Document Type : Research Article


1 Master of Educational Psychology, Teacher Training University of Tehran

2 Faculty member of Psychology Department, Teacher Training University of Tehran



This study investigated the relationship between mother’s attitude towards child-rearing practices (e.g., authoritarian and permissive approaches) and locus of control with academic achievement of primary schools fourth grade male students. Using cluster sampling method, 398 fourth grade male students and their literate mothers were selected from all 17 educational districts in Theran during the academic year of 1997-1998. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression methods. Relationship between mother’s attitude towards ‘authoritarian’ chi]d-rearing practice (ACRP) and academic achievement (i.e, grade point average or GPA and science grades) was pisitive. There was a negative relationship between mother’s attitude towards ACRP and academic achievement (GPA and science grades). There was no relationship between mother’s attitudes towards child-rearing practices (authoritative, authoritarian, permissive and academic achievement (math grads). Also, no significant relationship was found between mother’s attitude towards ‘permissive child-rearing practice and academic achievement (GPA, math and science grades). There was no relationship between mother’s attitudes towards child-rearing practices (authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive) and child’s locus of control. The relationships between locus of control and academic achievement (GPA and science grades) were negative, and no significant relationship was found between student’s locus of control and academic achievement (math grades). Results are discussed within a theoretical framework.


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