Document Type : Research Article


1 Ph.D. Student of Psychology, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Economic and Social Science, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Economic and Social Science, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Economic and Social Science, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran

4 Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Economic and Social Science, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran.


Divergent thinking reflects the ability to find different solutions to problems, break plans, and be as creative as possible. It is defined as a purposeful process that is supported by default, working memory, and executive systems. Researchers seem to agree that working memory plays a key role in effective complex cognitive processes such as reasoning, problem solving, decision making, and abstract thinking in general. In the last few years, with the advancement of computer technologies, the examination of the brain wave pattern in the form of quantitative brain wave analysis has been considered. Regarding the brain mechanisms behind thinking, creativity, and memory, there have been numerous studies; nevertheless, the neurological mechanisms underlying the improvement of divergent thinking are still debated. On this basis, the present study investigates the effect working memory enhancement on the pattern of alpha and theta brain bunds in the pre-frontal and temporal regions during divergent thinking tasks.

The research design in the present study is quasi-experimental. The statistical population of the study consisted of graduate students in the field of psychology at Payam Noor University, Tehran-South branch, and cognitive sciences in Pardis Cognitive Science Research Institute in the academic year 2021-2022. Using purposeful sampling method, 32 students were selected (16 men, 16 women) and randomly assigned to two equal groups. Research instruments used in the current study included the Handedness Inventory, Creativity Test (CREE), Raven's Progressive Matrices Test, Quantitative Electroencephalography or Brain Mapping, Unusual Uses Task, Counting the Snakes task, Wechsler's Working Memory Test (WMT) and N-Back software. In this research, first, using the lateral superiority questionnaire, right-handed participants were selected. Then, considering the inclusion criteria, the sample group was selected. Then, the participants completed all the tests and inventories and they were randomly assigned to the groups based on the inclusion criteria. After recording the brain waves of all the participants, the participants in the experimental group were given memory training (N-back) in 20 sessions with each session lasting 20 minutes. However, memory training and the control group did not receive any intervention. Finally, the related tasks were presented to the experimental and control groups, and the brain bunds were recorded at the same time.

The results regarding the within-subject's effects were significant in the case of alpha and theta bunds, which means that the observed changes in the variables can be explained by alpha and theta bunds. The results of between-subject effects also showed that the average alpha and theta bunds were different in the experimental and control groups. These results show that the strengthening the working memory on alpha and theta bunds in the prefrontal and temporal regions is significant in divergent thinking. The results of pairwise comparison of the wave averages in the pretest-posttest and pretest-follow-up phases revealed that the difference in the mean score of alpha and theta bunds in the prefrontal region of the brain was significant, but the difference in the mean score in the post-test-follow-up phase was not significant, indicating the stability of the results. Overall, the results showed that strengthening working memory led to an increase in the relative power of alpha and theta bunds in the prefrontal area (electrode locations F7 and F8) and in the temporal area (electrode locations T3 and T4) and this increase remained stable in the follow-up phase.

It can be stated that in divergent thinking, the brain is involved in creative activities, the areas involved are focused on the internal function, and the increase in alpha and theta power in the divergent thinking condition is considered as an indicator of the depth of the ongoing processes of mental imagination, which represents a reliable indicator of specific cognitive processes associated with divergent thinking and creativity. This results of the present study can be used in line with cognitive empowerment (including divergent thinking) by using working memory enhancement and new techniques such as neurofeedback, Loretta neurofeedback, and transcranial direct current stimulation (TDCS), based on frequency bands and locations, specially to help the formation of more effective protocols to strengthen the brain's abilities.


Main Subjects