Document Type : Research Article


1 department of psychology and education of children with special needs, University of Isfahan, Iran.

2 Department of Psychology and Education of Children with Special Needs, University of Isfahan Iran

3 , Department of Psychology and Education of Children with Special Needs, University of Isfahan Iran

4 Associate professor in department of psychology and education of children with special needs, University of Isfahan, Iran.


The purpose of the present study was to examine the effectiveness of self- determination skills training on satisfaction basic psychological needs (Autonomy, Competence and Relatedness) of students with externalized behavioral problems. Research method was quasi experimental with pre and post- test and control group. To achieve our goals, Thirty students who received high scores in Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) were selected and randomly assigned to experimental group ( N=15) and control group (N=15). Students in experimental group participated in 10 sessions (1 session in a week) receiving self-determination skills intervention, and the control group did not meet any training. Basic psychological needs questionnaire by participants before and after intervention was completed. Analysis of mancova was used for data analysis. The findings showed that self- determination skills training has positive effect on need for autonomy, relatedness and competence. In general research finding supported self-determination theory and indicated that self- determination skills training has positive effect on basic psychological needs satisfaction.


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