Document Type : Research Article
1 Master of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran
2 Faculty member of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran
This research project examined the relationship between vocational interests, values and attitude regarding educational performance in teachers of high schools and preuniversity schools of theoretical branches in city of Dezful. In the this study vocational interests, values and attitude were considered as predictive variables. While educational performance served as criterion variable. In this study, 220 teachers of high schools and preuniversity level (100 females and 120 males) were randomly selected. The instruments used in this research consisted of Halland Interest Inventory, Study of Values from Ailport et. al., and Minnesota Teacher Attitude Inventory. The methods of analysis of the data included simple correlation and multiple correlation. The statistical analysis of data resulted in statistically significant correlation between artistic interest and educational performance was positive in female teachers. The correlation between economic value and educational performance in female subjects was negative and statistically significant. The correlation between social value and educational performance was positive in female teachers but negative in male teachers. No statistically significant correlations were found between other vocational interets, values and attitude with educational performance. The result of multiple regression showed that the multiple correlation coefficient between predictive variables and criterion variable were greater than simple correlition between each of predictive variables and criterion variable. In this study the significance level of the statistic tests was P=0.05.
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