
1 Member of the academic faculty of Payam Noor University

2 PhD student in psychology



The purpose of the present research was to study the effect of exposure to therapeutic method of death recalling (death awareness) on beliefs avoidance, and depression variables of obsessive– compulsive individuals. Therefore, 40 subjects suffering from obsessive–compulsive disorder were selected randomly from an accessible population and were placed in two experimental and control groups. All the subjects filled up Yale Brown Obsessive–Compulsive Scale in two stages, pre–test and post–test. Data analysis with MANOVA (P> 0.05) has shown that death awareness has positive effect on reducing the strength of O.C.D beliefs, avoidance and depression of individuals. By paying attention to the results of the present research it can be suggested to all psychotherapists all over Islamic Iran to use death awareness method as the elective therapeutic method for obsessive–compulsive disorder.


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