Document Type : Research Article


1 1- PhD. Student in Psychology, Department of Psychology, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Professor, Department of educational Psychology, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


Anxiety is considered a part of every person's life in all societies as an appropriate and adaptive response. Lack of anxiety or high anxiety may cause a person to face significant problems and risks. Moderate and constructive anxiety makes a person do his work in a timely and appropriate manner and thus makes his life more productive and durable. This research has been done with the aim of providing a model to explain exam anxiety based on emotional arousal, emotion management and academic self-efficacy regarding the mediation of study habits among Female students secondary school students. In the process of growth and development, children, adolescents, and young people experience various types and a wide range of anxieties, and sometimes these anxieties are so intense that they make their daily life and education difficult. One of these types of anxiety is exam anxiety. Exam anxiety, as a common and important educational phenomenon, has a close relationship with the performance and academic success of children, teenagers, and young people.

The descriptive research method was correlation type. The statistical population of this research consists of all the female students at the secondary school in Kerman city, numbering about 4700 people who were studying in the in year 2021, of which 354 people were selected as a sample by stratified random method. To collect data from Sarason's test anxiety questionnaires (1957), Huston's study skills questionnaire (2013), Jinks and Morgan academic self-efficacy questionnaire (1999), Williams et al.'s emotion management questionnaire (1997), Zuckerman's excitement seeking questionnaire (1978) has been used. Data analysis was done with spss24 and Amos24 software and multiple regression, Sobel test and structural equation modeling were used.

The research findings, while confirming the proposed research model, showed that there is a significant relationship between emotional arousal, exam anxiety and study habits among female students. The results of the Sobel test show that study habits play a mediating role in the relationship between emotional arousal and exam anxiety of students. There is a significant relationship between emotion management, exam anxiety and study habits among female students. And study habits play a mediating role in the relationship between emotion management and students' exam anxiety. There is a significant relationship between academic self-efficacy, exam anxiety and study habits among female students. And study habits play a mediating role in the relationship between academic self-efficacy and students' exam anxiety. There is an inverse and significant relationship between study habits and exam anxiety among female students.

Based on the research results, study habits play a mediating role in the relationship between emotional arousal and exam anxiety of students. In this way, rational and correct emotional arousal leads to the use of correct study habits, and correct study habits lead to a reduction in exam scores. The research results show that study habits play a mediating role in the relationship between emotion management and students' test anxiety. In this way, the correct management of emotions leads to the use of correct study methods and habits, and the correct study habits lead to the reduction of exam anxiety.


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