Document Type : Research Article
Faculty member of the Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz
This study attempts to investigate the use of foreign journals by graduate students at Shahid Chamran and Medical Sciences Universities of Ahvaz libraries. It also tries to find out why students use other university libraries to meet their information needs. This study also attempts to determine the problems of graduate students at Shahid Chamran and Medical Sciences Universities of Ahvaz in obtaining foreign scientific articles. The population of this study comprised of 1800 graduate students at the two universities of which 68 were randomly selected as the sample. Based on the results of the study, the most important problems of students in this regard are respectively, as follows:
Inadequate printed resources, lack of proper computer facilities, lack of relevant abstract and index journals, time constraints, unfamiliarity with the ways of accessing information resources, restrict library regulations, and inability in using the present resources and facilities.
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