Hajar Bararti; Elham Pahlevani
Aim: Due to the employment of female partners in the workforce, the number of couples who are both employed has increased recently. This problem has an impact on marital life and even job performance, even if it helps to improve family income. This study aimed to investigate the path analysis model of ...
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Aim: Due to the employment of female partners in the workforce, the number of couples who are both employed has increased recently. This problem has an impact on marital life and even job performance, even if it helps to improve family income. This study aimed to investigate the path analysis model of interpersonal trust, controlling behaviors, marital distress and job satisfaction in the dual-earner couples. Methods: The research is the correlational and structural equations type, and the statistical population of the research includes dual-earner couples working in the city of Isfahan in 1402, from which 120 people were selected by convenience sampling method. To measure the variables, the interpersonal trust scale (Johnson George and Swap, 1982), the controlling behavior scale (Graham Kwan and Archer, 2005), the marital distress questionnaire (Schneider, 1979) and the job satisfaction scale (Judge and Bono, 2000) were used. For data analysis, Pearson's correlation coefficient and structural equation modeling were used using SPSS software version 25 and Smart-Pls software version 3. The mediation analysis was done by bootstrap test. Results: The findings show that based on the value of 0.465 for the index G.O.F., the path analysis model of interpersonal trust, controlling behaviors, marital distress and job satisfaction is suitable, and the bootstrap test and confidence interval showed that controlling behaviors mediates the relationship between interpersonal trust and marital distress, and marital distress mediates the relationship between interpersonal trust and controlling behaviors with job satisfaction. Conclusion: It is recommended that in order to lessen marital misery and enhance work satisfaction, couples should get training aimed at fostering trust and reducing controlling tendencies
Hojatollah Derafsh; Mojtaba Jahanifar; Gholamabas Mojtahedi
The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of perception of organizational justice on job satisfaction and social health of secondary school teachers in Behbahan. The descriptive and correlational research of method was used. Dependent variables include job satisfaction and social health and ...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of perception of organizational justice on job satisfaction and social health of secondary school teachers in Behbahan. The descriptive and correlational research of method was used. Dependent variables include job satisfaction and social health and Independent variable was organizational justice. The population of the present research was all full time secondary school teachers who were working in in Behbahan. (360) during the session 2020-2021. The sample consisted of 130 teachers selected through stratified random sampling from the mentioned population. The instruments used in this study are organizational justice developed by Neihoff and Moorman (1993), A standard job satisfaction questionnaire (Fernand and Awamleh, 2006), was used to assess the level of job satisfaction among teachers and social well-being questionnaire made by Keyes (1998) These instruments were tested and adapted in a pilot study before they were used in the main study. The reliability of all the instruments has been documented separately for the sample. The results of Pearson correlation showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between organizational justice and satisfaction (r = 0.380, p <0.01), and a positive and significant relationship between perceptions of organizational justice and social health (r= 0.490, p <0.01). The regression results showed that the components of perception of organizational justice explained about 15% of changes in job satisfaction and about 25% of changes in social health. Conclusion The study showed that perception of organizational justice of managers improves job satisfaction and social health.
The aim of the present research was designing and testing a model of important precedents and outcomes of safety self-regulation at workplace. In this study, safety climate and conscientiousness were considered as precedents and safety performance and job satisfaction as outcomes. The research design ...
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The aim of the present research was designing and testing a model of important precedents and outcomes of safety self-regulation at workplace. In this study, safety climate and conscientiousness were considered as precedents and safety performance and job satisfaction as outcomes. The research design was a correlational one, alone, structural equation modeling, and the sample consisted of 300 employees of an industrial company, who were selected by stratified random sampling method. Participants of the study completed Safety Climate Scale, short form of NEO Personality Inventory (NEO), Regulatory Focus at Work Scale, Job Satisfaction Questionnaire and Unsafe Performance Scale. Validity and reliability of all questionnaires were acceptable. Structural equation modeling (SEM), through Amos-21 and SPSS-22 software packages, was used for data analysis. The bootstrap method, using Preacher and Hayes’ Macro program, was used for testing mediation effects. Findings indicated that the model was fitted to the data. Better fit and more meaningful results were obtained by eliminating non-significant paths and linking some errors. The final model was supported. Also the mediating role of self-regulation in relationship between individual antecedent (conscientiousness) and situational one (safety climate), with outcome variables (job satisfaction and safe performance) was confirmed.
nasim khajepour
The purpose of this study was to investigate the causal relationship of workplace ostracism with job performance, organizational citizenship behavior and turnover intention, with mediating role of job satisfaction. The statistical population included all of the personnel of Water and Energy Company in ...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the causal relationship of workplace ostracism with job performance, organizational citizenship behavior and turnover intention, with mediating role of job satisfaction. The statistical population included all of the personnel of Water and Energy Company in Gotvand City and the partner firms, that among them 182 persons were selected by simple random sampling. The instruments used in the present study consist of Workplace Ostracism Questionnaire (Ferris, Brown, Berry & Lian, 2008) Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (Judge & Bono, 2000), Job Performance Questionnaire (Paterson, 1970), Organizational Citizenship Behavior Questionnaire (Smith, Organ & Near, 1983) and Turnover Intention Questionnaire (Camman, Fichman, Jenkins & Klesh, 1979). Fitness of the proposed model was examined through structural equation modeling (SEM), using SPSS-21 and AMOS-21 software packages. The results supported the effect of workplace ostracism on job satisfaction, job performance, organizational citizenship behavior, turnover intention, and the effect of job satisfaction on organizational citizenship behavior and turnover intention. The indirect effect of workplace ostracism on organizational citizenship behavior and turnover intention, through job satisfaction, were also significant. So organizations could reduce job satisfaction, job performance and organizational citizenship behavior by strengthening social relationships in the workplace and also prevent an increase in turnover intention.
M. Golestani Pour; S.E. Hashemi; K Beshlideh; A. Naami; N Arshadi
The present study tried to design and test a model for precedents and consequences of organizational spirituality in an industrial organization. The sample included 400 employees who were randomly selected. They were asked to fill in 7 questionnaires, including Ethical Leadership Questionnaire, Transformational ...
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The present study tried to design and test a model for precedents and consequences of organizational spirituality in an industrial organization. The sample included 400 employees who were randomly selected. They were asked to fill in 7 questionnaires, including Ethical Leadership Questionnaire, Transformational Leadership Questionnaire, Ethical Climate Questionnaire, Organizational Justice Questionnaire, Organizational Spirituality Questionnaire, Psychological Empowerment Questionnaire, Job Satisfaction Questionnaire, Emotional Commitment Scale, Organizational Citizenship Behavior Scale, Self-Actualization Scale, and The Self-Centered Scale. The assessment of the proposed model was done through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results showed a rather good fitting of the model with the data. The variables such as ethical leadership, transformational leadership, ethical climate, and organizational justice influenced the organizational spirituality. On the other hand, the organizational spirituality had effects on variables such as psychological empowerment, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, self-actualization and the organization-based self-esteem. Moreover, through organizational spirituality, the variables including ethical leadership, transformational leadership, ethical climate, and organizational justice indirectly affected the following variables: psychological empowerment, job satisfaction, emotional commitment, organizational citizen behavior, self-actualization, organization-based self-esteem.
F. Shenavar; K. Beshlideh; S.E. Hashemi; A. Naami
The present study was conducted intending to take into account the mediating work-family conflict role in relation with stress and social support with job and family satisfaction. Study samples included 203 industrial factory personnel selected through convenience sampling in Ahvaz over 2014. In this ...
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The present study was conducted intending to take into account the mediating work-family conflict role in relation with stress and social support with job and family satisfaction. Study samples included 203 industrial factory personnel selected through convenience sampling in Ahvaz over 2014. In this study, which is a descriptive endeavor of a correlational nature , participants filled in the job stress scale (Parkers & Decotis, 1983), the perceived organizational support survey (Eisenberger, et al., 1997), the job in general scale (Ironson, et al., 1989), the family stress questionnaire (Hennessy, 2005), the perceived social support-family scale (Procidano & Heller, 1983), the family satisfaction scale (Aryee, et al., 1999), and the work-family conflict scale (Carlson, et al., 2000). Structural equation modeling was used to assess the suggested pattern and the bootstrapping method was used to test the mediating effect and it was performed via AMOS. Structural equation modeling indices confirmed general study patterns. Among the relations, only the direct relation of job stress and perceived organizational support were deleted from pattern 1 (work-family conflict mediation). The fitting indices obtained showed that the corrected pattern was of good fitness. Results from the bootstrapping method and the confidence distance from it showed that the work-family conflict completely mediates between job stress and perceived organizational support with family satisfaction and family-work conflict is a partial mediator between family stress and perceived family support with job satisfaction. Thus, job stress and perceived organizational support affect family satisfaction only through work-family conflict, while in the family, family stress and perceived family support directly affect job satisfaction through family-work conflict. Therefore, organizations are not only able to manage conflicts generated between work and the family, but can satisfy personnel with the job itself and the family can apply suitable approaches to reduce their own personnel stress and increase their support.
K. Beshlideh
Volume 21, Issue 1 , June 2014, , Pages 143-160
The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship between marital satisfaction and job satisfaction with mediating role of self-esteem in teachers of guidance school in Mahshar city. The sample consisted of 200 male and female teachers who were selected randomly by multi-stage sampling ...
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The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship between marital satisfaction and job satisfaction with mediating role of self-esteem in teachers of guidance school in Mahshar city. The sample consisted of 200 male and female teachers who were selected randomly by multi-stage sampling method. In this descriptive/ correlational research, some instruments as marital satisfaction inventory, Rosenberg self-esteem scale and global job satisfaction inventory were applied. All of these questionnaires were valid. The proposed model of the relationships between variables and scales constructs validity were tested intertwiningly, using structural equation modeling with Amos 18. The fit indices indicated that the proposed model and scales constructs validity was fit with data. The result confirmed the full mediating role of self-esteem in relationship between marital satisfaction and job satisfaction in teachers, using bootstrap and confidence interval method. The result shows that perfect indirect effect of self-esteem between independent and dependent variables. The indirect effect size was 0.153, that was significant at P
D. Hayati; A. Neisi; N. Arshadi
Volume 19, Issue 1 , June 2012, , Pages 19-42
The aim of this study was to test a model consisting of turnover intention as dependent variable, four dimensions of pay satisfaction as independent variables, with job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and work motivation as mediators. The participants of this study were 273 employees of NISOC ...
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The aim of this study was to test a model consisting of turnover intention as dependent variable, four dimensions of pay satisfaction as independent variables, with job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and work motivation as mediators. The participants of this study were 273 employees of NISOC in Ahvaz, who were selected by stratified random sampling method. The instruments used in this study were Turnover Intention Scale, Job Satisfaction, Scale, Work Motivation Scale, Pay Satisfaction Questionnaire and Organizational Commitment Questionnaire. The fitness of the proposed model was examined through structural equation modeling (SEM). The indirect effects were tested by using bootstrap procedure. The findings indicated that the proposed model fitted the data. Better fit was obtained by omitting 3 non-significant paths and using AMOS modification indices. In addition, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and work motivation mediated the relationships between four dimensions of pay satisfaction and turnover intention.
A. Neissi; N. Arshadi; F. Shahbazi
Volume 18, Issue 2 , December 2011, , Pages 39-60
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of workplace characteristics and perceived social support on turnover intention, with mediating role of job satisfaction and emotional exhaustion. Survey respondents include 309 employees from the National Iranian Drilling Company (NIDC) in Ahvaz ...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of workplace characteristics and perceived social support on turnover intention, with mediating role of job satisfaction and emotional exhaustion. Survey respondents include 309 employees from the National Iranian Drilling Company (NIDC) in Ahvaz that were chosen by simple random sampling method. The research instruments were Perceived Job Security Scale, Trust in Senior Management Scale, Perceived Distributive Justice Scale, Information Sharing Scale, Perceived Social Support Scale, Job Satisfaction Scale, Emotional Exhaustion Scale and Turnover Intention Scale. The fitness of the proposed model was examined through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), using SPSS-16 and AMOS-16 software packages. The indirect effects were tested by using Baron and Kenny's (1986) method and bootstrap procedure in Preacher and Hayse (2008) Macro program. The findings indicated that the proposed model fitted the data. Better fit and more meaningful results were obtained by omitting 5 non significant paths and using AMOS modification indices. Results revealed that job satisfaction and emotional exhaustion mediate relationships between workplace characteristics and perceived social support with turnover intention.
M. Khodayarifard; S.M. Mirkamali; G. Afrooz; M. Paknejad; H. Hooman; A. Beh-Pajooh; H. ShokrKon; S. Hossainian; S.M. Yazdi; B. Ghobari; M. Shokoohi-Yekta; M. Rabi – Zadeh; A.N. Faghihi; F. Hossaini Hossain – Abad
Volume 17, Issue 2 , December 2010, , Pages 1-18
The aim of the persent study was to examine the psychometric properties of the job satisfaction and customers' satisfaction scales in employees of Irarian bank of Saderat. The method was descriptive-survey. Two separate questionnaires. Job satisfaction, and customer satisfaction special for Bank of Saderat ...
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The aim of the persent study was to examine the psychometric properties of the job satisfaction and customers' satisfaction scales in employees of Irarian bank of Saderat. The method was descriptive-survey. Two separate questionnaires. Job satisfaction, and customer satisfaction special for Bank of Saderat were including developed. Through a pilot study their psychometric features were calculated. The final questionnaires were administrated on two separate samples including the bank employees (N= 873) and the customers (N=350). The samples were selected randomly through stratified sampling method. The results of explanatory Factor Analysis confirmed the initial theoretical structure and extracted seven factors including providing meeting material and non material needs, communication with coworkers and customers, nature of work, with supervisor, responsibility and respect, workplace conditions, and organizational climate. The level of employees’ job satisfaction was in averagelevei. The lowest scores of job satisfaction were found in following factors: organizational climate, meeting material-nonmaterial needs, and workplace conditions. Explanatory Factor Analysis confirmed the theoretical model and extracted four factors in meeting customer satisfaction including satisfaction with staff and the bank procedures, physical conditions of the bank, obstacle, in equipment of the bank services, and obstacles made by human resource for bank services.
M. Mehrabizadeh Honarmand; N. Rezaei; E. Hashemi Sheykhshabani; M. Rezaeimanesh
Volume 17, Issue 2 , December 2010, , Pages 81-98
The purpose of this research was to examine the relationship between life stressor events, sleep qualitity and job satisfaction with chronic fatigue in personnel of an industrial company. The sample consisted of 225 personnel selected by stratified random sampling. Chalder of Fatigue Scale, Life Events ...
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The purpose of this research was to examine the relationship between life stressor events, sleep qualitity and job satisfaction with chronic fatigue in personnel of an industrial company. The sample consisted of 225 personnel selected by stratified random sampling. Chalder of Fatigue Scale, Life Events Scale, Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index and Job In General Scale were used for collecting data. The data were analyzed by using Pearson correlation and multivariate regression. The results of this research showed that there was significant relationship between life stressor events, sleep qualitity and job satisfaction with chronic fatigue. Also, results showed that sleep qualitity is the best predictor of chronic fatigue in personnel.
H. Hgharabaghi; M. Garooci
Volume 16, Issue 2 , December 2009, , Pages 113-128
Job satisfaction as cognitive, internal and evaluative reactions of persons in relation to their jobs is influenced by the amount of salary, physical conditions of work environment, type of relations governing the work environment and other factors. Nevertheless, the role of personality factors in job ...
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Job satisfaction as cognitive, internal and evaluative reactions of persons in relation to their jobs is influenced by the amount of salary, physical conditions of work environment, type of relations governing the work environment and other factors. Nevertheless, the role of personality factors in job satisfaction is a chief factor in which little research has been done in our country. Therefore, this study is aimed at investigating the relationship between the five-factor model of personality and job satisfaction. To this end, 370 employees of Tabriz Tractor manufacturing were randomly selected from a pool of twelve job units as sample for this study, using stratified random selection, and NEO-FFI; and JDI questionnaires were administered for personality and job satisfaction evaluation respectively. The results of the study showed a positive relationship between Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and job satisfaction. There was a significant negative correlation between Neuroticism and job satisfaction, but there was no significant correlation between Openness and job satisfaction. The results of multiple linear regression analysis proved that Conscientiousness (R2adj=0.09), Neuroticism (R2adj=0.02) and Openness (R2adj= 0.01) were respectively the most important predictors of job satisfaction. In this research, 12.3% of variance of job satisfactionwas, therefore, explained by personality factors.
S. Mohammadi
This study investigates the relationships between job satisfaction and the Big Five personality variables among the high school teachers in Tehran (Iran) and Puna (India) in 1385.Job satisfaction variables includedsatisfaction with work, satisfaction with pay, satisfaction with promotions, satisfaction ...
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This study investigates the relationships between job satisfaction and the Big Five personality variables among the high school teachers in Tehran (Iran) and Puna (India) in 1385.Job satisfaction variables includedsatisfaction with work, satisfaction with pay, satisfaction with promotions, satisfaction with supervisor, satisfaction with people at work, and personality variables consisted of neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness. The sample consisted of 224 teachers from Tehran and 223 teachers from Puna, teaching in the high schools, who were randomly selected. The instruments of this research consist of two questionnaires including: The Neo-Five Factors Inventory (Neo-FFI) by Costa & McCrae (1992) and Job Descriptive Index (JDI) by Smith, Kendall, & Hulin (1969). The results showed that there were significant negative correlations between neuroticism and satisfaction with nature of work, satisfaction with job in general, satisfaction with pay, satisfaction with people, satisfaction with promotions, and satisfaction with supervisor among Iranian and Indian high school teachers. Also there were significant positive correlations between extraversion and satisfaction with people, satisfaction with pay, satisfaction with promotions, satisfaction with supervisor, and satisfaction with nature of work in general among Iranian and Indian high school teachers. There were significant negative correlations between openness and satisfaction with people among Iranian and Indian high school teachers. But there were significant positive correlations between openness and satisfaction with promotions and satisfaction with work in general among Iranian and Indian high school teachers. There were significant positive correlations between agreeableness and satisfaction with pay, satisfaction with promotions, satisfaction with work in general among Iranian and Indian high school teachers. Iranian teachers, compared to Indian teachers, were higher in job satisfaction, and there were different personality factors among Iranian and Indian teachers.
H.R Oreizy
This research studied the relationship between perceived leader behavior and subordinate performance and satisfaction in fulad complex (Mobarekeh). Most of the literature on leader behavior with western samples has reported two factors of leader behavior, initiating stracture and consideration. 235 employees ...
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This research studied the relationship between perceived leader behavior and subordinate performance and satisfaction in fulad complex (Mobarekeh). Most of the literature on leader behavior with western samples has reported two factors of leader behavior, initiating stracture and consideration. 235 employees of fulad complex and their svpervisors were surveyed. They responded to Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire, the Job Descriptive Index and a Performance Questionnaire and withdrawal measures (absenteeism and propensity to leave). The results indicate that perceived leader behavior was strongly related both to group performance and subordinate satisfaction, hut factor structure was different from that found with western samples. Two factors were found and labeled Benevolent Paternalism and Domineering behavior after Ayman (1983). Results are interpreted in the context of cross-cultural differences.