Document Type : Research Article
1 university of yasouj
2 Associate Professor , Department of Psychology Yasouj University, Iran
3 yasouj university
The tendency of people to adopt different emotion regulation strategies is different in terms of habit and these tendencies can have important short-term and long-term effects on their health. so the importance of this issue has prompted researchers to find different methods to improve performance. The research has emphasized the role of childerens interactions with family members and especially their mothers in promoting students' academic resilience and academic vitality. Overall, fundations and research demonstrate the influence of (DIR) model on promoting students' academic resilience and academic vitality.Therefor, paying attention to this educational intervention can be used to increace students' academic resilience and academic vitality. Considering the importance of academic resilience and academic vitality in the early years of school, The aim of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of DIR model on students' academic resilience and academic vitality.
The design of this research is a semi-experimental type of pre-test and post-test with a control group. The statistical population of the research includes all the female students of the tree grade of elementory school in Cheram city in the academic year of 2022-23, of which 36 students available sampling selected among who scored the lowest scores on the academic vitality questionnaire and academic resilience scale and were randomly assigned two experimental and control group. The tools of the current research include Hossein-Chari and Dehghanizadeh's academic vitality questionnaire (2011) and Samuels' (2004) academic resilience scale. After the pre-test, the subjects of the experimental group were trained for 10 sessions on emotion regulation based on the developmental individual differences relationship based model (DIR). Again, two groups were evaluated with a post-test.
Data analysis was done using the multivariate covariance analysis method. The results showed that there is a significant difference in the post-test scores of academic vitality (p <0.01) and academic resilience (p <0.01)in the two experimental and control groups. This means that the academic vitality and academic resilience have increased after the emotion regulation training based on the integrated human development model.
According to the results obtained from the present study, it can be concluded that the emotion regulation based on the developmental individual differences relationship based model (DIR) can increase vitality and academic resilience of students.To explain the findings of the research, it can be stated that (DIR) model helps the students to reduce negative emotions and enable them to establish positive social relationships with others and promote social integration. Indeed, higher levels of perceived regulatory emotional self-efficacy are associated with several indicators of wellbeing. Furthermore, this intervention helps students cope with challenges they encounter in school, establish positive relationships with others and achieve their goals. DIR model not only help students to be hopeful, but also increases the levels of satisfaction and academic vitality. Therefore, it can be assumed that model (DIR) contributes to an increase in the experience of positive emotions by students participation in it, and thus contributes to the reduction of possibly also negative symptoms. The findings of this study have potentially important implication for professionals and teachers special attention to intervention based on DIR for students.
Key words: model (DIR), academic vitality, academic resilience
Main Subjects