Document Type : Research Article


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Business Management & IT Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


Humans can find personal significance through work, and so work can be considered as the foundation and center of human life. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to investigate how the proactive personality and personal and organizational spirituality of nurses can improve the perception of meaningful work and job engagement. The method of this research was descriptive-correlational type. The statistical population of the study consisted of all nurses working in Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences in 2019, which 270 of them were selected by cluster random sampling. Questionnaires of individual and organizational spirituality, proactive personality, meaning of work and job engagement were used to collect data. After confirming reliability and validity of research tool, data were analyzed using Lisrel 8.8 software and by structural equation modeling approach. Findings indicate that although individual spirituality does not enhance nurses' experiences of meaningful work, this construct, together with variables of organizational spirituality and proactive personality, can be considered as antecedents of job engagement. Finally, the evidence confirms the relative mediating role of meaning of work in the relationship between these three constructs with job engagement in the study population.


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