Document Type : Research Article
1 Faculty member, Faculty of Education, Science and Psychology, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran
2 PhD in Psychology from Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran
The aim of this study was to compare artists in the fields of literature, theater acting music, and visual arts (Painting, etc) with non-artists regarding personality traits on NEO-PI. The samples consisted of 320 artists and 80 non-artists. Subjects were selected by stratified sampling random method for this project. The main hypothesis was that artists and non-artists, in general, differ regarding their personality traits. The data were analyzed by using MANOVA. The (F) ratioes obtained for Pillais, Hotellings and Wilks were 7.44, 7.98 and 7.77, respectively, which indicate significant differences. Furthermore, this study involved five sub-hypotheses for neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness scales. The data were analyzed through one way analysis of variance to test these sub-hypotheses. All test, except that for neuroticism, showed significant differences among artists and non-artists subjects. Since human responses to different situations depend on inner preparation called traits the confirmation of hypotheses were explained. Findings were discussed according to Cattell’s view
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