermore, its construct validity coefficients were .36 (between Progressive Matrices and D. 70), .14 (between Achievement Motivation Test and D. 70), and .28 (between Memory Test and D.70); the validity coefficients were all statistically significant at P=.01.

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