Document Type : Research Article


1 Faculty member of the Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Ahvaz Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran

2 Master student of psychology



This study was conducted to examine the relationship between the range of emotional instability, prosocial behaviour and aggression with academic performance in third grade guidance school students of Ahvaz. The seven major hypotheses of this study were: 1) there is a relationship between the range of students’ emotional instability and academic performance; 2) there is a relationship between the student’s prosocial behaviour and academic performance; 3) there is a relation between the students’ aggression and academic performance; 4) there is a correlation between the emotional instability and aggression; 5) there is a correlation between the emotional instability and prosocial behaviour; 6) there is a correlation between the prnsocial behaviour and aggression; 7) multiple correlation coefficient of variables exceeds the mild correlation coefficient of each variable compared to academic performance. The sample of The research consisted of 400 boys and girls selected randomly from four Educational Districts Qf Ahvaz. The results indicate that emotional instability and aggression have negative correlation with academic performance, (r=-0.18) and (r= -0.18) respectively; whereas prosocial behavior is positively correlated with academic performance. The multiple regression of this study showed that Prosocial Behvaiour and Emotional Instability were the best predicting variables for Academic Performance.


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